Potato Prestige is an effective pest control agent that protects plants from disease. It is an insecticidal fungicidal disinfectant. Moreover, the drug is also a kind of immunomodulator. Thanks to him, the crop grows faster, does not respond to weather changes and gives an increased yield. However, not all gardeners speak positively about Prestige. This is due to its toxicity. But, as practice shows, the chemical has a large number of admirers. It is used by both private gardeners and industrial enterprises.

Properties of the drug

Prestige is a potato dressing agent. They are treated with tubers before planting. Thanks to this procedure, the gardener can forget about the problems associated with growing a nutritious root crop. Among the properties of the drug:

  • Insecticidal. The product creates an impenetrable barrier against pests. As a result, potatoes are not attacked by sucking and gnawing parasites. Prestige is destructive for the bear, flea beetles, potato moths, wireworms, aphids, midges. Most importantly, the Colorado potato beetle will not touch the bush;
  • Fungicidal. Thanks to its fungicidal properties, Prestige destroys pathogens, and also protects the culture from the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms. Processed potatoes or seeds of other vegetables will not pick up rot, rhizoctonia, brown rust, septoria, powdery mildew;
  • Accelerating the growth of culture. Many gardeners call Prestige potato fertilizer. This is partly true. It increases the immunity of the culture, makes it more resistant to stressful weather situations (heat, drought, sudden changes in temperature, cold snap). Prestige stimulates the growth of the bush and the formation of tubers.

    Accelerating culture growth

    According to summer residents, the chemical increases productivity by 1.5-2 times. Due to the fact that the plant does not get sick and is not attacked by harmful insects, the potato tuber has an excellent presentation. Root crops grow large and without damage.


The Prestige contains two active ingredients at once: Pencicuron (synonym Montsiren) and Imidacloprid (Confidor). Pencycuron is a protective pesticide that suppresses harmful organisms before they multiply and destroy crops. Imidacloprid is an insecticide of the neonicotinoid class. Paralyzes harmful insects.

Due to the fact that two strong components are included at once, the tool is considered economical. And this despite the fact that its price is not cheap. A 20 ml bottle of Prestige for potato processing costs about 160-200 rubles. You can buy a chemical at any garden store, as well as order it online. A cheaper analogue - Prestidigitator for potatoes. Its cost starts at 70 rubles.

Additional Information. Working with Prestige is not laborious. Only one treatment is required. It can be used not only for potatoes, but also for processing the seeds of other vegetable crops. One jar is enough for a long time.

Each Prestige Potato Processing Box contains instructions. The package indicates that it is important to read the manual carefully before use. The chemical itself is bottled in plastic bottles. For convenience, a measuring cup is included.Available in bottles of 15, 20, 60, 150, 500 ml.

The tool has a preparative form in the form of a suspension concentrate. It is recommended to store Prestige in its original packaging in a dry place, away from food. The permissible shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture. The chemical is produced by the German chemical and pharmaceutical company Bayer CropScience.

How Prestige works on the beetle

One of the features of the drug is its fast action. It enters the active stage immediately after application to tubers or seeds. It acts on the principle of erecting a protective barrier. From the tubers, the substance passes into the ground. It immediately stands up an invisible wall that protects the potatoes from harmful influences. In this case, the active components of the drug penetrate into the plant itself. As the bush grows, each cell receives its dose of Prestige.

Leaves, stems become poison for any insects. The Colorado potato beetle, having tasted a fresh leaf, dies. This is due to the chemicals that enter the insect's body and affect the nervous structures. First, the pest is paralyzed. Then he dies. It is noteworthy that the leaves become the cause of the death of the beetle, even if he did not try them. The toxins contained in the cells of the plant are able to make their way into the beetle's body even through its body, surrounded by chitin.

As a result, the plant is protected underground and aboveground. The culture is not touched by pests, it does not get sick. At the same time, shoots and tubers endure bad weather.

Important! Thanks to a specially developed formula, toxic derivatives do not enter the forming tubers. They disperse along the soil of the plant, along the old planting material, tops. Decomposition of the agent occurs 2 months after treatment. That is, in the fall, there is no longer any poison in the potato tops or in the soil.

Effectiveness term

Despite the validity of the drug in plant cells for two months, the period of action on the beetle is slightly shorter.

  • Prestige retains its effectiveness as protection against the Colorado potato beetle for 36-38 days;
  • The effect on aphids lasts a little longer (40 days);
  • Fungicidal properties do not weaken throughout the summer period.

Harm to humans

Prestige for potato processing is a representative of III hazard class preparations. In other words, it is moderately dangerous. The drug can harm a summer resident if a person drinks a spray solution or a large amount of a chemical gets into the eyes or on the skin.

