Rose occupies one of the main places among ornamental plants, it is often called the "queen of the garden". She is considered a symbol of love, she is presented for all celebrations, legends are made about her and poetry is dedicated to her.

Hybrid tea roses

All roses are divided into several groups, one of the main ones is hybrid tea. These roses, along with the floribunda, are the most beautiful and popular. These are bushes 60-80 cm high, with buds of graceful shape and various colors. Large flowers are located at the ends of the shoots, singly or in several pieces. Roses bloom from the beginning of summer until the very frost.

One of the popular varieties of hybrid tea roses is the Black magic variety. It was bred by German breeders as cutting. It has long shoots with both single flowers and group inflorescences.

Additional Information. In Bulgaria, on the first weekend of summer, the Rose Festival takes place, which begins right on the flower plantations.

Hybrid tea roses

Description of the variety

Rose Black Magic is a bush about 1 m high with glossy dark green leaves, goblet velvety buds, emitting a light floral aroma. The bud in dissolution can reach 14 cm.

The petals of the rose are burgundy with dark tints. The color becomes richer in autumn, when the buds are no longer scorched by the sun. At the same time, the aroma of flowers also intensifies.

This rose variety is popular not only because of its beauty, but also because of its excellent frost resistance and heat resistance characteristics. Such quality as the tolerance of hot and dry climates played a large role in the acquisition of this variety by growers in Africa and Australia.

Duration of flowering rose Black magic - 18-25 days. It does not lose its decorative effect under adverse weather conditions, it is resistant to a large number of diseases.

Place and time of boarding

Attention! The groundwater level should not exceed 75 cm.

A rose is planted in the spring, before bud break. In the southern regions, landing is allowed in the fall. The soil is preferable loamy, enriched with organic matter. Its pH is regulated in the range of 5.8-6.8. Stagnation of groundwater is unacceptable.

The landing site should be well lit, not shaded. It is desirable that it be with a slope to the south, southwest, southeast. On the north side, the rose garden should be covered with a group of trees or tall shrubs.

Planting process

If the rose is not planted immediately after purchase, its roots should be dipped in a mash made of cow dung and clay (1: 2) in order to avoid drying out the roots.

Important! Before planting, the seedlings are pruned: they leave 3-4 of the strongest shoots and shorten them to 10-15 cm. 2-4 buds are kept on each shoot. The roots are also pruned, while you need to try to preserve small branches.

The planting hole is dug 60 × 60 cm in size. Considering that the bushes grow rapidly, it is necessary to leave a distance of at least 90 cm between the holes. The roots of roses straighten out during planting. Being squashed and bent, they cannot grow normally and, more often than not, die off.

The planted bushes are watered and huddled to prevent the shoots from drying out. When the buds wake up and begin to grow, the roses are unsettling. Then the soil is mulched (up to 5 cm layer) with mown grass or peat.

Important! The root neck of the rose should be buried no more than 3-5 cm into the soil.



Basically, at home, the Black Magic rose reproduces in 2 ways: by cuttings and dividing the bush. Sowing seeds and grafting are most often used in breeding work.


The grafting method is worth considering in more detail.

  1. Lignified or semi-lignified cuttings with a diameter of at least 5 mm are harvested. They are cut at an angle of 45 °, and their length varies within 10-12 cm. They should have 3-4 internodes.
  2. The stalk is soaked in a solution of any growth enhancer according to the instructions.
  3. The workpieces are planted on a garden bed, covered with a glass cap (for example, a bottle) or plastic wrap so that the cuttings do not touch the surface of the covering material.

On a note!After rooting, they are dug up and stored in a basement or greenhouse in winter at a temperature of 4-6 ° C. In the spring, when the threat of frost has passed, the cuttings are planted in open ground.

If it is not possible to dig out seedlings for the winter, a wire frame is installed above them, then covered. The bushes will fully develop in 2 years, bloom for 3 years after planting.

Dividing the bush

The procedure for dividing the bush is carried out in the spring, before bud break.

It is done as follows:

  • the bush is dug up and divided in such a way that there are at least 2 shoots and roots on each division;
  • long roots are shortened, cuttings are trimmed to 3 buds;
  • the cuts on the roots are sprinkled with wood ash, on the shoots they are covered with garden pitch;
  • bushes are planted in prepared pits.

