Honey is not only tasty, but also a very healthy product. Products made directly from honey have a tremendous effect on the human immune system, have antibacterial, sedative and antiviral effects, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, honey contains a huge amount of vitamins, micro, - and macronutrients. Accordingly, all honey products have medicinal and beneficial properties and are in great demand in the market.

Honey products and their uses


This is a unique product based on honey, bee bread, propolis, bee gland enzymes and black wax, it is an excellent activator of the immune system. It is recommended to take when:

  • blood diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • oncology;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • eczema, psoriasis;
  • swelling.


Perga with honey

Perga is a pollen that bees carry into the hive and cover the bottom of the combs with it, then pour it over with honey. As a result, pollen begins the process of lactic acid fermentation, and bee bread is formed. It includes:

  • enzymes;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • monosaccharides;
  • trace elements.

It is applied when:

  1. anemia;
  2. deterioration in visual acuity;
  3. endocrine diseases;
  4. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. imbalance of metabolism;
  6. diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  7. inflammatory processes.

Honey with pine nuts

Honey with pine nuts

Pine nuts harmoniously complement the beneficial properties of honey, making the product more valuable and healing. In addition, pine nuts have a high nutritional value and a balanced composition, are quickly absorbed and have a beneficial effect on the body. This mixture is used for:

  • improving metabolism;
  • restoration of the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • increase the defenses of the immune system.

Honey with cranberries (or dried apricots)

Honey is mixed with cranberries or dried apricots, using the creaming technology, cream honey acquires the consistency of a thick soft butter, does not harden over time. Such a combination significantly increases the useful properties of the components. Such a product is used for:

  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • replenishment of vitamins, microelements in the body.

Dried apricots, in turn, perfectly tones the body, promotes the elimination of toxins and has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.

If desired, you can add any nuts or berries to the honey.

Honey balms

Honey balms

There is a huge assortment of honey balms that are distinguished by their unique composition and useful properties, depending on the direction in production, there are the following types of balms:

  1. pancreatic (increases appetite, improves digestion);
  2. digestive (beneficial effects on the digestive tract, relieving spasms, anti-inflammatory effects, for heartburn);
  3. calming (relieving nervousness, tension, improves sleep);
  4. cardiac (strengthens the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure);
  5. for vision (helps to maintain visual acuity, relieves stress, eye fatigue);
  6. hepatic (protection from toxins, alcohol, infections);
  7. male (normalization of the reproductive and urinary systems).

Also, various types of cosmetic masks, pastes, and creams are prepared from honey.Honey is used in cooking, alcoholic beverages are made from it, honey mash is considered the most popular and affordable at home.

Bee nectar products

Gatherer bees

The nectar is collected by gatherer bees, the main feature of which is the honey goiter for the absorption of nectar.

An amazing fact! The goiter is developed in gatherers to such an extent that it can contain an amount of raw materials equal to the weight of the bee itself.

To obtain honey, nectar goes through a long way of processing with enzymes in the bee body.

A nectar bee product can be:

  1. monofloral (collected from one plant species);
  2. polyfloral (obtained by collecting nectar from several different melliferous plants).

Ready mash and honey compatibility

Is it possible to put dissolved honey in a ready-made mash - a frequent question for fans of "honey" drinks. You can definitely, but you should add quite a bit. Thanks to honey, the mash will become softer and more aromatic.

How to put a mash on honey

Braga on honey

Braga with honey for drinking is a Slavic traditional drink that has not only hoppy, but also useful properties, due to the fact that it contains honey.

Attention! Honey mash was considered the main attribute of ritual ceremonies, for example, for newlyweds it was prepared specifically for a festive feast and for the next 30 days, during which the newly-made young had to drink this drink - hence the expression honeymoon.

Before making a mash from the available honey, you need to calculate and prepare the necessary ingredients and capacity.

The ratio of ingredients in a sugar-free recipe:

  • Ö 300 g of honey;
  • Ö 2 liters of water;
  • Ö 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • Ö 5 g of hops;
  • Ö to taste cinnamon, nutmeg.

Water is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and honey is added. Stir well with a wooden spoon, it is necessary to dissolve the honey completely. Cook for 5 minutes over medium heat, removing the periodically appearing foam. When the foam stops appearing, add hops and spices to taste. The yeast in a separate container must be diluted with warm water and wait for the fermentation process. The mixture with honey is cooled to 30 degrees and the suitable yeast is added to it, placed in a warm place.

Water is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and honey is added

How to put honey and sugar mash correctly? To prepare mash with honey and sugar, use the following proportions:

  • Ö honey 3 kg;
  • Ö sugar 3 kg;
  • Ö water 20 l;
  • Ö dry yeast 60 g.

Prepared in a similar manner.

Proportions of honey for a jar of mash

How much honey should you take for a flask of mash? The main thing in cooking is not to break the proportions. In accordance with the above recipes, to obtain a flask of mash (40 liters), the proportions are multiplied by two, which will be equal to: 6 kg of honey, 6 kg of sugar, 40 liters of water and 120 g of yeast.

Honey is a unique product that can be used in any sphere of life, the only thing that brings a sad accent is the rapid withering of beekeeping - more and more fakes appear on store shelves, a natural, high-quality product is found less and less.