Strawberry is a plant from the strawberry genus known for its large aromatic fruits. To get a good result from growing it, summer residents need to make a lot of effort.

However, if, with proper care of the bushes of the berries, a decrease in yield is observed for several seasons in a row, it is time to part with it.

The main reasons for the decline in yields include:

  • diseases of strawberry bushes;
  • aging of strawberries;
  • wrong landing site.

Plant diseases

Signs of the disease can be: drying out of bushes, rotting strawberries, covering of leaves and fruits with white bloom, brown spots.

Diseases can be caused by various factors: improper care, unfavorable climatic conditions, diseases of other plants located nearby, thickened plantings, incorrectly selected fertilizers, low groundwater levels, and others.

When the first signs of the disease are detected, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight it. If you miss the time, the disease will spread throughout the garden and the plants must be burned. On this plot of land, berry bushes can be planted for 4-6 years. In case of infection of this type of strawberry, it must be borne in mind that mustaches with rosettes are also sick and cannot be used as seedlings.

Plant aging

This plant does not like to be in one place. The life of the bushes depends on the variety and ranges from 3 to 5 years. If the berries are planted in the fall, then the next year you can get the first harvest. The maximum berry yield comes in the second year after planting.

In seasons when the number and size of berries decrease, it is necessary to remove the old bushes of the plant. After all, if they are not thrown away, the harvest will significantly decrease, and the fruits will shrink. If possible, new bushes need to be planted in a new place, if there is none, it is necessary to disinfect the old piece of land.

Landing place

Strawberries prefer warm and sunny planting sites, away from the shade of bushes and trees, protected from drafts. Therefore, you should choose southern sites for landing. The soil for good fruiting is well fertilized, and it should not be waterlogged. Suitable: black earth, loamy or sandy loam soil, close to neutral.

Antecedent plants also have an effect on strawberries. The berry does not grow well in the place of nightshade crops. Such as: eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes. You can plant strawberries in this place after 3 years. During this time, soil fertility will be restored, diseases will disappear. Onions, garlic, legumes, parsley, celery, radishes are considered useful predecessors. If you choose the wrong neighborhood, you can lose your harvest and strawberry planting.


With constant and proper care of strawberries, you can get a good harvest of large berries.