Thuja Sankist is an evergreen coniferous tree that belongs to the Cypress family. The natural habitat is the eastern territories of North America, where its height reaches 20 meters. This variety is sometimes called "northern white cedar". By the way, the English word Sunkist means "a bundle of the sun".

In 1753, the Swedish natural scientist, botanist, physician Karl Linnaeus first described the western thuja and gave it a biological name. Its translation from Greek sounds like "sacrificial incense".

Tuya Sunkist

Additional Information!The Indians called the plant "the tree of life". They built canoes from thuja wood, used essential oil obtained from pine needles in religious rituals.

Description of Tui Sunkist

The coniferous tree has a conical crown. Plant height 3-5 m, width 1.5 m. The branches are dense, branched, very decorative, arranged vertically. Shoots are slightly twisted. Their shape is reminiscent of shells.

The needles are scaly, dense, glossy, and have a pleasant pine scent. In spring it is lemon-colored, in summer it is bright golden, in autumn, in winter it takes on a bronze tint.

The tree grows slowly. The annual growth of shoots in height / width is 5 cm. A ten-year-old specimen is 2 m tall.

Has a conical crown

Fruits - cones, round, brown (diameter 1 cm). The young plant has a red-brown bark. Then it turns gray-brown. The roots are compact, shallow.

This variety is considered undemanding to the characteristics of the soil, but prefers fertile, loose, moist, but not swampy loams. Thuja can grow on acidic, alkaline (no lime) soils. You should choose for the plant a sunny or light shade area. It is preferable that it be protected from the winds. If the thuja western Sunkist is planted in the shade, its crown will become loose, green, and lose its golden color.

Note!Thuja does not tolerate sunburn in spring. It is necessary to wrap it up with agrofibre or spruce branches. When the ground thaws, they remove the shelter.

The tree is distinguished by good frost resistance, wind resistance, and tolerates urban climatic conditions well. Thuja are planted, leaving a space of 0.5-0.6 m between them.

Note!If thuja grows in a sunny area, it may not tolerate temperature changes well, and also dry out from frosty weather.


A coniferous plant is transplanted, keeping an earthen lump (or from a container). This method protects the root system from damage, as well as mycorrhizal fungus on the roots. It is very important for conifers. If the groundwater is close to the soil surface, drainage is arranged (crushed stone is poured in a layer of 10 - 20 cm).

Prepare soil mixture:

  • sod land (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

The acceptable acidity level is pH 4.5-6. Add nitroammophoska (100 g / 1 adult specimen). It can be a mineral fertilizer (5 g / liter of soil). With heavy clay soil, crushed brick or crushed stone (20 cm) is placed on the bottom of the pit on the site. Sand is poured on top. Sandy loam soils do not need drainage.

Dig a landing hole (1.5 - 2 times more earth clod). Depth (60 - 80 cm). Fill with prepared earth.

Digging the planting hole

Set the tree in the hole. You can add a root growth stimulant (Kornevin, Radifarm). The hole is covered with soil gradually (adding 20-30 cm). The root collar is not buried, it is left at the soil level. Tamped, watered. Mulch the near-trunk zone with peat or bark.


A young seedling requires abundant frequent watering.In the first month after the thuja is planted, water it once a week (1 bucket of water / 1 plant.). If the weather is dry, hot - 2 times in 7 days (2 buckets of water / 1 tree). Sprinkling is also used.

Note!Thuja evaporates a large amount of moisture.

In the following years, it is preferable to water once a week if the weather is dry. To keep the soil moist for a long time, the trunk circle is mulched with pine bark, a sliver (5-7 cm layer). When spring comes, water the plant abundantly. So it will wake up faster.

You can spray the seedling with Epin Stimulant 1 ampoule / 5L. water or Zircon 1 ml. / 10 l. water.

Important!Do not allow the soil to dry out. The crown thins out from lack of moisture.

In spring (April - May) the plant is fed. Use nitroammophoska (30 - 40 g / m2). You can take any complex composition (Kemira-Universal 50 - 60 g / m2). In autumn (October) potash is added.

Important!It is unacceptable to fertilize with manure, humus, urea. The plant may simply die.

During the growing season, shallow loosening is performed (8 - 10 cm). Mulch with dry compost, peat, bark, etc.

Thuja care

Thuja Sunkist tolerates frost and cold very well. It is only necessary to tighten the crown tightly with a tape. This will keep her from wet snow.

Pruning is carried out in the spring. Sick, damaged, dry branches are removed. Form the crown.

Diseases, pests

Thuja western Sunkist can be affected by fungal diseases:

  • fusarium;
  • shute brown.

Sprayed with fungicides (Topsin, Hom). In April, they do preventive treatment with Bordeaux liquid (1%).

Sometimes the plant is attacked by aphids. Apply drugs Decis, Aktara. The treatment is carried out twice, taking a break of 7-10 days.

From the crown of thuja Sunkist, you can form all kinds of shapes. The plant is planted in containers, hedges are created from it. The tree looks good in single plantings, as well as group compositions.