Among the hybrid tea varieties of roses, such shrubs stand out as a separate group, which bloom repeatedly and so abundantly that from afar behind a large number of blossoming buds, you can hardly see the foliage. Experts attribute such varieties to the floribunda group, which in translation means "profusely blooming".

Geisha rose is considered hybrid tea, but many growers attribute it to the floribunda group due to the large number of buds appearing at the same time. Why this rose is so fond of flower growers, a detailed description of the hybrid, its positive and negative qualities - this and much more will be described below.

Rose Geisha

Breeding history of the variety

The flower empire of Tantau is famous for the fact that its specialists annually present to the court of flower growers new varieties of various flowers, distinguished by their original appearance, lush flowering, resistance to different climatic conditions, to diseases and pest attacks.

This breeding company is located in Germany, and it was there that in 2007 a new hybrid tea variety of Geisha rose, which many refer to as floribundas, was bred. Over the past decade, this hybrid has become popular not only in its homeland, but also in many countries of the European continent. Landscape designers were especially interested in him, because the Geisha bushes densely covered with flowers fit organically into any flower arrangements in flower beds, they can decorate the park area even with a single planting of these perennials.

Rose flower

Characteristics and features of the variety

Geisha is a rose with strong erect bushes, the height of the shoots can reach 0.9-1.1 m, and the bush can reach 0.55-0.6 m in width.

Fact! The shoots are well leafy, the color of the medium-sized leaves is dark emerald, the leaf blades are glossy, with a characteristic shine.

Hybrid tea rose Geisha is a profusely blooming perennial, on each of the shoots up to 4-5 buds can simultaneously bloom. Blooming flowers are densely double, with large petals at the edges and smaller ones in the center, slightly curving around the edges. Flowers do not bloom to the end, their middle remains hidden.

The diameter of the blossoming flowers is slightly less than average, about 6-7 cm. The color of the petals is light peach, the pronounced delicate floral aroma of blossoming buds is especially noticeable in calm weather.

Interesting! After cutting, shoots with flowers can stand in a container with water for at least 10-12 days. The petals do not fade under bright sunlight, therefore florists actively use this hybrid variety when drawing up bouquets and various flower arrangements.

The Geisha Floribunda rose blooms throughout the season, starting in June.


When planting Geisha seedlings, you should choose an area with well-drained, fertile and loose soil. The variety does not like stagnation of moisture in the soil, therefore, drainage should be provided in the planting holes.


In general, there are no special nuances when planting and further caring for this variety. The main thing is to observe the irrigation regime, loosen the soil in time and remove weeds. This perennial should be fed several times per season in order to replenish the nutrients spent on flowering.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of this hybrid:

  • high decorativeness of flowering bushes;
  • this variety is suitable for cutting;
  • repeated re-flowering;
  • beautiful, bright enough flowers.

This hybrid has practically no drawbacks.However, it should be noted that with strong moistening of the vegetative mass or poor air flow to the roots, this perennial can be affected by fungal diseases.