Planting carrots can be found in almost any garden bed, because this root vegetable can be used in any form; full of vitamins makes it very popular among gardeners.

There are many types of varietal carrots with different table characteristics, each grower can choose a variety according to his needs. The most popular is the Losinoostrovskaya13 carrot.

Characteristics of the variety

This type of carrot was obtained back in the 1960s at the All-Union Research Institute of Vegetable Growing of the USSR as a result of crossing several varieties:

  • "Amsterdam";
  • "Tushon";
  • "Nantes-4";
  • other varieties that have cylindrical roots.

Losinoostrovskaya carrots

Losinoostrovskaya13 is a mid-season (the growing season ranges from 80 to 90 days) and quite fruitful - about 10 kilograms per square meter of the garden. The variety has a fairly high resistance to low temperatures, so it is recommended to sow it in such not too hot Russian districts as:

  • Lower Volga;
  • North;
  • Eastern Siberia;
  • Ural.

The foliage of the carrot variety Losinoostrovskaya 13 has a rosette structure, is painted in a juicy dark green color, slightly bends to the ground. This type of carrot differs in that it does not have greens at the base, since the roots are always completely immersed in the soil (however, without effort and mechanical damage, the vegetable is extracted from it). This variety is resistant to flowering and stemming, but has many roots that look like thin threads.

The carrot itself has a slightly elongated cylindrical structure with a blunt or pointed end, in length it grows to 15-18 centimeters, cut diameter - from 3 to 4 cm, weighs 100-150 grams. The color of Losinoostrovskaya, as befits a carrot, is bright red, both at the peel and at the pulp. Skin without roughness, thin and has a slightly glossy sheen. There are many shallow eyes on the surface, but it is smooth to the touch.

The foliage of the Losinoostrovskaya carrot variety has a rosette structure

Due to its qualities, first of all, juiciness, Losinoostrovskaya carrots are excellent for preserving and freezing, as well as for distilling very healthy carrot juice. It can be eaten both raw and processed (stews, mashed potatoes, mashed soups, Korean carrots) and even used for making desserts (carrot cake) and feeding babies, since all vitamins and nutrients are stored in the process. cooking. These carrots taste very sweet, as the sugar content is about 9 percent, and they also have about 28 mcg of carotene.

Important! It is very beneficial to eat carrots and raw vegetables for people with visual impairments and low levels of iron in the blood. This variety type has an increased keeping quality, so the harvest can be stored for the winter without fear of loss of nutritional quality, and this carrot also easily tolerates transportation.

Features of agricultural technology

The best results are obtained by growing Losinoostrovskaya carrots on sandy loam soils and light loams, although it produces an excellent harvest in greenhouses, as well. Seeds are sown both in spring and autumn, the main condition is that the soil temperature should be at least plus 6-7 degrees. If you plan to harvest as early as possible, sowing can be done by winter. To do this, you must first soak the seeds, and after placing them on the beds, cover them with a layer of soil two centimeters thick.

Spring sowing of seed is carried out shallow - a maximum of 4 centimeters. It is most convenient to glue the seeds to a thin paper tape, observing the required step between adjacent seeds. The distance between adjacent grooves should be about 20 centimeters. Then the finished tape is neatly placed in the groove and covered with earth.


When choosing a location for a garden, it should be remembered that carrots are very fond of sunlight, but in the shade they grow much worse.

Additional Information. If the areas are shaded and located in the lowlands, it is better to dig the grooves along the north-south line, in this case the carrots will be under the midday sun for the maximum possible time. If the soil for planting is light and dry, then it is better to arrange the beds in the west-east direction, this will help preserve soil moisture with the help of tops, and also prevent overheating of the underground part of the plant.

After the first shoots hatch, young shoots of Losinoostrovskaya carrots must:

· Weed;

• to loosen - this will improve air circulation in the roots of carrots, protect from proximity to weeds, and will also help to preserve deep soil moisture;

Water - abundantly (especially during the period of active growth of the underground part of the plant), but not often, once every 5-7 days is enough;

Apply fertilizers - best of all with potassium and calcium mineral salts (if there is a desire to add humus, it should be remembered that carrots can branch out from this), during the growing season it is desirable to carry out a maximum of 3-4 feeding;

· Periodically remove excess seedlings from too densely risen row of carrots in order to enlarge the remaining root crops.

Fertilizer for carrots

The crop is harvested in late October and early November, carefully digging under each bush. It is best to store carrots in a cold place with normal air humidity; this varietal type of root crops has a long shelf life.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Losinoostrovsky 13 carrot variety, like any vegetable crop, has its advantages and some disadvantages.

Both adults and children love this carrot for such positive properties as:

  • very pleasant sweet taste;
  • increased, in comparison with other varieties, productivity;
  • ease of tolerating low temperatures and low humidity;
  • resistance to many pathogens of vegetable diseases and pests;
  • long shelf life and excellent keeping quality;
  • the possibility of using for the preparation of many dishes and consumption raw;
  • lack of fruit stemming.

Carrot harvest

A description of the variety would be incomplete without identifying flaws. First of all, this is the photophilousness of Losinoostrovskaya - for a good yield, a lot of sunlight is required. Also, carrots, especially during the period of active growth of root crops, require quite extensive care, including laborious thinning.

The Losinoostrovskaya 13 carrot variety is considered one of the best varieties. You can call it a gardener's dream - it is fruitful, tasty, juicy, while keeping well and long. A fairly high level of vitamins, especially carotene (over 20 percent), helps to choose this hybrid variety of red root vegetable.
