Oryol Pioneer belongs to the elite varieties of apple trees. Thanks to its attractive fruits and amazing taste, this species has become widespread not only in our country, but also abroad. They choose it for growing on an industrial scale or for private gardens.

The history of the appearance of a hybrid

The variety was bred by breeders in 1985. The varieties SR0523 and Antonovka Krasnobochki were selected for crossing. The new apple tree received a special Vm gene as a gift from the “parents”, which endowed it with high resistance to fungal diseases.

On a note!As a result of state tests in 1988, the Pioneer apple tree was included in the Register of Varietal Crops. The variety was recommended for zoning in the Central region of the country. Now the hybrid is ubiquitous in Russia and the CIS countries. This is due to the good characteristics of the variety, high yield and pleasant fruit taste.

Description of the apple variety Orlovsky pioneer

Trees are not very tall. The crown has a rounded shape with an average density of foliage. The Pionerskaya apple tree is distinguished by curved branches with the ends directed upwards. They are located almost perpendicular to the trunk. The smooth, slightly shiny bark is greenish-gray in color. On the hybrid, you can find both simple and complex ringlets.

Apple tree Orlovsky pioneer

Trees grow fast. For a year, they stretch approximately 0.6 meters. Shoots are thick and smooth, sometimes they have a delicate edge. Fruit branches are often short and ring-shaped.

Small cone-shaped buds are pressed tightly against the branch. They are covered with edging. Apple leaves are oblong, pointed, medium in size and green in color. The glossy surface has slight ribbing. Fragrant flowers are painted in light colors.

The type is fast-growing. The crop is consistently harvested once a year. The Pionerskoe apple tree is distinguished by its large fruits. The weight of one varies from 130 to 200 grams. Apples are one-dimensional, shaped like a slightly flattened turnip.

The green peel is covered with small red stripes and a slightly blurred pink pattern. When stored for a long time, the color of apples becomes yellow. The shiny skin is of medium strength.

Oryol pioneer

Juicy dense pulp is painted in green tones. The taste is sweet and sour, slightly tart. Apples have almost no aroma. The peduncle is medium in size, it is slightly curved. A description of the Pionerskoye apple tree would be incomplete without specifying the tasting evaluation of the fruit. She is 4.3 points.

This variety is autumn, the fruits are harvested before the beginning of November. In this case, the apples are firmly held on the branches. One tree can yield 70 kg of harvest. This type has a good shelf life. The fruits will lie until December.

Planting a hybrid

Important! The seedling is planted in the ground during the warm period of autumn or spring. In order for it to take root before the onset of cold weather, you need to choose a good place. Apple trees prefer the sun's rays and oxygenated soils. In this case, the groundwater level should not be higher than 2.5 meters.

The landing technology is as follows:

  • a hole of 5 x 5 meters is pulled out, its depth should be about 70-80 cm, and its diameter should be at least 1 meter;
  • the soil obtained from the hole is divided into 3 parts: one third is mixed with fertilizers, namely: 1 kg of superphosphate, 200 grams of potassium, 2-3 buckets of humus or wood ash;
  • after a couple of weeks, the seedling is planted in a hole, where before that they made a mound of one-third of the fertilized soil, while the roots of the tree are necessarily straightened;
  • the hole is covered with the remaining earth, leaving the root collar above the soil surface;
  • the seedling is tied to a support and watered abundantly.

Planting an apple tree

If the top of the plant has wilted, then it can be cut a little. If the roots have dried up, then they are put into a weak manganese solution for a couple of hours. The tree will start bearing fruit in about 5 years.

Important! The hybrid is cross-pollinated, so another apple variety needs to be planted nearby.


In the first spring, the plant must be cut. It is important to do it right. The scheme is as follows: at the level of 60 cm, we look for the upper healthy kidney, and remove the rest of the lower ones. Then we measure 2 more times by 60 cm, choosing the upper buds, and removing the rest. This is how we form the correct stem of the tree. We also remove the first flowers.

The next year, in the spring, a central guide is formed. It should be about 20 cm longer than the main branches. It is advisable to have no more than 7 of the last branches on the tree. They are formed in the same way as the stem, removing unnecessary buds.

Important! A mature tree is also pruned periodically. For better yields, old branches are cut down, giving a start to new shoots.

Besides pruning, the hybrid needs to be fertilized every year. For this, ammonium nitrate is well suited, which is diluted in a ratio of 40 grams of powder per bucket of water. Closer to the middle of summer, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied, for example, wood ash (0.3 kg per 1 m²). In autumn, humus can be added (3 kg per 1 m²).

Old trees have a highly developed root system, so it is better to apply fertilizers using special furrows. They are dug shallowly around the trunk of the apple tree. A mixture of an equal amount (50 g) of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, as well as a bucket of humus, is placed in the strips.

In addition, the ground around the tree must be loosened periodically to remove weeds. This variety is frost-resistant, but the apple tree needs to be prepared for winter. For this, the soil is mulched, then covered with a breathable material and a rodent net is installed.

Mulching soil with straw

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The apple tree has several significant advantages over other hybrids.

First of all, I would like to note the following:

  • excellent scab resistance;
  • numerous stable crops every year;
  • excellent taste - tasting score is 4.3 points;
  • high resistance to frost;
  • attractive presentation.

Of the minuses, gardeners note only the crushing of fruits. This usually happens due to improper care of the apple tree. It must be periodically pruned and the yield on the branch should be rationed.

When buying an Orlovsky pioneer apple tree seedling, gardeners do not need to worry about a bountiful harvest, but only if the plant is well looked after.