Everyone has heard that honey products have unique healing properties. Any of them contains a huge amount of vitamins, useful components that support human health and improve their well-being. One of these products is bee pollen, its application is wide: from treating diseases to fighting obesity, even children are recommended to use it in case of deviations in health.


Bee pollen and flower pollen are very often confused, or even mistaken for the same thing. It is not difficult to acquire a natural product of flowers, since it is sold almost everywhere. The product that forms during the life of bees is a little different.

Helpful. Bee pollen is composed of flower pollen and bee saliva. It is the obtained product that bees feed their offspring.

Bee pollen

In some quality indicators, such a product can surpass honey. Pollen does not contain that amount of nutrients.

By processing it, bees create products that, at the output, contain the necessary for the human body:

  • vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • biotin;
  • folic acid;
  • pantothenic acid.

Healing properties

What is pollen for a person, and how to use it? This is worth understanding thoroughly. It is useful to eat this product in small dosages, but you need to know the rules for its use. For treatment, as well as for the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to eat the product for 2-3 weeks, according to the established dosage indicated by the doctor.

The healing properties of pollen

It is worth starting with small doses to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction in the body.

Bee pollen is recommended for athletes as an anabolic. It is also added to ointments that are aimed at treating eczema, psoriasis.

The bee product helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body, subsequently strengthens it and strengthens the resistance of the immune system to various diseases, improves its protective reaction, as well as the ability to recover in a short time after suffering long-term diseases.

What bee pollen heals

People are very often sick, especially during the cold season. It is at this time that the body needs additional vitamins and minerals, amino acids. Therefore, due to the fact that bee pollen has all the necessary properties, it is used not only in alternative medicine, but also in the usual, which has a traditional focus.

Bee Pollen Helps Against Many Diseases

This product is actively used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. ARVI.
  2. ARI.
  3. Flu.
  4. Constipation.
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Ulcers.
  7. Gastritis.
  8. Anemia.
  9. Heart disease.
  10. Hypertension.
  11. Cardiac ischemia.
  12. Nerves.
  13. Depression.
  14. Asthma.
  15. Prostatitis.
  16. Liver disease.
  17. Obesity and many other diseases.

On a note. Many diseases can be treated with the help of bee pollen - the medicinal properties of the product are superior to many medicines, it is important in this matter not to overdo it with the dosage and duration of the course.

Pollen application

This natural product contains a large amount of fats, proteins, sugars, vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes and many other elements.

Studies have shown that it also includes more than 20 trace elements, metals and macronutrients:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Barium;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Boron, etc.

Flower pollen has a positive effect on the human body. It helps to stimulate the process of cellular regeneration. It is also recommended to use it for patients after undergoing operations and serious illnesses. Pollen enhances the effects of drugs on the human body.

Flower pollen has a positive effect on the human body

With diseases

Pollen is recommended to be consumed regularly to maintain health, strengthen immunity.

Pollen (pollen) is often used in the treatment of a number of diseases, the most common among them:

  1. Hypertensive and hypotonic diseases. To normalize pressure, it is necessary to consume 1 teaspoon of pollen three times a day a few minutes before meals (with hypertension) or after meals (with hypotension). The prophylactic course lasts 18-21 days. After that, a break is made for 14-21 days, after which the course should be repeated if the diseases are very serious.
  2. Childhood anemia. Adults and children can suffer from this disease, but it is easier to prevent it at a young age. When the disease has already overcome the baby, it is necessary to mix honey (100-120 g), pollen (20-25 g) and milk (200-250 g). The mixture should be smooth. It is required to take such a natural medicine for 3-4 weeks, daily, three times, a teaspoon, before meals. It is required to store the medicine only in a closed glass, while the room should be cool and dark (you can put the product in the refrigerator).
  3. Diseases of the stomach. With gastritis, especially with low acidity, as well as with the initial stages of ulcers, it is recommended to use a folk remedy, which is prepared on the basis of pollen. It consists of: the natural product itself (20 g), fresh aloe juice (75 g) and honey (0.5 kg). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. This mixture should be taken 2-3 times throughout the day, a teaspoon half an hour before meals. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease. You should first consult with your doctor.
  4. Nervous system problems. In combination with royal jelly (2 g) and honey (0.5 kg), pollen (20 g) has a beneficial effect on the body, which is difficult to recover from serious diseases. Such diseases strongly affect the nervous system, which is subsequently reflected in the general well-being of the patient. The prepared mixture (from the above listed products) should be consumed regularly before each meal, a teaspoon. The rest of the medicine should be stored in glass and in the refrigerator, covered with a lid.

Bee Pollen Helps Solve Nervous System Problems


What pollen is used for is stated above, but it is also worth remembering that each medicine can both heal and harm, even if it is of natural origin.

It is worth understanding! Frequent use of pollen-based products can lead to overdose. Symptoms may be different, since the reaction of each patient's body may be different: headache, nausea, rash, vomiting, dizziness and much more. As soon as one of these reactions arises, it is worth stopping the use of mixtures based on a floral natural product.

Do not use pollen products after the onset of 18 hours, since pollen contains elements that help tone the body, this can lead to sleep disturbances.

It is strictly forbidden for diabetics to use pollen for treatment, especially in combination with honey. This also applies to people who suffer from pollen and honey intolerance.

Important! Before resorting to traditional medicine, it is worth consulting with a doctor and undergoing an examination in order to understand whether pollen is dangerous for the patient, the use for which diseases is available to him, for which not.

Features of the use of bee pollen

People learned to use the gifts of nature in the distant past. They tried each product and observed their bodies. Already in modern times, they began to study the inherent composition and detailed influence of elements on each organ separately.

Bee pollen is rich in vitamins and minerals

Bee pollen contains an incredible amount of elements that are required by each person for the normal functioning of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, intestinal tract, as well as the brain.

Pollen is minimally used in the treatment of colds: both in children and adults. Not everyone can afford to be treated with pharmacy drugs because of their high cost, but expensive - this does not mean effective, so they began to resort to a cheaper method, but which gives results already on the first day of treatment.

For the prevention and treatment of tachycardia, arrhythmias, strokes and heart attacks, it is enough to use a natural product just a couple of teaspoons a day to restore the strength and work of the heart, as well as the whole body. Pollen in combination with honey and milk helps support immunity. Pollen can also solve skin problems, as soon as you find the right recipe.