Moles are insectivorous mammals, unlike shrews. Distributed everywhere, except for permafrost. If possible, choose areas with loose, soft soil. They lead predominantly underground life, so vision does not play a special role for them. But they have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. The animals feed on small invertebrates, crawling insects and their offspring. Due to the increased metabolism, moles are forced to consume a lot of food, they can live no more than 14 hours without food.In summer, the habitat takes place at a depth of 3-5 cm to 0.5 m, and winter is spent in a house at a depth of 1.8 -2 m.

Gardens and vegetable gardens are the best suited for permanent residence of these pests. People have no choice but to use anti-mole remedies in the country. These are various devices, poisons, scarers, mole-killers, mole-catchers.

Fighting moles

Note! For the winter, moles prepare their own food in the form of paralyzed but live earthworms. To do this, they bite off the heads of invertebrates.

Spoilage of garden crops by moles

Moles have long and firmly chosen the cultivated land of garden plots. For them, this is the optimal habitat. Loose, soft soil and an abundance of earthworms like a magnet lures them to summer cottages. Moles consume slightly less slugs, wood lice, insects and their offspring. The parasite does not disdain small vertebrates such as mice, lizards or frogs, if it catches up. In one sitting, this glutton eats 20-22 g of earthworms, and in a day - the volume of almost his own weight. Between feedings, the mole sleeps in the burrow.

Moles do not hibernate, but their winter diet is somewhat less and consists of the same worms. The latter are attracted by the smell and warmth in the labyrinth. That is, the mole destroys earthworms useful for the gardener all year round.


Loosening the soil could be considered useful for the garden, but these diggers simultaneously turn the beds with garden crops inside out, expose the roots of fruit trees and shrubs, and reduce the number of earthworms that are important for fertility. In addition, a garden plot with numerous bumps on the ground and voids under it presents an unpresentable view and a danger of injury to the owners.

To the delight of the gardener, sometimes new mounds do not appear on the site for weeks. It is too early not to rejoice in this case, since moles do not dig when uninvited neighbors have enough food in the aft tunnels. Excavators develop vigorous activity only with a reduction in reserves.

Methods of dealing with mole rats

To help scare off moles, electronic devices have been invented.


It is believed that not only the sound heard by people, but also ultrasound can scare off moles. Such devices have even been invented and created. First of all, the characteristics of the device must indicate the radiated frequency above 20,000 Hz. If less, then there will be no result. And it is desirable that it was not a fake. Many people complain about the Chinese counterparts of scarers.

This technique is easy to use, not dangerous to the life and health of pests and is inexpensive (up to 2000 rubles). And most importantly, it copes well with the task.

Ultrasonic protection

Powerful network-powered ultrasonic repellents act well from unwanted neighbors. True, the price of them is not affordable for everyone.These devices are equally effective against any other tailed brethren: rats, mice.

  • Chiston-2 and Chiston-4 bioguard are just from this series. They are mainly used in food warehouses. They are more designed for confined spaces, but in practice it turned out to be effective in open areas.
  • Degree. The area of ​​action is about 500 m², although the figure is highly dependent on the density of the soil. On solid ground, the efficiency drops by almost 2 times. Operates on batteries only, 220 V mains voltage is not suitable. We need 3 little finger batteries of a good manufacturer (alkaline is better), then the device will work for 1 month without interruption.

Important!Various obstacles, large stones will absorb some of the sound waves, and the efficiency of the apparatus will decrease.

Vibrating devices

The device emits sounds of high intensity and intensity that are inaccessible to human hearing. Most of these devices run on solar energy. The most popular model is considered to be the Tornado mole repeller, which drives away not only moles, but also a bear, mice, and snakes. The device can operate both on solar energy and on batteries. This is true, especially on cloudy days. Moreover, with a lack of solar energy, the device itself switches to batteries. In soft soil, the coverage of the apparatus is 2000 m², but its intensity decreases with every meter.

Electronic scarers

The peculiarity of these devices is that they scare away all living things within the range of exposure. For living organisms, be it dogs, cats, cows, they are equated with earthquake harbingers, that is, they feel micro-shocks. Most popular models:

  • Remiling AN-A316. The device looks like a nail with a solar panel on the head. The wave generator is located at the tip of the nail. It receives a current from above and emits waves, which are repeatedly reflected (amplified) inside the hollow aluminum rod and propagate outward in waves. To achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to move the device from place to place (stick it 8-10 cm with the point down).
  • Electric sniper SM-153. The device differs from other products of a similar effect in that low-frequency waves are emitted at intervals. It is not an addictive pest. Also, productivity depends on the density of the soil and the presence of obstacles. Powered by solar energy. During installation, protect the device from moisture (wrap it with plastic wrap).
  • Ecosniper. All modifications of the Ecosniper scarer include two components: sound waves and vibration. The manufacturer has complicated the task by the ability to change the duration of one or another exposure. This manifested itself on the Ecosniper LS-997R and Ecosniper LS-997MR. Moreover, the intervals are not constant, they vary in duration from 15 to 75 seconds. This does not give the moles the opportunity to get used to the published effects. The frequency of the sounds produced is 300-400 Hz and they are transmitted from the speaker of the device, through the walls into the soil. A person perceives such a frequency as a quiet hum, but for moles it is deadly. The vibrator generates vibrations by a microelectric motor connected to a centrifugal eccentric. Almost all models in this series run on 4 D-type batteries (LR-20), but there are also solar-powered ones (for example, Ecosniper SM-153).

