Red onions differ in taste, but all are equally healthy. Their vitamin C content is twice that of apples. In addition, the vegetable also contains vitamins B, E and PP. The fruit contains malic and citric acid.

Description of varietal features

When breeding Red Baron, breeders crossed two pure lines of homozygous red onions. As a result, an agriculturally valuable hybrid of the first generation (F1) was obtained. Its life cycle in agriculture is limited to 12 months, although the culture is perennial.

What the Red Baron bow looks like

Compared to other representatives of culture, the Red Baron is different:

  • rich purple shade of onions;
  • larger sizes compared to other names of red onions (by 10-20%);
  • powerful, branched root system;
  • increased concentration of vitamins and other useful substances;
  • drought resistance;
  • reduced requirements for soil quality.

Additional Information. Due to its positive qualities, the Red Baron onion is very popular among summer residents, so there may be difficulties in acquiring planting material. It is better to buy it in advance.

According to the description, the Red Baron onion has a medium-early ripening period, which allows it to be grown not only in a summer cottage, but also on an industrial scale. In the middle lane, the crop is harvested 90 days after planting. Baron is characterized by high yield (up to 3 kg per 1 sq. M.). The quality of the soil does not affect the taste and aroma of these onions, they are always excellent.

The fruits are used fresh, can be cooked and used for conservation.

According to the description, Red Baron has the following properties of the fruit:

  • average weight - 20-30 g;
  • rounded shape, slightly flattened;
  • the taste is sweet, with a slight bitterness and pungency;
  • transportability is high;
  • vitamin C content - up to 6.2 mg / 100 g.

On a note. Hanging bunches of onions in a room help purify the air of disease-causing bacteria. This method was used in Russia to combat epidemics centuries ago.

Agricultural technology of cultivation

You can plant Red Baron onions by seed method and sevka. The second method is most often used. It is necessary to purchase planting material in garden centers and specialized stores. Only there its quality is guaranteed. Bulb sales begin in mid-February.

To obtain fruits, a set with a fraction of 15-20 mm is purchased. Such material is well stored, does not shoot, is suitable for forcing greens. The sevok should have a uniform color, dry scales, and a dense structure. You should not buy material with traces of mold, stains and damage.

Important! Before planting, the bulbs are stored in a cool dry place with a temperature of 10-15 ° C and a humidity of 75%, after having dried them in room conditions for several days.

If you plan to plant onions with seeds, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. Seed material retains good germination for 2-3 years. The package must contain complete information about varietal properties and agricultural technology, as well as information about the manufacturer. Preference should be given to well-known firms on the market.

The highest yield of this onion can be obtained on loams fertilized with peat. You can grow a varietal variation on poor soils with the use of additional fertilizing.To get juicy green feathers, before planting, the soil is additionally fertilized with potassium nitrate (1 tablespoon per square meter). If you want to get a large, dense turnip, instead of nitrate add double superphosphate (1 tbsp. L. Per square meter).

Planting rules:

  1. Onion sets The Red Baron is planted in the garden in late April - early May, when the threat of return frosts has passed;
  2. Ideal predecessors of onions are potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, legumes;
  3. Planting is done on a clear day. It is not recommended to delay the procedure, otherwise the crop may not have time to ripen;
  4. When planting bulbs on a feather, a distance of 10 cm is maintained between the holes, and 15 cm on a turnip;
  5. To get greens more quickly, the tops of the sets are cut with scissors.

The garden bed must be in an elevated place to avoid stagnant water. If the site is in a lowland, raised ridges must be made.

Watering onions

Important! To accelerate the germination of onion sets, they are pre-soaked in warm water (35-38 ° C) for 15 hours. When planting, the bulbs are not buried, but only slightly pressed into the ground.

Summer care

The first month, seedlings are watered every 5-7 days. In hot weather, watering is done twice a week. After rain or when the bed is watered, the land must be loosened and weeds must be weeded at the same time.

After the appearance of feathers, the plant must be thinned out, leaving the strongest shoots on the ridge. This will increase the number and size of the remaining onions. Plants that have been torn out should not be left in the garden so as not to attract pests.

Onion care

When the fruits begin to form, you will need to add phosphate or potassium phosphate. Fertilizers are pre-dissolved in water, according to the instructions. Additionally, you can fertilize the soil with mullein or chicken droppings. Top dressing is introduced no more than 1 time per month.

Starting from the middle of summer, the onions stop watering and fertilizing, only then it will be possible to get high-class turnips. To prevent the plants from being attacked by onion flies, it is necessary to do regular weeding, sprinkle the beds with ash and a mixture of sand and naphthalene. If the pest has already appeared, Atkara, Mukhoed and other insecticides are used.


The Baron's bow is harvested at the very end of summer, as soon as the feathers fall. The heads are pulled out of the ground and laid out directly on the ridge for drying, after cutting off the roots. From the feathers, "tails" 10 cm long are left so that the bow can be tied in bunches. This work must be done on a clear, dry day. In the evening, the harvested crop is transferred under a shed or in a ventilated barn, where it will be dried.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

This "handsome" has practically no drawbacks. Unless, sometimes its seed material is difficult to find on sale. But this variety has many advantages. Its advantages include a high yield of the harvest, the universal purpose of fruits. The plant has increased resistance to root rot, peronospora and fusarium.

The bulbs have a balanced taste, combining sweetness, bitterness and pungency - due to this, any dish acquires spicy notes. Baron bears fruit well in any climatic zone. The turnips themselves look very attractive. The harvest is perfectly stored in winter. Bundles of onions will decorate a rustic kitchen.

Red Baron's benefit

In addition, the Red Baron has health benefits. The use of a spicy vegetable activates metabolic processes in the body, lowers cholesterol levels, helps in the fight against colds, and is useful for patients with diabetes. The spicy vegetable is a powerful antiseptic, its juice is used to remove corns and treat some skin diseases and gums.

On a note. Japanese scientists in the course of research have revealed the ability of red onions to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer if consumed regularly.
