Nadezhda Aksayskaya grapes are an early ripe universal variety. It was bred in one of the districts of the Rostov region, the name of which gave the "name" to the grape variety. It was brought out by the amateur gardener V. Kapelyushny. For 10 years, he conducted his observations in his own vineyards.

One of the most important characteristics of the variety is frost resistance. Nadezhda Aksai grapes can withstand temperatures down to -24 degrees. Also, the Nadezhda Aksayskaya variety takes root well and bears fruit in such difficult climatic regions as the Urals and Siberia.

This grape has a high yield. So, from one bush, you can collect up to 35 kilograms of grapes. The Nadezhda Aksaya variety can be classified as early maturing.

Important! The flowering period corresponds to the early maturity of the variety, but it passes later than, for example, in Arcadia.

Description of grapes Nadezhda Aksayskaya

Grapes Nadezhda Aksayskaya

The parameters of the Nadezhda Aksaya variety are as follows:

  • oval berries, green-yellow;
  • the pulp is juicy, its color is greenish;
  • the skin of the berries is dense;
  • sugar content in fruits 16-18%;
  • the clusters are cone-shaped;
  • the weight of the bunch ranges from 1.5 to 2 kilograms;
  • medium-sized plant;
  • shoots of a brownish tint;
  • the flowers in this grape variety are hermaphrodites;
  • the leaf has a rounded shape.

How to grow properly

Speaking about the agricultural technology of growing this variety of grapes, it is worth noting the following features:

  • The landing site must be very well lit, at the same time it must be protected from the wind.
  • The soil in which the shoots will be planted should not be highly acidic. It is best to use lime to reduce acidity. Good sandy soils, clay-sandy, black soil.
  • For planting in the ground, petioles with a thickness of 8-10 millimeters are used.
  • You can plant them on a hill, or in a pit.

    Planting grapes

  • In the first case, the land warms up better, this entails a greater yield.
  • In the second case, the plant is better protected from the effects of low temperatures.
  • An interval of 1.8-2 meters should be maintained between adjacent seedlings.
  • With the onset of late autumn, the grapes are covered, thereby preventing the vines from freezing.
  • When fertilizing vines, it is worth remembering that 1-5 liters of fertilizer is enough for a young plant, and 5-10 liters for a mature plant.
  • To increase the winter hardiness of a plant, it is necessary to catarovate the roots that are on the surface.

How to water

The irrigation system should be organized as follows: the frequency of watering is up to 2 times a week, 2 buckets of water for an adult plant.

Important! Watering is undesirable during the flowering period of grapes. Watering can cause the buds to crumble. Also restrict watering before harvest. This is done to prevent the berries from cracking.

In order for the vine to bear fruit well, it is cut into 2-8 eyes. It is better to form shoots in July and on the sides of the plant.

Viticulture is a very difficult but interesting activity. In particular, the variety Nadezhda Aksayskaya can be grown even by a person who is not experienced in this matter.

Watering the grapes

Disadvantages and advantages of the variety

The disadvantages of Nadezhda Aksayskaya grapes include susceptibility to various diseases and pests, for example, powdery mildew, gray rot, phylloxera, fungal infections, attacks of birds and wasps.

The advantages can be considered:

  • long transportation;
  • long stay of berries on the bush without compromising the taste and eating.

Thus, every gardener, even an amateur, will be able to grow grapes Nadezhda Aksayskaya. The main thing is to choose the right planting site, fertilize the plant and water according to the specified system.