For centuries, our ancestors used the waste products of bees. They ate them, used them instead of tablets, ointments and gels. Tinctures and solutions were made from them. What is the secret of a healing effect, and how are beekeeping products useful?

Description and benefits for the body

Beekeeping products are substances produced in the apiary. This category includes:

  • pollen and bee bread;
  • honey, wax, propolis;
  • royal and drone jelly;
  • bee venom;
  • backing, mervu.

Bee products strengthen the immune system, provide the body with trace elements, and fight infections.

Beekeeping products

Wax is the most important beekeeping product

It consists of complex organic structures and is produced by the glands of workers. Serves as a material for building honeycombs, a kind of honey storage. Young animals are hatched and raised in them.


Scientific studies have proven that wax has a powerful bactericidal effect. It is used as a food additive E 901. It is also used as a component of pharmacological and cosmetic products. Pollen collected by bees is no less effective.

Who benefits from pollen

Bees use powdered pollen as food of protein origin. As a source of vitamins, it provides the unique insect with essential amino acids. This product contains about thirty valuable minerals necessary for humans.

Pollen it is necessary to include in the diet:

  • with exhaustion after illness;
  • to normalize hemoglobin levels in case of blood loss;
  • to prevent hypertension and abnormalities in the work of the heart;
  • in violation of the functioning of the digestive system, obesity;
  • suffering from neuroses and depression;
  • as an additive to pharmacy products.

Additional Information! This substance can be combined with medications without fear and harm.

Bee podmore

Not considered a medicine recognized by official medicine, it is successfully used as a folk remedy. The bodies of dead bees are used to strengthen the body's resistance, promote cell renewal and rejuvenation. The product normalizes heart activity and blood pressure.

Bee podmore

Drone milk

In addition to wax and honey, drone milk (homogenate) can be included in the list of what bees produce. It helps restore male strength, contains substances that affect the sexual health of the stronger half. It is considered more valuable than the uterine one: it contains 5 times more steroid hormones, and 2 times more nutrients.

Drone milk

To get it, beekeepers select combs with six-day-old drone larvae, then, with the help of a honey extractor, they squeeze out a yellowish substance of a thick consistency. It is used as a natural food supplement. The healing effect of the homogenate is manifested due to the combination of vitamins A, E, B, D with trace elements phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, as well as amino acids.

Perga and its application

Perga moistened with nectar serves as food for the larvae and is the result of lactic acid fermentation in sealed combs.In terms of its healing effect, it is second only to royal jelly.


But not only young animals need this substance. A person also needs its organic and mineral components: amino acids, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, trace elements and carbohydrates. These elements and compounds are widely used in cosmetology to rejuvenate the face, eliminate wrinkles and acne. The product has no contraindications.

Note! Before going to bed, the use of the substance is undesirable. Raising the tone, it negatively affects the quality of sleep. Excessive amounts provoke hypervitaminosis.

What is propolis useful for the body

Propolis (bee glue) is a resinous substance that is used as a disinfectant. Honey insects modify the gummy dark substance from the harvested sticky substance found in the buds of plants and use it to seal the hives. Like other bee products, it is widely used in cosmetology and the food industry, as well as in various fields of official and traditional medicine.


Bee venom: benefit or harm

Having bitten a person, the bee secretes 0.2-0.3 mg of poison. It is produced by the glands of the insect and enters the tissues of the human body. The substance acts like a medicine. It promotes the expansion of large and small blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, affects appetite and sleep, and metabolic processes. Bee venom increases tone and has a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

Bee venom and sting

Experts recommend combining poison treatment with other healing procedures (bathing, air and sun baths).

Important! If the body reacts to a poison with an allergic reaction, it becomes dangerous and life-threatening. If you are prone to such a reaction, you must avoid and beware of bees and their stings.

Bee hatching

This is the cut off top of the honeycomb of the waxed frame. It is removed with a sharp knife to pump out the honey. With a high level of biological activity, it is considered the most curative. It contains propolis, pollen and milk, so honey is good to chew.

Bee hatching


This is the final product obtained after melting the wax honeycomb of the old hive frames. It is the remains of bee cocoons and larvae. Use a substance to fertilize the soil. To reduce the aggressiveness of bees when caring for a family, the merva is put into a special "smoke chamber". They react to smoke with the smell of merv more calmly than to smoke from tree stumps.


Bee products and disease treatment

The bee family produces the most valuable products used in the treatment of most ailments:

  1. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, wax helps to treat inflammation and burns of various types. As part of candles, plasters, creams, it heals ulcers and wound surfaces. The therapeutic effect is manifested in the treatment of tonsillitis, rhinitis, stomatitis and periodontal disease, lupus and furunculosis. It is helpful to chew it to improve stomach function.
  2. The pollen should be eaten fresh, otherwise, after a year, the healing power of the granules weakens, and after two years it is completely lost. To make them better absorbed in the body, add a little warm boiled water. The daily allowance is no more than 2.5-5 grams (one and a half teaspoons). This amount should be taken in three divided doses. The optimal course lasts 30 days. It is advisable to repeat it several times a year during the off-season.
  3. In a state of illness, a person needs additional energy and vitamins. Their supply can easily be replenished with propolis. In addition, it removes pathological conditions of tissues and organs. Present in ointments and tinctures, it nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals and neutralizes radiation. The substance acts as an immunomodulator, rejuvenates cells and treats depression. It is a component of recipes for treating various lesions and abnormalities.
  4. Chemical compounds in bee bread contribute to the formation of red blood cells and an increase in hemoglobin.They help with the healing of stomach ulcers, activate tissue regeneration in case of damage. The use of the product will speed up the process of treating depression, stress conditions, nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue.
  5. A tincture is made from the bodies of dead bees, which soothes pain and acts as an anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and bactericidal medicine. When included in the diet, it is easily combined with herbal products. It is advisable to use for varicose veins, pathologies of blood vessels, skin and articular tissue.
  6. Bee venom in creams and ointments helps with diseases of bones and joints with arthritis, osteoarthritis, neuralgia, rheumatism and radiculitis. It eliminates pain, inflammation and swelling.
  7. Zabrus acts as an antiseptic, has a regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect, does not cause allergies. Effective in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, arthritis and other pathologies in the joints and bones.

ATimportant! At the beginning of the child's treatment, you need to be sure that he does not suffer from diabetes mellitus, is allergic to bee products and is not prone to bleeding.

Beekeeping as medicine

Beekeepers have experienced the healing properties of bee products on their own experience. Many of them, while caring for the hives, felt that their health was improving. Some managed to get rid of serious illnesses. They believe that the reasons for healing are the inclusion of bee products in the diet and their regular use instead of drugs.

Working with unique insects is soothing. The space of the bee dwelling saturated with the smell of propolis and honey protects the respiratory tract from viruses. Beekeeping as a process is a medicine for humans. Even scientists are increasingly talking about the special biofield of the bee colony and its strengthening effect.

Our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who kept the apiary, lived in unity with nature, did not know about pills, injections, operations. They didn't need to know. Benefits were even obtained from such a product as bee poison: it did not kill, but healed. Live natural food made them strong and healthy. And resistance to disease protected from all ailments.