Herbal treatment has been practiced for a very long time. Herbal medicine in tandem with medication gives tangible results. First of all, this is due to the fact that plants contain pure, highly active components.

Lovage - what is this plant?

Lovage has other names: winter celery, piper, dawn, love. All of them are of national origin. Lovage is a grass, 1.5-2 m high, from the Umbrella family. The root system is very strong and fleshy. The stems are thick but empty inside. Lovage is a perennial flower.

Inflorescences in the form of an umbrella with small flowers. Flowering depends on weather conditions, begins in June-July and is accompanied by a thick spicy aroma. In general, lovage looks like overgrown parsley. Afghanistan and Iran are considered homeland. But in countries with more severe climates, lovage took root very quickly, as it has a high level of adaptation. Gardeners highly value lovage for its decorative appearance, medicinal properties and ability to enrich dishes with a special taste and aroma. On the backyard, lovage is grown most often because of its fragrant greens, which can be used for food both fresh and dried.



Description of the varieties of lovage included in the State Register

NameTime before the first cut, daysSpecifications
Leader25 – 30Height up to 2 m;
Productivity - 2 kg;
Frost resistant
Dude25 – 30Height - 1 m;
Productivity - 2-2.5 kg;
Highly flavored
Don Juan15 – 20Height - 2 m;
Productivity - 6 kg;
Early ripe
Amur22 – 25Height - 0.6 m;
Productivity - 2.5 kg;
Low frost resistance
Preobrazhensky Semko30 – 35Height - up to 2 m;
Productivity - 10 kg;
Low maintenance, frost-resistant
Hercules20 – 22Height - 1 m;
Productivity - 5 kg;
Frost resistant

Culture properties


Lovage essential oil contains a large amount of terpene hydrocarbons, which makes it possible to effectively treat diseases of the genitourinary system.

Lovage essential oil

Lovage root is the basis for a large number of decoctions and tinctures with a wide spectrum of action:

  • Removal of edema;
  • Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Relaxing and toning effect;
  • Reduction of allergic reactions without signs of drowsiness;
  • Respiratory tract treatment;
  • Antifungal action;
  • Improving the quality of the skin - removing excessive dryness, whitening effect, getting rid of dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • Hair and scalp treatment;
  • Treatment of the reproductive system in women and relieving pain during critical days;
  • Treatment and stimulation of reproductive function in men,
  • Removal of attacks of rheumatism and gout with radicular decoction.

On a note! Scientific research and long-term practice of use have proved that lovage is useful, which won the trust of many doctors. The medicinal properties of lovage are widely used in medicine to get rid of alcoholism, treat mental illness and night blindness, and improve the immune system.

Among all the uses of the herb lovage is the ancient recipe for mouthwash for throat cancer. To do this, you need to make a decoction of the leaves and seeds and dilute with 1 tsp. means for 250 ml of pure water. One meal requires 1 tbsp. solution. The frequency of admission is 3 times a day.

Leaf decoction

Despite the fact that the use of the root and other parts of lovage does not require a special purpose, it is worth using infusions and medications with caution, since this plant has many contraindications:

  • Allergic reactions and intolerance to the components, since the plant has very active components in its composition;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Increased blood pressure and heavy menstruation. This is due to the fact that lovage significantly accelerates blood flow;
  • The use is allowed upon reaching the age of 12;
  • An active effect on the skin increases the sensitivity to UV radiation, therefore, burns and photoaging are possible;
  • Acute phases of kidney disease.

Important! To avoid problems, you need to strictly adhere to the dosages that are set by the doctor individually for each person.


Lovage can be used as a seasoning for meat, sauces and soups. Adding the root at the time of cooking enhances the flavor and aroma of the food. Chopped fresh herbs, when added to a vegetable salad, increase the absorption of food in the body and improve the taste of the dish.

Lovage is also used in cooking

It is important to know! Excessive consumption negatively affects the general condition and can cause indigestion. The dried leaves or root are used to flavor alcohol. It is forbidden to use roots dug before flowering, as they contain a lot of toxic substances.

About pests

Growing lovage doesn't cause much of a hassle. It can grow equally well in the northern regions and in the south. This plant also does not make high demands on soils. With properly organized watering, you can guarantee a healthy, strong plant.

Diseases and pests can cause problems:

  1. White spot. It can also be called septoria. It appears as black dots surrounded by a yellow spot. The fungus grows gradually, as a result, the leaves dry out and fall off, a massive defeat leads to the death of the entire bush. High humidity provokes the development of this disease, therefore, a preventive measure is to regulate irrigation in order to exclude soil flooding. The use of chemicals is strictly prohibited, since all parts of the plant are used for food. Only spraying with a weak iodine solution is allowed. Most often, with this disease, the plant must be completely destroyed. If the plant is still small, then it can be saved. The bush must be dug up and the roots must be thoroughly rinsed, and the soil must be disinfected. Better yet, plant the plant in a different location where the soil is drier;
  2. Carrot fly. The larvae of this insect gnaw out the root system. The roots turn purple and the leaves turn yellow and dry. To combat this pest, you can prepare a solution of ground pepper with water (1 tbsp. L per 10 l) and spray the garden abundantly (10 l per 10 m 2);
  3. Aphids and snails devour seeds and leaves. The plant begins to dry out and becomes covered with a sticky bloom. Soap solution is an effective remedy against these pests. You can also deal with them with the help of ash, which needs to be spread out in a thick layer throughout the garden. Pour fertilizer granules containing phosphorus on top.

Lovage is such a valuable plant that it is undoubtedly worth paying attention to. It does not require a lot of time to leave, so even a beginner can handle the cultivation. It is an excellent food product and a remedy for many ailments.