In other cases, Prestige is not harmful. You can work with him without fear for your health. But the approach to the drug must be correct. Do not neglect security measures:

  1. The gardener carries out the etching with gloves;
  2. A protective mask is required;
  3. Processing is carried out in a ventilated area or in the fresh air, away from fruit bushes and trees;
  4. If it is supposed to carry the pickled potatoes to the dacha, then the planting material is packed in bags, burlap;
  5. During planting, the gardener also puts on gloves, a mask;
  6. After completing the work, the person must wash thoroughly. Wash clothes.

Note! Prestige is very harmful to beneficial insects. It affects earthworms, bees, bumblebees, etc.

How to work with the drug correctly

Processing methods

Prestige for potatoes instructions for use informs about the possibility of processing in several ways. The first way is to spray the tubers before germination. The second is just before planting in the ground. The gardener decides for himself which method is more to his liking.

Spraying tubers before germination

Before germination

Processing is carried out during the pre-planting preparation of potatoes. The process is organized 14-25 days before planting. Etching is allowed to be carried out in a dry ventilated area. There should be no food products nearby, people without gauze bandages.In order for everything to go right, the tubers are dried in advance, that is, there should be no moisture on them. Newspapers are spread on the floor, with protective film on them. The potatoes are spread on the cover in one layer. Processing is carried out using a spray or spray bottle. You can turn the planting material after processing one side. It is important that the solution is distributed over almost the entire tuber. After the procedure, the potatoes are left for germination. The advantage of this method is that the sprouts are already being formed healthy and strong.

Before boarding

Many gardeners ask themselves: is it possible to treat sprouted potatoes with the Prestige chemical? The definite answer here is yes. All actions can be carried out directly in the garden, but away from horticultural crops. To do this, you need to prepare a film on which the planting material is placed. After the procedure, the potatoes are left for 30-90 minutes. Planting can only be done with dry material. The advantage of the method is that the drug will be effective for a longer time than with the first method.

Additional Information. The drug can only be used for mid-season and late varieties. If you treat early potatoes with it, then there is a possibility that the chemical will not have time to neutralize before harvest.

Preparation of working solution

It is important to know how to breed prestige for potatoes. The instructions on this matter say that the solution is prepared from 10 ml of suspension concentrate. This volume must be diluted in 100-150 ml of water. Everything is thoroughly mixed. It is necessary that the cocktail is homogeneous. After all the manipulations, the product is ready to process the tubers. It is noteworthy that the potatoes, after spraying, acquire a cherry color.

10 ml of the preparation, dissolved in 100-150 ml of water, is enough for 10 kg of potatoes. The ratio of 20 ml of chemical to 200-300 ml of water, respectively, is suitable for processing 20 kg. Thus, the consumption rate of Prestige for potatoes is 1 ml per 1 kg of planting material. The gardener decides for himself which dosage is right for him. Thanks to the supplied measuring cup, it is quite easy to measure the required amount of the chemical and then dilute it with water.

Important! The solution should be used immediately after preparation. Otherwise, it will lose some of its properties.


  • Do not treat freshly cut potatoes with the preparation. If potatoes are planted that have been cut, then the processing is carried out immediately before planting. Cutting the potatoes before germination. Fly ash is applied to the cut. During germination, the incision site will have time to tighten. After the formation of a crust, the use of the drug is allowed;
  • If potatoes are planted with sprouts, then the sprouts are soaked in the drug solution for 20-30 minutes. In this case, Prestige will act not only as an insect-fungicidal disinfectant, but also as a growth stimulant;
  • If there are not many potatoes, then it is allowed to place them in a net and completely dip them in a bowl of solution. This will save etching time.

What to do if Prestige didn't help

It happens that while working with the drug, the gardener makes mistakes. For example, etching was done a month or more before the intended planting date. Or the treatment was incomplete, some of the tubers did not receive the required amount of solution. Another common mistake is that the dosage is not respected. In this case, Prestige may not help.

Colorado beetle

Even if the remedy did not cope with the task, and the Colorado potato beetle or other misfortunes appeared, re-processing is prohibited. It is not recommended to use the drug on adult bushes. The reason is that the toxins will not have time to decompose into safe components. Even though the poison does not get into the young tubers, you cannot use the potatoes sprayed during growth.

Experienced gardeners advise sprinkling the potatoes on which the Colorado potato beetle has appeared with another chemical that has insecticidal properties. But you can not use industrial products that contain the components that make up the Prestige. In particular, Imidacloprid. Among the products that include this insecticide are the following:

  • Proagro;
  • Confidor;
  • Bombardier;
  • Ratibor.

For spraying potatoes, products without Imidacloprid are suitable. These drugs include:

  • Coragen;
  • Engio (Enzhio) 247 SC.

Potato Prestige is a recognized effective remedy for protecting crops from pests and diseases. According to reviews, it well prevents the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle, while increasing the immunity of the plant, which better withstands adverse weather conditions. Despite the fact that it is a chemical, it does not negatively affect the soil and plants. It is completely neutralized 2 months after etching has been carried out. But when working with the drug, you must observe safety measures.