Honeydew honey is the most popular type of honey in European countries. It can be found in retail outlets in Russia in August-September, because it is during this period of time that it is collected.

Honeydew honey does not look very attractive, has no pleasant smell or sweet taste, and it must be stored under strictly defined conditions. But all these disadvantages are fully compensated for by such advantages as the presence of polysaccharides, minerals, and other useful elements. Honeydew honey - what is it, is it not harmful, how to store it - a number of questions that this article is devoted to.

Attention! Some people incorrectly call the product "hearth" honey, not understanding what it is. This name is wrong


What is the honeydew and what it is worth finding out in order to know what this product consists of. What is honeydew in beekeeping? It is a sticky liquid mass that accumulates on the leaves of plants. But in general, this word has other meanings.

Honeydew honey

This honey product is characterized by an unusual color. It is usually diluted in various shades: dark brown, brown, amber.

The non-standard color is due to the source of the honeydew and the conditions of its formation. The liquid is very thick and viscous, it stretches, looks like tar. The fall can only be sweet if it is harvested from conifers. In a different situation, the pad does not have the most pleasant taste, it can be bitter, which, of course, affects the taste of any other products derived from it.

It is extremely rare to experience a malt flavor. Due to the rapid acidification, the product cannot be stored for a long time. The crystallization process is very long. At the end of this process, honey becomes very viscous, forms a granular sediment. Dissolution in water is very difficult.

An interesting fact! The production of this type of honey is widespread throughout Russia. The main harvest falls on the time of a sharp increase in temperature, namely: from late summer to early autumn, inclusive.

Beneficial features

In Russia, varieties of flower homemade honey have gained great popularity, but in Europe the use of honeydew product prevails due to the high content of useful substances in it. The availability of important ingredients depends a lot on the main ingredient. It is worth finding out what kind of fall happens in beekeeping. For example, honeydew harvested from ash leaves is richer in phosphorus than that harvested from coniferous trees. This applies to both potassium and mineral salts.

Generally speaking, any honeydew honey contains a lot of fructose, glucose, sucrose, and polysaccharides. It contains a large number of proteins.

Has beneficial properties

Many novice beekeepers do not know what to do if the bees have brought honey and honey? Experienced people will tell you that when using honeydew honey, it must be mixed with flower nectar.

It is worth noting that this bee product is very high in calories. 100 grams contains about 326 calories. The presence of honeydew is due to the high concentration of potassium. And, for example, aphid honey contains a large amount of proteins, acids and a unique component of dextrin. The product is also rich in vitamins of groups C and B. In contrast to the flower one, the sugar level in the honeydew treats is lower, while the proteins and minerals, on the contrary, are higher. This is what determines the healing properties.

This product is widely used for medicinal purposes, because it has a large number of medicinal properties, has a beneficial effect on the body. However, due to the fact that the taste and aroma of honey is not very pleasant, it is not particularly used in cooking.

Benefit and harm

As mentioned above, honeydew honey has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, which is manifested in its healing properties. This product will provide energy, a surge of strength, and contribute to the recovery of the body after illnesses.

Honeydew honey

Bee nectar can have a disinfecting effect, has bactericidal properties, it has a beneficial effect on the psyche, helps to get rid of feelings of anxiety, melancholy, and, in general, has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system. In addition, it helps to strengthen the immune system, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the joints. The high content of potassium stimulates the cleansing of blood vessels, improves blood circulation. It is widely used to treat diseases such as hypertension, angina pectoris.

Remember! This product is used as an alternative to biological supplements, the purpose of which is to replenish the body with useful substances.


The benefits of this product for the body cannot be overemphasized. But, despite this, it is necessary to take into account the possible negative impact. In extremely rare cases, this can manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions, which is common among children and people with low immunity. As a result, the body can hardly tolerate the effects of potent compounds.

So, before using the product, it is recommended to conduct a tolerance test: apply a little honey to a small area of ​​the skin. If an allergic reaction occurs, then it is better not to eat it. Also, you cannot eat this sweetness in large quantities - it is saturated with calories and can increase blood sugar levels, adversely affect the figure.

Important information! For prevention, 3-5 tablespoons a day are enough. But you cannot expose the product to high temperatures, because this will deprive it of all the beneficial properties that it originally possessed.

How to choose

Today there is a widespread tendency to counterfeit honey by offering fake varieties for sale. Since a pure honeydew product is very rare, and, as a rule, is mixed with a floral one, it is necessary to know how to distinguish an original from a counterfeit, so as not to become a victim of deception. The definition of a natural beekeeping product is based on characteristic features.

Definition of natural product

The difference between flower honey and honeydew honey is, first of all, in the smell and also in color. Honeydew honey should be dark brown in color. It is possible that its color will be brown or black. This can happen if honeydew was collected from deciduous forests. The color will have a green tint.

How to store

Honeydew honey cannot be stored for a long time. This is due to its complex molecular structure, as well as its ability to absorb air and water vapor. During storage, avoid direct exposure to sunlight, monitor the humidity in the storage area: the place should be cool. You must follow all those rules that are prescribed for storing ordinary honey.

Knowing what honeydew honey is and how to preserve it, it is important to purchase a natural product in order not only to use it as a dessert, but also to take it to prevent many diseases.