Juniper Old Gold is a small compact coniferous shrub. Due to its decorative appearance and ease of growing, it is often used to create a designer landscape in gardens and parks. The plant itself is not very demanding to care for. With the help of it, it is possible to create the most complex and unique projects for decorating garden plots, park areas. The article contains all the information about the Old Gold juniper: characteristics and description of the variety, how to properly plant and care for the plant.

Description of the variety

The growth of an adult shrub is about 60 cm. The juniper can reach a size twice as wide as in height, and grows up to a meter in diameter. The plant grows rapidly, develops, each year adding 6 cm in height. The width of the shrub also increases, up to 15 cm annually.

A characteristic feature of this type of shrub is its golden color. The crown of the plant is quite dense and dense, making the juniper perfect for creating decorative "hedges". Juniper Old Gold is simple, unassuming to care for. Even a novice designer or gardener can grow it.

The correct choice of planting material

When choosing juniper seedlings for planting, the condition of the plant itself should be taken into account. It must be healthy: no mold or mildew on the bark. It is necessary to pay special attention to the condition of the branches, needles. They should not fall off, be too dry. The root system of the bush is undamaged.

Juniper Chinese Old Gold

Council. When purchasing material for planting, it is better to choose seedlings with an earthen clod. This will promote faster survival, rooting and growth of the Old Gold juniper in a new place.

Juniper planting

Juniper Gold is a light-loving plant. In this regard, when choosing a site for planting, preference is given to areas with a lot of sun. If you plant a shrub in the shade, it will thin out and lose its decorative properties. As for the soil, any Old Gold juniper is suitable: both sandy and clayey. It should be borne in mind that the needles feel great on sandy loam soil, with a neutral alkaline reaction.

Attention! It is possible to plant in a summer cottage either one plant, separately from the others, or several in a row, in groups. In this case, the distance between them should be at least half a meter.

It is necessary to properly prepare the pit. This will ensure good survival. It should be prepared in advance, starting in the fall. The shrub is planted in the spring. The size of the pit should be as follows: 60 cm deep, 30 to 50 cm wide. The bottom is lined with drainage 15 cm thick. Soil from turf and peat humus is poured on top.

When juniper seedlings are planted in the ground, you need to monitor the location of the root collar. It must definitely stay on top of the ground. During the first weeks the soil should be checked regularly and moistened as necessary. It is also recommended to do some shading, removing it after a couple of weeks.

Juniper planting

How to properly care for a juniper

Observing all growing conditions and providing proper care, gardeners get a wonderful healthy plant that can decorate any room and territory.In order for the middle Old Gold juniper bush to grow healthy and beautiful, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Moisten the soil as needed.
  • Plant feeding.
  • Pruning every year.
  • Proper preparation for wintering.

Watering Old Gold juniper is enough once every two weeks. The shrub loves moisture. One small plant requires at least 10 liters of water. The best time to water: early morning, evening. The water should be at room temperature, separated.

Thanks to timely feeding, the juniper accelerates its growth, acquiring chic external data. Experienced growers advise to fertilize the soil once a year, from April to May. There are ready-made complex mineral mixtures that can be purchased in specialized stores. Nitroammofoska is especially recommended. Enough 30 g of fertilizer per 1 m² of land.

Important! You cannot use organic fertilizers for juniper.

Pruning coniferous shrubs is easy and easy. It is only necessary to remove broken, dry, unhealthy branches in a timely manner. A good time for a sanitary pruning procedure is spring or fall. The beginning of summer is ideal for shaping the crown of the shrub. All sticking out, spoiling the appearance of the branches must be removed. The skeletal branches of the juniper should be kept. Otherwise, the bush may simply die.

Important! juniper needles and branches can be hazardous to human health. This is due to the content of toxic substances in them.

You should be especially careful in the process of pruning shrubs, as well as when planting and leaving. If the plant sap gets on the mucous membrane, immediately rinse this place with sufficient water.

How to properly care for a juniper

One of the advantages of the Old Gold juniper variety is its resistance to low temperatures, as well as sudden changes, that is, it has good winter hardiness. The shrub is able to calmly endure even the extreme winters of Siberia and the Urals. After the first years of planting, the plant still needs insulation. This is done by covering the ground with peat, and the shoots with spruce branches.

Diseases and pests

Juniper Old Gold is not completely immune to disease. He is also susceptible to them, like the rest of the flora. Common problems include the appearance of mold or mildew due to excessive soil moisture. When the first signs of waterlogging are detected (dark spots on the bark, needles), it is worth reducing the amount of watering, letting the earth dry out. It is recommended to treat the shrub with Bordeaux mixture. It is the best inorganic agent in the fight against pests and diseases of any plant.

The Old Gold variety is characterized by the appearance of rust. Getting rid of her is not easy. To prevent the possibility of its appearance, it is worth planting fruiting plants around the juniper. Black currant is an excellent option.


Among the insects that cause harm to culture, it is especially worth noting the spider mite, moth, and scale insects. To eliminate insect pests, plantings should be regularly treated with special synthetic agents. Experienced growers recommend the following insecticides:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Karbofos;
  • Spark.

The above pesticides must be used in strict accordance with the instructions given. This will be an excellent prophylaxis in the fight against plant diseases and pests.

The use of juniper in landscape design

The middle juniper is a hybrid that results from the crossing of Chinese and Cossack junipers. It should be noted that this is the most demanded, unpretentious species growing in the conditions of central Russia. Juniper is a durable plant that can grow for hundreds of years with proper care.

Juniper shrubs are in demand in design.They are used to create compositions, to decorate lawns and a properly designed alpine slide. It has already been said above that shrubs look great as a "hedge". Observing the conditions for caring for the plant, you can get a beautiful landscape for many years as a result.

The use of juniper in landscape design

The Old Gold juniper stands out from other trees for its emerald-colored leafy shock. It looks advantageous when planted "solo" and in composition with other plants and deciduous shrubs. Due to its low stature (60 cm), it is often used to create garden alpine slides, stones, and design ponds.

Attention! All conifers used in landscape design are united by such a feature as slow growth.

Thyme, bryozoan, and saxifrage are suitable as "neighbors" for juniper. Combinations of shrubs with other small conifers are especially good. A win-win option - combining juniper with sprays of orange, yellow roses, the flowerbed looks spectacular and original.

Old Gold is great for decorating and decorating balconies, terraces, loggias. It can be safely grown in a wooden tub or a large clay container that fits into the overall interior of the space.

Juniper of the Old Gold variety is an ornamental crop of the coniferous family. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentious care. Proper care includes: pruning once or twice a year, timely watering, fertilizing. Perhaps these are the main conditions for caring for a juniper. Observing them, gardeners will get a wonderful ornamental plant that can grow indoors or outdoors and delight for a long time.