For more than a dozen years, Far East 27 cucumber has been in demand among gardeners. And all because this variety has an average ripening period. The Far Eastern cucumber was developed as a result of multiple individual selections and combinations of local populations of this vegetable. The breeders of the Far Eastern Research Institute in the Khabarovsk Territory obtained the desired variety by trial and error.

A cucumber is grown in open soil, requires a film cover. It was decided to enter it into the state register of the Russian Federation in the second half of the fifties in all regions of the Far East (Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Amur, Magadan, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai). The author of the cucumber variety is Elena Alekseevna Gamayunova.

Characteristics and description of the Far East cucumber variety 27

In comparison with other species, the culture does not differ in an abundance of leaves, but, nevertheless, its branches are strong and quite durable. Small foliage, often green or dark green. The variety is characterized by mixed flowering, and the fruits have an elliptical elongated shape with medium-sized tubercles. The average length of a ripe cucumber is 11-12 cm, and the weight reaches 100-200 g. The fruits are covered with a thick skin with long longitudinal light stripes along the entire length of the vegetable.

Far East cucumber

Note! The appearance of barren flowers or wilted ovaries in these cucumbers is completely excluded for the Far East.

The harvest is universal, it can be used both for preparing fresh salads in the summer, and for preparing preserves for the winter. After picking vegetables from the bushes, cucumbers do not lose their original appearance and taste over the next few days. Among the distinctive features Far Eastern cucumber stands out as follows:

  • stable yield;
  • resistance to fungal diseases;
  • resistance to negative external influences in the form of a hot climate, insufficient humidity and nighttime hypothermia;
  • long-term fruiting;
  • affordable price of seeds;
  • nice crunch.

On a note. Due to the fact that the culture has a good root system, vegetables can easily tolerate the transplanting process, as well as sudden temperature changes.

Besides the advantages, cucumbers also have disadvantages:

  • fast yellowing of the fruits, in order to avoid this, they need to be collected almost every day;
  • overgrowth;
  • barren flowers make up the majority of the total number of buds set;
  • yield depends on how active the insects - bees - are;
  • hollow fruits are common.

The variety is reliable and can bear fruit in almost any conditions. If grown with good care, it will bear fruit throughout the summer, right up to the first fall frost.


A maximum of 3 kg of cucumbers can be harvested from one square meter of land. Harvesting must begin in the second half of July and continue until the onset of cold weather. The time interval between the germination of the first shoots and the appearance of fruits takes about 40-45 calendar days, but for a successful vegetation it is imperative that bees and other insects pollinate the buds that have set.

Growing features

To grow a Far Eastern cucumber, you will need to comply with some mandatory rules that contribute to achieving maximum results:

  • plant seedlings in early April;
  • for planting seeds, make planting pits no more than 2 centimeters deep. The emergence of seedlings can be observed as early as 4-5 days after sowing seeds in open ground;
  • start planting only after the sun warms the earth to at least 15 degrees, the beginning of May is ideal for this procedure;
  • it is advisable to plant seedlings after it reaches a size of 15-20 centimeters;
  • choose exceptionally loose soil for the vegetable;
  • the seat should be well lit by the sun's rays, drafts are prohibited;
  • when planting, it is recommended to follow the scheme - no more than 4 plants per square meter of land;
  • pinch the main shoot only after the appearance of the fourth leaf.

Growing features

Shoots from the second row need to provide as much free space as possible. If the culture was grown in a greenhouse or in containers on a windowsill, you need to use the seedless method.

Important! Compliance with a distance of 1 m between the beds at a distance is mandatory, and between the holes it should be 20 centimeters.

There are no difficulties in caring for the plant. In the evening, you need to water the cucumbers with warm water, feed them with mineral fertilizer once every 14 days, weed and loosen the soil. Vegetables love moisture, so water abundantly. It is not necessary to use pesticides when growing a Far Eastern variety; for preventive purposes, you can take a 1% carbamide solution and spray the plants with it. Improves nitrogen metabolism and accelerates the regeneration of the culture of urea, and if copper and manganese are added to the solution, this will cause the rapid setting of buds and fruits in the future.


Different regions are suitable for growing this type of cucumber. Ural, Moscow region, Siberia - it can be seen in the beds of many gardeners and truck farmers. As a place for planting, not only open ground can be suitable, but also a greenhouse and a greenhouse. It is only necessary to provide access to the plants of the bees, which will pollinate the seedlings.

On a note. On open ground, you need to choose a flat piece of land, preferably with a slope to the south. It is advisable to make beds where nightshade crops and onions were previously cultivated.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

This variety, like others, has both disadvantages and advantages. It is able to withstand many dangerous diseases, among which the defeat of plants by downy mildew stands out. The vegetable has good drought resistance, which allows you to choose even small hills as places for cultivation.

The affordable price of seeds, excellent taste, resistance to weather conditions contribute to the fact that many gardeners choose the Far Eastern cucumber. Among its tangible disadvantages are the presence of hollow fruits, a large number of barren flowers and rapid overgrowth.

You can enjoy cucumbers by eating them fresh or by preparing delicious preserves for the winter.

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