Proper feeding is essential for the growth and health of all farm animals. Broiler chicks need to eat more than other birds as they gain weight quickly. And in order not to sprinkle constantly eaten food on the animals, auto-feeders are needed. In addition to the purchase option, you can create homemade dispensers at home from scrap materials that will perform the same function.

Broiler feeders and drinkers are essential for dosing feed. Auto-feeders with sides are necessary so that birds cannot rake and trample feed. Some bird breeds may have problems with overeating. It is necessary to limit the amount of feed in the dispenser.

How to make

There are some requirements to be considered for the feeders:

  • the feed in a self-prepared feeder should be fed in a metered dose. The bird should not be able to climb into the container. The food hole should be large enough to fit only the bird's head;
  • the dispenser must be convenient enough to fill and clean. The feeder should be light (with the ability to easily change its place), made of materials that will not deteriorate after cleaning and disinfection;
  • volume and dimensions are selected for all poultry in the room. A broiler feeder should be created at the rate of 10-15 cm per head, 5-7 cm is enough for non-broiler chickens. With a disc-shaped dispenser, 2.5cm is enough for each bird.

Broiler chicken feeder

Plastic bottle dispenser

Making a dispenser from an empty plastic bottle is one of the easiest ways. This will require an empty clean bottle with a volume of more than 3 liters and a lid of the appropriate size to cover the finished product. For work, you will need a cutting tool and thick fabric or rubber gloves.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. before starting work, the form is dried, then cut in half with a knife;
  2. on the side of the lower part, at a height of 5-6 cm, holes are cut with a radius of 3-4 cm. This width is necessary so that an adult broiler can stick his head to the feed. The distance between the holes should be 5-6 cm. Thus, several broilers can feed simultaneously from one feeder;
  3. the upper part of the bottle with the neck towards the bottom, with the cap removed, is inserted into the bottle so that the neck does not reach the bottom, approximately 4 cm. This will fill the feeder gradually with feed;
  4. food is poured into the top of the bottle, covered with a plastic stopper. This is necessary in order to protect against birds and weather conditions when grazing outside.

Plastic bottle dispenser

Sewer pipe feeder

Such an original distributor is a do-it-yourself bunker-type feeder for broiler chickens, which is attached to the wall of the room. Easy to assemble and not expensive financially. The bent pipe will prevent broilers from raking and spreading feed. The length and diameter can be selected based on the number and age of the bird.

Required tools and materials:

  • flat PVC pipes. The length is equal to the height of the chicken coop minus 25cm. The diameter of the feeder for young animals is 6-7 cm, for an adult livestock and broilers - 12-13 cm;
  • PVC pipe triple;
  • pipe corners;
  • grinder or hacksaw;
  • Means for taking notes - pencil, marker, crayons;
  • drill;
  • tape measure or folding rule;
  • wire for creating loops, or pipe clamps.

Sewer pipe feeder

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Before starting work, the length of the hopper from floor to ceiling is calculated. Subtract 30 from the number.
  2. Smooth sewer pipes are placed on the floor, marked to the required length and cut. At one end, be sure to leave a thread for contact with the tees.
  3. Two holes are drilled on the upper, cut part of the pipe. A wire is threaded through these holes and fixed with a loop on a hook previously driven into the ceiling.
  4. The cut pipe is attached to the ceiling with the cut side, a tee is connected with a thread. The corners are attached to it.
  5. The finished structure is hung by a loop to the ceiling.

The feed is poured into the cut off part, going down under its own weight and lingering in the curved sections of the corners. When the bird eats part of the feed, it is re-introduced from the top of the hopper. This makes it possible to maintain a stable amount of food in the dispenser.

From scrap materials

From available tools, the easiest way is to make a feeder in the form of a tray. This will require a small amount of wood and nails. Instructions and materials are taken per 10 broilers.

Materials and tools:

  • clean board for the bottom of the structure (width 10-12cm, length 1m);
  • for boards, two long strips 1m long and 4-5cm wide;
  • two cuts for transverse sides with a height of at least 15 cm, width - 10-12 cm;
  • narrow planed board, 3 cm in diameter and 100 cm long. Needed for transferring and delineating the feeder;
  • nails or screws 25 pcs;
  • pencil or marker, tape measure, hammer or screwdriver, file.

Feeder in the form of a tray from scrap materials


  1. Boards are processed to smoothness.
  2. With a pencil and meter, markings are made and markings are made on the tree according to the drawing.
  3. Short sides are attached to the bottom of the structure. You need to lower them 3-4 cm below the bottom to form the legs.
  4. The longitudinal sides are fixed in turn.
  5. The handle of the structure is fixed above or between the vertical parts of the end boards and nailed.

Note! This feeder will prevent chickens from getting kicked in and is easy to carry. However, animals can rake the feed slightly.


One of the simplest options for feeding chickens. To create, you will need materials that are very easy to find.

  • bulk plastic bottle;
  • metal basin;
  • funnel;
  • a couple of dozen nails.

Bunker feeder


  1. Slots are cut on the bottom of the bottle so that it spills into the feed through them.
  2. The nails are heated, inserted into the area of ​​the bottom of the bottle, so that they are at the level of the pelvis in such a way that there is only enough space for one animal at a time.
  3. A funnel is fixed on the neck, with which an impromptu bunker is filled with feed.
  4. The structure is located in the basin, the nails are placed at approximately equal distance from each other.

Diy drinkers

There are three types of drinkers for chickens: simple, nipple and vacuum:

  • The first type is a container filled with water. The only requirement is for the bird's head to reach the liquid. Chickens and chickens can start bathing in such a drinker or turn it over;
  • Vacuum drinker - the can is placed on a stand and turned over. Surface tension and pressure prevents water spillage. Birds can knock down such a drinker.
  • Nipple drinkers - require complex assembly using nipples, tubes. The main advantage is the complete automation of drinking. However, birds can easily break the structure;

Any of these schemes will enable you to feed your chicks quickly, economically and without wasting feed. Creating a feeder on your own is well suited if you cannot purchase it in specialized stores. Creation does not require much investment of money, effort and time.