Growing broilers is nowadays considered quite profitable. At a low cost, you can get not only tasty dietary broiler meat, but also eggs, down and feathers. The addition of calcium borgluconate to broilers will help grow healthy poultry.

Calcium for chickens: description

Boron Ca gluconate for broilers is a preparation that can also be used for other domestic animals. You can buy it in a glass container. It has the appearance of a yellowish liquid. The product contains components such as calcium gluconate, boric acid, sodium tetraboric acid and water. The drug belongs to drugs that do not lead to allergies in birds.

For storing medicine, it is better to choose a dark place where the air temperature ranges from 6 to 25 degrees. Do not keep it near food and away from children.

Important! Calcium is of great importance for the body of birds, especially in the first months after hatching. If not enough, the birds become sickly.

Calcium gluconate for broiler chicks is used when the chicks start to walk on their own. During this period, in addition to proper housing conditions and a balanced diet, chicks need additional vitamins. The use of this medicine will help to reduce the risk of death of young animals several times.

Calcium borgluconate for broilers

The appointment of calcium for broiler chickens will help to avoid the development of such diseases:

  • rickets;
  • avitaminosis;
  • serum sickness;
  • spasmophilia;
  • osteomalacia.

Note! Often calcium borgluconate is used by breeders when chickens stop laying in winter.

This inexpensive tool has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitoxic;
  • antiseptic;
  • desensitizing.

It is also worth noting that as a result of taking the medicine, the blood flow in broilers returns to normal, metabolic processes in the body are activated, the functioning of the muscular system improves, and the function of the gastric epithelium is normalized. You can also get good results when taking calcium for laying hens with liver diseases or severe food poisoning. The medicine is quickly absorbed throughout the body and begins to actively act.

Calcium borgluconate

Important!Signs that indicate the poor condition of the bird can be considered the loss of eyeballs, death on the legs, ruffled feathers. If they are found, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.

How to give calcium to broilers

Before you start using the drug, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause of the development of the disease. For example, when a bird ate discharge from the eyes in the form of cottage cheese, this indicates that it does not have enough vitamin A.

You need to use the medicine in accordance with the instructions. In these cases, it is recommended to add the drug to the drink. Calcium borgluconate for broilers is added to the water at the rate of 3 ml of the drug per 1 liter of liquid.

Important! You need to water chickens until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. To prevent broilers from dying immediately after birth, they should be given calcium borgluconate dissolved in water on the very first day. This will help to completely dissolve the remains of the yolk that remained in the stomach of the chicks.

The medicine is recommended to be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of the development of vitamin deficiency. It can also be injected under the skin. The injection should be done very slowly, otherwise the broiler's heart rate may be disturbed. Dosage of calcium chloride for broilers: 0.5 ml of the drug should be used per 1 kg of poultry live weight.

Previously, the agent must be warmed by holding it in your hand for a while. You need to inject into the subcutaneous folds or intravenously. No alcohol is used. If an injection of calcium borgluconate is performed intramuscularly, the possibility of tissue necrosis is not excluded.

Note! If a decision has been made to use this drug, it should be given to the entire herd and not to individuals. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that a single dose will not give positive results. The course of taking calcium borgluconate must be completed completely. Only in this way can the desired effect be achieved.

Chicken injections

In parallel with the use of this drug, you can also give birds vitamins, mineral supplements and vitamin complexes. This will only enhance the effect of the drug. Creation of the correct conditions for keeping birds is also important. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult to achieve a positive result when taking the medicine.


The medicine should not be given to birds diagnosed with hypercalcemia. If the dosage is violated, the pet may develop a malfunction of the heart system. The manifestation of such side effects is possible:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • weakness.

In such cases, you must stop taking the drug. These side effects usually go away on their own.

Important! It is not recommended to use calcium borgluconate in conjunction with carbonates or salicylates, otherwise there is a risk of calcium salts formation in the body of birds, which are difficult to dissolve or do not dissolve at all.

After contact with the product, you must strictly adhere to personal hygiene. Hands should be protected with sterile gloves. If the medication accidentally gets on your skin, rinse it thoroughly under running water. After undergoing a course of treatment or prophylaxis with calcium borgluconate, poultry meat and eggs can be used as food.

It is recommended to administer calcium borgluconate to broilers from birth. Adult birds can also take the medicine. Prophylactic use will help grow healthy and strong broilers.