Potatoes are the most popular root vegetable used in cooking. The number of hectares planted with this vegetable crop on a global scale is comparable to that of cereals. It is possible to grow a large harvest not only on an industrial scale, but also on a summer cottage. However, it is possible to achieve completely environmentally friendly products only by completely eliminating the use of mineral fertilizers. But, it should be remembered that regular exploitation of the same piece of land can lead to the complete depletion of soil material. Such an agronomic technique as green manure of an area planted with potatoes is considered the safest way to maintain soil fertility. Potato green manure is a plant sown before planting tubers, then mowed and dug up with the soil. Planting potatoes begins after a week and a half.

Potatoes as a horticultural crop

The fruit of a potato is a tuber. The potato bush belongs to the category of plants belonging to the biological family Solanaceae. In Latin, the variety is referred to as Solanum fuberosum. The historical homeland of the potato culture is the American continent (its central and southern regions). In this part of the world, potatoes began to be cultivated two millennia ago. XVI century - the date of the introduction of potatoes to the European continent by the conquerors of the overseas continent, originally from Spain. The inhabitants of the Russian Empire learned about the existence of this culture, thanks to Peter I, who brought a still unknown vegetable from Holland.

Three types of soil are recommended for planting potatoes:

  • light loamy;
  • sandy loam;
  • drained peat.

Useful information. The minimum spring air temperature required for the onset of tuber formation is + 5 ° C, for roots - + 7 ° C.

Excessive application of rotted manure negatively affects the quality of tubers, and also increases the content of nitrates in their composition. Fertilization of potato plantings with phosphorus contributes to the enrichment of fruits with vitamin C and starch, makes the peel more durable, and also accelerates the ripening process of tubers. The presence of chlorine in the composition of mineral fertilizers impairs the taste of vegetables. Exceeding the recommended fertilizer rates for mineral-based fertilizers reduces the quantitative indicator of starch content in fruits. Ash is considered the most suitable fertilizer for potatoes.

Ash is the best green manure for potatoes

There are several ways to grow potatoes:

  1. Whole tubers;
  2. Cut tubers;
  3. Sprouted potatoes;
  4. Seedling method;
  5. Seeds.

Helpful advice. The planting tubers should be cut longitudinally, not across.

When planting cut tubers in a waterlogged area in cold spring weather, the planting material may rot. Potato planting is cultivated by the stem hilling method.

There are several groups of varieties that differ in terms of ripening:

  1. Super early;
  2. Early;
  3. Mid-season;
  4. Medium late;
  5. Late.

The culture has poor resistance to pests and diseases.

It should be noted that potato tubers are widely used in everyday life:

  • for cleaning dishes;
  • when cleaning rusty metal surfaces;
  • to wash contaminated glass containers;
  • for cleaning collars on suits;
  • in the treatment of sunburns;
  • restores rough skin of the hands;
  • brightens darkened silverware;
  • whitens the skin of the face.

About potato siderates


Siderat is a natural fertilizer. Before using, you need to decide which green manure is best for potatoes. After sowing, the soil is plowed - thus useful greens enrich the soil composition. The result of the decomposition of the green mass is the release of nutrients.

The growth rate of green manure must be closely monitored. Excessive growth of this greenery will lead to acidification of such fertilizer, which will serve as a breeding ground for pathogenic microbes.

The advantages of using green manure are:

  1. Fertilizing the land;
  2. Enrichment of the soil composition with useful substances;
  3. Getting rid of plantings from diseases and pests.

Groups of potato siderates:

  1. Bean siderates for potatoes saturate the soil composition with useful microelements. Vetch is an annual climbing plant that prevents soil erosion and improves soil composition. Vika is recommended for use as green manure on neutral soil. Melilot is a green manure with a powerful root system that improves the structure of the earth and destroys foci of nematodes and wireworms;

    Legume siderates

  2. Cruciferous plants are green manures that enrich the composition of the soil and heal it, eliminating insect pests and viral diseases. A type of green manure that rapidly grows green mass from the moment it is sown, loosens the soil and improves its quality, as well as fertilizes the soil and protects the planting area from weeds. Mustard is white as green manure when sowing for potatoes, you need to know, as well as about oil radish - this is green manure with a powerful root system, loosening the soil, destroying pathogens and fungal diseases, stopping the growth of weeds. In addition, the result of the decomposition of this culture significantly enriches the fertility of the soil composition;
  3. Cereals are the most widespread green manures for growing potatoes in spring. Rye is the most affordable potato green manure, undemanding to planting conditions. The decomposition of rye significantly enriches the soil composition with organic compounds. Oats are also a good green manure that improves the structure of the earth, heals the soil against nematodes, fungal diseases, scab and brown rot;
  4. Phacelia is a versatile variety of green manure that ripens in a short time, stops the development of weeds, loosens the soil, and also enriches the soil composition with such mineral components as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Phacelia is considered a hardy plant, so autumn is also a good season to grow it. In addition, the green part is used as animal feed.


The selection of which green manure is better for potatoes is due to the state of the soil - its healthy state is characterized by a loose structure, richness of the composition with mineral substances, the absence of diseases and foci of insect pests.

Preparing the soil before planting green manure is as follows:

  1. Collect the remaining crop;
  2. Level the soil surface with a rake;
  3. Add nitroammofosk;
  4. Liming excessively acidified soil;
  5. Water overdried land;
  6. Start sowing.

In some cases, green manure within the same area is carried out by combined planting of potatoes with green manure, which allows you to combine different crops.

Legumes have a positive effect on the rate of soil fertility, and also serve as its fertilizer, having in its composition all the necessary trace elements.

Rape is used to scare away the wireworm and destroy late blight. Flax is planted to get rid of Colorado beetles.


Many summer residents are interested in the question: is it possible to plant potatoes after alfalfa. It is possible, since this plant stops the growth of weeds. In addition to alfalfa, the following crops are planted against the main weeds:

  • buckwheat;
  • nasturtium;
  • radish;
  • clover.

The contaminated soil is not suitable for planting potatoes. The soil can be cured by using the following green manures, planting green manures in the spring in aisles with potatoes:

  • oil radish;
  • mustard white;
  • rape;
  • rapeseed.

An additional advantage of planting these plants is the destruction of pests. Seedlings can be left between especially infected areas.

Green manure is considered the most environmentally friendly fertilizer. In the process of decomposition, such plants enrich the soil composition with all the necessary nutrients that contribute to the accelerated growth and healthy development of potato plantings. Also, the purpose of individual green manure is to improve the soil and destroy foci of insect pests. It is necessary to choose correctly which siderates for potatoes are best sown in spring.