Important!After planting, the plants are watered and slightly spud. They will bloom for 2 years after transplanting.


The rose must be regularly watered, loosened the trunk circle, remove weeds around it, fertilize, in hot weather, mulch the ground with peat or dry grass.

In addition, faded buds must be removed so that the bush does not waste energy on the formation of fruits. It is also necessary to remove weak shoots thickening the crown from the middle of the bush. If wild growth appears near the bush, it is destroyed.

Attention! After the first flowering in the hybrid tea rose, Black Magic, the tops of the shoots are cut over the 2-3 leaves.



Rose Black Magic loves rare but abundant watering. For this, water must be taken warm, well-separated. The procedure is carried out in the early morning, or in the evening, when the sun is no longer beating much.

Water the rose exclusively at the root, in order to avoid the occurrence of fungal diseases.


They begin to feed the rose in the spring, at the time when the buds are blooming. Under each bush, 5-6 kg of manure or humus are applied, as well as a complex mineral fertilizer consisting of ammonium nitrate (25-40 g), potassium salt (15-20 g), superphosphate (50-60 g).

Interesting!When all the leaves are completely blooming, a second feeding is carried out. It consists of fermented mullein (1 part), diluted with water (10 parts), with the addition of superphosphate (50-60 g) and potassium (15-20 g) to each bucket.

In the third decade of July, 20 g of nitrogen, 30 g of potassium and superphosphate are added to 1m². In late summer - early autumn, a fourth dressing is carried out to prepare roses for winter. To do this, each bush is fertilized with phosphorus (20 g) and potassium (40 g).


In the spring, they start pruning the hybrid tea rose as early as possible. The non-wintered and dead parts of the shoots are cut out to 2-3 living buds. The purpose of pruning is to rejuvenate the plant. In this case, old, cut branches are replaced by young viable shoots.

The next pruning is after the first flowering. Faded shoots are shortened and weakly flowering shoots are removed at a distance of 0.5 cm from a developed bud. After the procedure, the roses are spud.

Attention! Pruning is done with a sharp, disinfected tool.

Preparing for winter

From the beginning of autumn, fertilizing stops, watering and loosening of the soil is reduced. This is necessary in order for the growth of shoots to stop and the wood to ripen.

When the first frosts hit, the bushes are covered with dry soil to a height of up to 30 cm. Hollows between the shoots are not allowed, otherwise excess moisture and cold air will penetrate into them.

Sawdust, rotted compost, spruce branches are used as additional insulation. Roses begin to warm up in dry weather after stable frosts from -5 ° C are established.

Preparing for winter

Disease and pest control

Important!In order to prevent the disease of the Black magic rose, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. Often, the appearance of various diseases is provoked by the growers themselves. For example, when planting a large number of bushes in a small area.

If there is a small space between plants, rainwater or dew dries out slowly, and this is a fertile environment for the occurrence of fungal diseases. For the same reason, the rose is watered only at the root.

It is necessary to cut off weak, affected shoots in time, remove fallen leaves and other plant debris. With excessive nitrogen feeding of the rose, the development of pathogenic fungi that have a detrimental effect on the plant is possible.

Possible pests of the rose: aphid, spider mite, rose sawfly, click beetle. To prevent the development of diseases and the appearance of pests, plants are sprayed with broad-spectrum pesticides in early spring. With the appearance of the first signs of disease, they are treated with fungicides, pests - insecticides and acaricides.

Disease and pest control

Use in landscape

Additional Information. The Golden Magic hybrid and Black Magic are recognized as the most valuable cut rose varieties.

Black magic is one of the best roses for growing in parks, squares, summer cottages and backyards. It is planted on flower beds, rabatki, and also create rose gardens.

Black magic will look spectacular both singly and in combination with other plants, including roses. Plants planted next to them with contrasting shades of buds look beautiful. Golden-orange rose Gold magic will emphasize the beauty of Black magic, and will also look spectacular against its background.

With proper care, Black Magic will delight its owner and his guests for a long time with its iridescent buds. To do this, you just need to choose the right location, provide the plant with timely watering, fertilization, and pruning.