Meadow honey is of the highest quality. To obtain it, bees collect the nectar of various field herbs. This leads to the difference in its smell, taste and other characteristics. In any case, it will be very useful for the body.


Produced in any region with a meadow. A much larger crop can be obtained from a long-term pasture. Bees collect it in the summer - from early June to August.


About 80% of it is carbohydrates, a small amount of proteins. Herbal honey is the richest in vitamins and microelements. From trace elements - potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium and iodine. Honey contains vitamins A, B, C, K, E.

Important!Its benefit is that it is rich in useful enzymes and other biologically active substances.


Its color ranges from light golden to brown. It depends on the plants from which the bees collected nectar. The description of cornflower honey can also vary: the shade is from light to almost greenish.

Usually the lighter varieties of this bee product have a more distinct sweet taste. Some varieties have slight fruity notes. The dark varieties contain more iodine and iron. Therefore, their taste is a little tart. Some tasters note the presence of a pleasant nutty flavor.

Meadow honey

Cornflower honey crystallizes, after which it has a delicate beige color. Despite crystallization, it retains its beneficial properties.

Climate and properties of honey

Honey from meadow grasses differs in that it is pumped much later than other varieties. From this it becomes delicious and very high quality.

Some beekeepers advise buyers to choose products from harsher climates. The colder and longer the winter and the longer the frosty period, the more responsibly the bees will harvest nectar. After all, for them it is a food that allows them to survive the winter and again do pollination of flowers and collect nectar in spring.

Interesting! The composition of northern honey is more complex than southern honey. Bees try to saturate the nectar with enzymes so that it has a large number of beneficial properties. In a short summer, the bee must have time to collect as much nectar as possible, even if for this it will have to collect it from all possible flowers.

Northern honey also has a more intense aroma. It is explained by the fact that meadow grasses emit a very strong aroma during a short flowering period. It is needed so that the bees feel it.

"Southern" honey also has beneficial properties. However, the concentration of enzymes and biologically active components in it is somewhat lower. But in the southern regions, bees can collect nectar from a large number of herbs.

Differences of meadow honey

Among all varieties of honey, it is meadow honey that is considered the most useful. This is due to the fact that bees collect it from a variety of herbs, each of which has its own special properties. All components of medicinal herbs are active only in combination, strengthening and complementing each other.

Meadow honey has many beneficial properties

It is because of the large number of plants from which nectar is collected that honey turns out to be of different colors. This is its distinctive feature, because it can be light, like acacia, or dark, like buckwheat.

On a note! Meadow herb honey is easy to recognize by its very pleasant smell.Some tasters define it as the most enjoyable of all.

The consistency of the product in question is also significantly different from other types of delicacies. Even in a freshly pumped product, it is very thick. It is by this property that you need to navigate when choosing a high-quality sweet medicine.

Useful properties, contraindications

Meadow honey has the following beneficial properties:

  • excellently strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses the body, removes toxins and toxins from it;
  • activates regenerative processes, due to which the cells of the body rejuvenate;
  • saturates with glucose and fructose;
  • accelerates the renewal of cells and tissues;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • cleans blood vessels;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • has an excellent positive effect in the treatment of various catarrhal pathologies.

Note! It is cornflower honey from herbs that is used in folk medicine for the treatment of colds. Some therapists claim it is an excellent cancer prevention tool.

The main contraindications for the use of this medication:

  • intolerance to beekeeping products;
  • allergies;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcer;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • urolithiasis in the acute stage;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis and other pathologies of the pancreas;
  • excessive intake of vitamins from food;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

Honey as medicine

How to distinguish from a fake

Meadow honey can be distinguished from a fake using the following methods:

  1. Real honey will never have a watery consistency. It will never drip off the spoon.
  2. If you drop it on paper, it will be dry.
  3. If a slice of bread is dipped in a sweetness for 10 minutes, then in a natural product it will harden, and in a fake one it will become soft.
  4. Impurities are detected using iodine tincture. To do this, a small amount of delicacy is diluted with water, to which iodine tincture is mixed. If the solution turns blue, it means there is flour in it.
  5. If you add a little vinegar to the same solution, and it hisses, then there is chalk in it.
  6. If you dilute a little aromatic delicacy in water and immerse a lapis pencil in it, then a white precipitate does not appear in the natural product. If it appeared, then sugar was added to it.
  7. It is necessary to smear the product on a piece of paper and draw on it with a chemical pencil. If colored streaks appear, it means there is water in it.
  8. If honey contains starch syrup, then when you add a little ammonia to the honey-water mixture, it will be brown.
  9. Finally, a real treat is always very aromatic.

Product storage conditions

Honey from meadow cornflower and other flowers should never be stored in metal dishes. The acids in this delicacy react with metal and form harmful substances.

The optimum storage temperature for the product is from -6 to 20 degrees. It is best not to store it at room temperature, as some of the nutrients are destroyed.

It is forbidden to store honey:

  • in the world;
  • near heat sources;
  • near strong-smelling substances.

The medicine jar should be in a dark, cool place.

Note!Meadow honey is one of the best delicacies. It has unique medicinal properties, it can be used as a prophylaxis for colds. You should pay attention to the presence of medical contraindications when using it.