Hornet bites are much more dangerous than wasps or bees. Through contact with the skin, they inject certain doses of poison into the body. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to an insect can be fatal. The victim should immediately consult a doctor for advice and treatment, even if at first glance there are no reactions at the site of the bite.

What a hornet hive looks like

Hornets, being representatives of the wasp family, also build large nests for themselves using rotten stumps and branches. Sensing danger, the close-knit collective of the hive synchronously attacks the one who may pose a threat to their home. That is why there is a huge risk to the health of those who approach the extermination of nests without proper protection, neglecting safety measures.

Hornet hive

Note! Since hornet larvae are carnivorous and very voracious, workers kill honey bees. Adult mature insects are content with plant foods.

Hornet houses are honeycomb floors that are connected by something like small supports, like in a high-rise building. Outside, the hive is surrounded by a dense cocoon with vents. Between the honeycomb and the paper outer layer of the nest, there are special pockets where flying bugs gather during daylight hours. When such a dwelling appears on the site, many gardeners have a question: how to destroy a hornet hive.

If a hornet hive appears on the site: how to remove

There are many options for preventing the spread of these bee-killers and their extermination. The most practical and safest methods are:

  • After sunset, the hornet nesting site is sprayed from a fire extinguisher, which contributes to the freezing of the brood at night. In the morning, the empty housing is removed and burned, after making sure that there is no danger of being stung.
  • Sometimes a dense garbage bag and powerful dichlorvos are used to fight (if there is an assistant or two). The package is straightened under the nest, the hive is carefully cut with a knife or scissors so that it falls into the package. As soon as he touches the ground, a large amount of insecticide is directed at him and tied. A few hours later, the contents of the bag are burned at the stake.
  • The easiest way is to destroy a hornet's nest, which insects have just begun to cost. He is knocked off the mount and put on fire.

How to get rid of hornets

Important! When building houses for themselves, hornets extract materials from the things surrounding them: beams, logs, log cabins, insulation, etc. This is possible thanks to the highly developed mouth apparatus of insects, which they use to destroy and dismember other beetles.

Other options on how to destroy a hornet nest

If the above options did not help, you can use other proven methods:

In the attic, under the roof, in the country

To get rid of Hymenoptera pests in an enclosed space, you need to arm yourself with protective equipment.

Important! Insect extermination in summer is less effective than in autumn and winter.

Polyurethane foam will be a good helper in cleaning living space from pests. All holes in the discovered nest are carefully filled, blocking the flow of oxygen and sealing the flying beetles inside. The resulting sealed object is then discarded or incinerated.

A less safe method is to immerse the nest in boiling water or a mixture of water and kerosene. For this, a bucket of liquid is lifted up and "put" on the hive. It is important to ensure that the entire area is in water. After immersion, the container with water is fixed in this position (suspended from the ceiling, if possible, or propped up with a ladder or any other object for good fixation). After 24 hours, the hornet house is disconnected from the ceiling or walls and taken out of the room directly in a bucket.

Application of insecticides

Some people use insecticides indoors to exterminate the brood. The method is used only if the tenants are absent for several days. Two or three cans of poison are treated with the hornets' dwelling (after putting on a protective suit and a face mask). Through the lower passage, the poison is injected into the nest, after which everything is left in a closed room for 1-2 days. If necessary, repeat the procedure to completely ruin the hive.

In a residential building

Polyurethane foam and boiling water are perfect for solving the question: how to remove hornet nests in living quarters, but they refrain from insecticides for the health of others. Other chemical poisons, as well as flammable substances, will not work. Those who are not able to cope with the misfortune on their own use the services of professional exterminators who know exactly how to destroy hornet hives.

Ways to deal with hornets

Experienced employees carry out work in several stages:

  • remove the nest;
  • exterminate insects;
  • carry out the treatment and prevention of premises.

For more information on how to destroy hornet hives with your own hands, refer to step-by-step video instructions on the Internet.


It is most difficult to deal with the misfortune in open space, since there is a great chance that the hornets will return to the site again. To be sure, you need:

  • the honeycomb located on the branches of a tree should be sprayed with combustible mixtures and set on fire;
  • nests found in the ground, pour boiling water in large quantities;
  • over a cluster of insects, you can make a fire or smoke them with blowtorches;
  • winged beetles that have settled in trees or stumps can be poisoned with chemicals and bricked up inside with cement.

A fire can be made over a cluster of insects or you can smoke them with blowtorches.

Methods of dealing with individual hornets

Most often in the spring, when insects reproduce most actively, summer residents encounter individual individuals that are not so easy to kill. In turn, they can harm health, destroy honey bees and start building a nest, attracting winged fellows.

Note! It is most productive to carry out work on the expulsion of Hymenoptera in the dark. Despite the fact that they hardly sleep, in the evening and at night their reaction slows down. This allows you to get closer to the enemy more discreetly.

The "war" begins with the preparation of uniforms, which should consist of:

  • a jumpsuit or a suit made of strong, dense fabric that covers the whole body;
  • durable gloves without holes (the ends of the gloves are pushed into the sleeves or tied with a rope to eliminate holes into which insects can climb);
  • a protective mask on the face and head (also making sure of the tight fit).

Hornet traps

The most inexpensive and safest method to exterminate hornets and remove all traces of their stay in the house is to create a trap with your own hands. For its preparation are used: honey, beer and dark plastic bottles. If the beetles bother you often, they make several such traps and hang them all over the territory. Most often they are placed under a canopy to exclude the possibility of rainwater getting into them, as this makes the bait less effective.

Important! It is forbidden to use this method if there is an apiary next to the site. Honey bees are also attracted to this smell and can be killed by a fairly large number of workers.

The bottle is cut parallel to the bottom, halving or 1/3.Add beer and honey to the lower part, stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass, and put the upper part with the neck down and secure. The hornet cannot get out of such a trap.

It is worth starting to fight hornets only in the most extreme case - if they threaten health or appear in large flocks. They help summer residents and gardeners to fight pests, and in some countries they are even listed in the Red Book. Sometimes the best option may be routine maintenance work in possible insect spots.