Electronic scarers

Gas tablets and smoke and sulfur bombs

The pills are also aimed at a bloodless fight. The animals are intolerant to the smell of gas, therefore, upon smelling it, they run away. Gas tablets are thrown directly into the hole and covered with soil. Moisture releases gas. The area of ​​action of one tablet is 4 m deep, 5 m in diameter. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves when working with the preparation. The tool is considered to be very effective. The effect is noticeable after 3-4 days.


Important! The effect of the gas tablet is unstable. For the final expulsion of the "guests" will need to repeat the procedure

Insecticidal-repellent smoke or sulfuric bombs from moles are also sometimes used for the dominance of mole rats.But we are not talking here about the harmless "smoking" of animals from their holes, but about their complete destruction directly in the labyrinth. Instinct will drive the animals as deep as possible, and they will suffocate with the poisonous smoke. Not every gardener will do this. Variations of the method include connecting a hose from the exhaust pipe to the entrance to the wormhole, or using mole carbide.

Toxic chemicals against pests

The word speaks for itself. Poison from moles is used just to destroy living organisms. Poisons are addressed when humane methods of struggle have been tried.

Pesticides are available in the form of tablets, pastes, granules. To remove from the site, poisonous granules and tablets from moles are scattered over the site, poured into the burrows. Poison for moles attracts them; the mole rats greedily eat the poison and die within a few hours from muscle paralysis. The effect of the poison on the ground lasts for another 1 month.

Toxic chemicals against pests

The most effective pesticides for moles:

  • ARGUS Garden (granules are laid out in 15-20 g each near the mole exit. They cost 50 rubles);
  • ARGUS-gel (5-10 g put the gel in each mole. Price 100 rubles);
  • concentrate gel green house (for poisoning of bait feed 15-20 g per 1 hole. Price 700 rubles per 1 liter);
  • anti-mole (15-20 g in each underground passage. Price up to 100 rubles);
  • Russian trap (paraffin briquettes, put into mole holes. The cost of 1 kg is 600 rubles);
  • anti-mole modifi (pellets are laid out in 10-20 g at all entrances to the holes. The cost is 100 rubles for 120 g);
  • throw (BROS) (5 g of product in each mink).

Important! Toxic chemicals can exterminate not only pests, but also other living organisms and even poison people. It is imperative to study the instructions and strictly follow them when using the product.

If there is an opportunity to do without poisonous agents, then it is better to use it.

Mechanical struggle

During the centuries-old neighborhood with moles, people have learned to deal with them. At the same time, there was almost no purpose to destroy them. Folk methods were aimed at taking them out of the garden plot, taking into account the excellent sense of smell and hearing of the excavators. That is, they made unbearable noises or used strong-smelling products.

A very simple and effective scarecrow is assembled from an iron bar and an empty tin can. To do this, a metal rod is stuck next to the hole and a tin can be put on it. Then the wind completes the idea. The grinding and knocking of the edges of the can on the twig force the mole to hastily leave its home. Many people use the option with a plastic pipe and a bottle. It is recommended that the lower part of the container be cut into a pleated skirt only to increase the noise.

Mechanical struggle

Fear of unwanted guests also catches up with a whistle in the throat of glass bottles, for which an empty container is dropped with the neck up next to the mole. Further, the wind howls in the area of ​​the bottleneck, and the sound penetrates the ground.


In the absence of allergies, strong-smelling products can be used as a remedy against moles. It can be turpentine, kerosene, gasoline, naphthalene. Rags, thickly impregnated with them, are evenly laid out throughout the entire area, thrust into holes. Such aromas can make the existence of a mole on the site impossible.

Another vegetable garden after watering / rain can be watered with an oil solution of castor oil in water (1 tbsp of any vegetable oil + 2 tablespoons of castor oil + 4 l of water). The specific smell lasts for several days. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times with an interval of 2 to 3 days.

Plants against moles

Physical violence against animals is still inhuman. It is worth trying more smoking methods first. For example, strong-smelling plants in the garden. Moreover, the ripening of grasses occurs at the time of ripening of cultural plantings, when the expulsion of dangerous "neighbors" becomes necessary. Here's what you can plant on the site:

  • dill;
  • basil;
  • celery;
  • hyssop;
  • narcissists (both beauty and benefit);
  • legumes.

Plants against moles

Hemp would perfectly complement this list, but alas, it is banned in Russia.

They also dislike calendula, marigolds, mint, onions and garlic.Therefore, experts advise taking them into account when planning beds in the country.

Note! There is another option for how to deal with moles with biological material - rotten fish.


So that you never have to poison voracious moles on your site, you need to take care of the impossibility of accessing them to the garden in a timely manner. And there is such an effective way. It is called barrier. To create protection, a special metal mesh is buried deep (at least 80 cm) into the ground along the perimeter of the garden. The aboveground part may not be high (30 cm). Moles cannot jump. They are more and more underground. These nets are durable, last a quarter of a century.

You can also dig in slate, corrugated board, linoleum, roofing material along the perimeter of the site. The main thing is that the depth is at least 35 cm.

Some gardeners make shafts around the perimeter of the garden. Sand and crushed stone are used as filler.

All gardeners pursue the goal of growing a rich harvest. The plans do not include feeding unwanted "neighbors", so the work to protect the territory must be carried out constantly. It will be advisable to dig deep into the area with the destruction of the mole labyrinths and to spread pungent-smelling objects around the perimeter from the autumn. If you manage to keep the moles at a distance before frost, then there is every reason not to catch them on the site in the spring.

* Prices are valid for September 2018