Cucumber began to be cultivated about 4 thousand years before our era in China and India. Today the culture is widespread in almost all countries and has many varieties.

The fruits are elongated, light green, green or emerald green. The surface of the cucumbers is covered with small pimples, although smooth-skinned varieties are found. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, white, filled with a lot of seeds. The more mature the cucumber, the larger the seeds in it, but overripe fruits, as a rule, are not eaten. They are often used as fodder crops for livestock.

Variety history

Cucumber Zhuravlenok was created at the experimental station back in the 90s. It was created on the basis of the disease-resistant Phoenix variety.

Cucumber Crane

Cucumber Crane

Note: hybrid varieties are obtained by crossing two varieties with complementary characteristics

The bushes of the hybrids are frost-resistant and viable, they give a good harvest regardless of weather conditions. But it is impossible to collect seeds from a vegetable in order to get the same harvest next year. The seeds of the hybrids are not at all similar to their parents, they are likely to be sterile. And the seeds of the cucumber Cranes can be stored no more than a year in a dry room. Expired seeds may not sprout or germinate, but will soon wither, never reaching flowering.

Features of the variety

Variety Zhuravlenok refers to medium early. The period between the emergence of the culture and the receipt of the first ripe fruits is 45 days. The culture weaves well, releases several shoots that reach a height of 2 meters (they will require support and a garter).

Important! Cucumbers Cranes need pollination by bees. The ovaries form the buds.

The variety fights well against powdery and tobacco mosaic virus. Planting crops can be carried out in unprotected soil.

Characteristics of the variety Zhuravlenok

The fruits are oval-cylindrical, bright green with light, slightly blurred stripes. The surface of the vegetable is matte, slightly pimply, with small black dots. The distinctive features of the variety include:

  • fragility and density of the pulp;
  • excellent taste;
  • lack of bitterness.
Cucumber Crane seeds

Cucumber Crane seeds

The average fruit length is 10 cm, weight - 110 g. The yield of the variety is very high, only from 1 sq. M. m. you can collect about 10 kg of cucumbers. Due to the good taste characteristics and universal sizes, the fruits of this variety are in great demand. Cucumbers Cranes are pickled and salted in all sorts of ways, and fresh fruits are also consumed.

Cultivation of culture

The implementation of simple agrotechnical techniques will be the key to getting a good harvest. To grow cucumbers of the Zhuravlenok variety is as follows:

  • It is possible to plant in unprotected soil in early June, when stable warm weather sets in, and frosts will be far behind. The first harvest is carried out in early July.
  • Prepare covering arches and a film in order to hide young plants from low night temperatures.
  • Before sowing a culture, it is worth preparing the soil, digging it up and composting it. Having made the holes, you need to water them well, and then place the seeds in them to a depth of 3-4 cm.

Proper care of the plant consists in timely watering, as well as loosening, feeding and removing weeds. Indeed, most of all, the culture loves light soils, which, as a rule, are very poor in composition, so that they should be fertilized regularly.

Cucumber Crane watering

Cucumber Crane watering

For the whole season, it is necessary to make about six dressings, the introduction of organic fertilizers must be alternated with mineral dressings.

Important! Organic matter should be used only in a diluted form, one part of droppings (slurry) for ten parts of water.

When diluting any mineral dressings, it is worth taking a ten-liter bucket, and already count on it: urea 15 g, potassium sulfate 15 g, superphosphate 50 g.

To fertilize the cucumber hybrid, you can also use ready-made complex fertilizers. Their composition is no less rich, and the baiting process itself is much easier. Some of them do not even need to be bred, but only put the top dressing under the culture bush and water it well. A full description and instructions for the use of baits are on the fertilizer packaging.

Watering and harvesting should be done regularly (early morning or evening). Overripe cucumber fruits have an unpleasant taste and a minimum amount of useful trace elements in the composition.

Pros and cons of the variety

Cucumber hybrid Crane is versatile, it is great for both canning and preparing summer salads. Its characteristics include the following positive aspects:

  • excellent taste;
  • resistance to cucumber ailments;
  • high productivity;
  • the bushes are unpretentious to care for;
  • the culture is resistant to temperature extremes;
  • excellent presentation of fruits;
  • affordable price of planting seeds;
  • unpretentiousness to soil and climate.

This variety of cucumbers practically does not need preventive measures. The fertilization procedure can be carried out only once, immediately before sowing the seeds. The crane is perfect for both mass planting and a small plot of land.

Experienced gardeners are increasingly choosing cucumbers of this variety. A rich and high-quality crop is worth the time and effort spent on sowing and caring for the crop. The only drawback of F1 cucumbers is considered to be a large number of shoots, which require good support and a lot of garters.