The Porthos cucumber is a hybrid, which means that its seeds are not used for subsequent cultivation, as they lose their properties. The flowers of cucumbers are mainly of the female type, therefore the plant is planted only in open ground in order for insect pollination to occur.

Characteristics and description of the Porthos variety


  • transportability;
  • pleasant taste, no bitterness;
  • universality of use;
  • storage duration;
  • resistance to various diseases.

The disadvantages of this variety are:

  • exactingness to the soil;
  • the possibility of growing only in the open field;
  • the need to tie up the plant.

    Cucumber Porthos seeds

    Cucumber Porthos seeds

Growing features

Porthos cucumbers grow on highly fertile, drained land with low nitrogen content. Can be planted on acidic soils, but lime must be added first. The acidity of the earth can be checked in several ways:

  • on the weeds. If wheatgrass, clover, mother and stepmother grow on the site, this is the ideal soil for growing cucumbers. Horsetail, plantain, horse sorrel, mint indicate the need to reduce the acidity of the soil.
  • using litmus paper. At a depth of 30 cm, you need to take some soil, moisten it with distilled or rain water. Next, hold the earth together with litmus paper in your hand. The test strip should be green.
  • laboratory method. You can take a soil sample for analysis in a special laboratory, the optimal acidity level should be 7.

Sowing seeds should be started in mid-May, when the threat of frost has passed and the air temperature will be at least 18 ° C.

Advice! The optimal seed planting pattern is 70 × 30 cm.

This type of cucumber can also be grown in seedlings. At the beginning of April, seeds are planted in containers to a depth of no more than 1 cm, they need to be watered regularly and kept in a warm place. After 15-20 days, it can be planted in the ground.

They also practice growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, but then it is necessary to open windows during flowering during the day so that insects can pollinate the plant.

Cucumber Porthos

Cucumber Porthos

Cucumber of this variety has a long stem, therefore, to improve fruiting, as well as for the convenience of harvesting, it must be tied to a support. Culture care consists in:

  • regular watering;
  • fertilizer;
  • weeding.

Water the plant 2 times a week in the evening, using 5-10 liters of warm, settled water per square meter, depending on weather conditions.

Note! If you add a couple of pinches of wood ash to the water (per 10 liters), this will strengthen the plant's immunity, and will also serve as a fertilizer.

Weeds are removed as needed and the soil is loosened for oxygen.

Top dressing should be done in 3-4 stages. The first time - 15 days after planting in the soil, then - every 2-3 weeks. In this case, fertilizer with nitrogen content is applied only for the first time.

The first fruits are harvested 42-47 days after the seed germination. Cucumbers 7-9 cm long, medium tuberosity with white thorns. From one square. m are collected up to 12 kg. cucumbers. The fruits in the middle do not have voids, retain their juicy green color for a long time, do not turn yellow.

The variety is resistant to diseases of vegetable crops, so there is no need to spray the plants with chemicals, unless an epidemic has occurred on the site.