The mole, it would seem, is a small animal, but it is capable of causing serious harm to plants on the site. It is difficult to catch an underground inhabitant, and not everyone physically agrees to destroy him. It is possible to humanely and inexpensively solve the problem of mole "invasion". To do this, you need to purchase a mole scarer or make it yourself.

What are the scarers

There are several types of devices on sale that scare away unexpected mole rats. They vary in price, design and efficiency.

Electronic ultrasonic

This type of device for fighting moles is considered one of the most effective. In addition to the main function, the device is capable of working as a repeller for bears and some other insect pests.

As the name implies, the device allows you to get rid of moles due to the propagation of ultrasonic waves emitted by the emitter. The range of their distribution varies from 36 to 45 m. The use of the device does not cause any discomfort for people and pets.

Electronic ultrasonic

The effectiveness of the ultrasonic device will depend on the presence of buildings near (their foundation prevents the propagation of waves), as well as on how tightly it is installed in the soil.

To install the repeller in dense ground, you will need to make a suitable hole in it in advance. The more stable and tighter the device is held, the better the signal transmission. Its upper part - the cap - is left on the surface so that it does not flood with water.

The duration of operation of the ultrasonic mole repeller on one set of batteries will impress any gardener. For example, the popular LS 997MP lasted 8 months according to consumer reviews.

Note! You can choose a device that will work as a universal repeller for shrews, snakes, moles and other small animals. But you should not take too powerful models so that the mole repeller does not turn into a cat repeller, which are also very sensitive to ultrasonic vibrations.


Moles do not like not only ultrasound, but also some smells. The developers of scarers took this feature into account and created a fairly effective remedy for getting rid of rodents - special balls that spread the smell of lavender oil.

The advantage of this tool is that there is no need to change batteries, monitor the health and integrity of the device.

Biological repeller

The most widely used biological repeller of the Detia company, produced in Germany.


In this device, the main part is a disc-shaped eccentric that generates mechanical vibrations. The misalignment of the center with the central axis of the shaft gives resonance. As a result, intermittent vibrations and sounds are unpleasant for moles.

Intermittent vibrations and sounds unpleasant for moles

One of the most popular domestic devices is the Tornado. The advantage of this repeller is the built-in electromechanical vibrator. Combined with sound vibrations, it produces a double effect.

Another similar device - Ecosniper - is equipped with a motor with an offset center of gravity. When working, they create vibration that spreads in a radius of 45 m.

Vibrating devices are quite effective and convenient to use.They are equipped with a housing that protects the working part from water and dust. To change the batteries, you do not need to remove such a repeller from the ground. However, the batteries will have to be replaced quite often - about once every 3 months.


Solar powered

If we talk about the differences in power sources, then the first place in the rating belongs to solar-powered mole scarers. Unlike appliances that require frequent battery replacement, they can run all season on energy from light.

Among the most popular scarers of this type are:

  • Anticroth that generates sound or low frequency waves. Built-in electronic circuitry allows you to generate waves at specific time intervals;
  • Weitech WK-0677 Solar, effective even in cloudy weather. When fully charged, the device can operate for 2 days. Its impact area is approximately 350 m²;
  • SITITEK Thunder-Profi LED + not only fulfills the main function, but also serves as a decorative element of the site. All thanks to the built-in LED backlight that works like a flashlight at night.

Note! Solar-powered scarers are installed in the same way as other models: they are carefully buried in the soil, leaving a hat above the surface.

How to choose the best option

To choose the most suitable repeller model for the site, you need to take into account some points:

  • Price. A mechanical device will cost less than an electronic one.
  • Body material. Metal models are reliable and durable, but they are not immune to corrosion. Plastic scarers are lighter in weight and do not rust, but they are more fragile. Any fall or impact will result in damage.
  • Source of power. Solar powered appliances will not need to replace batteries.
  • Battery replacement frequency. Not having the opportunity to visit the site often, it is better to choose a model that consumes energy more slowly;
  • Plot size. For a small area, it makes no sense to take a too powerful device with a long range.
  • Soil density. If the land on the site is too loose, you will have to take a device with more power.
  • Underground obstacles. Pipelines, building foundations are capable of “dampening” waves. The more such obstacles there are on the site, the more repellents will be needed to achieve the desired effect.
  • Features of the climate. In regions with a small number of sunny days, it is more practical to purchase units on conventional batteries. Solar batteries in such conditions will not have time to charge.
  • Quality. The market is overflowing with cheap Chinese models of scarers that fail pretty quickly. It is wiser to make a choice in favor of good, high-quality units from European firms.

Taking into account all the nuances listed above, you can choose the optimal model of the device, which will be inexpensive and will last a long time.

Do-it-yourself mole scarer

If there is no time and desire to buy a factory repeller, and there are not many moles on the site, you can drive them out using homemade devices.

One of the simplest constructions is a hollow tube made of reeds 1.5-2 m long. It is installed at one end in an earth passage made by an animal. The wind blowing into the upper hole creates a sound that frightens the moles, and they leave the site.

You can do without reeds by replacing it with a plastic bottle. A small hole is cut in the bottom of the container, after which it is inserted with its neck into the mole. By analogy with a reed pipe, an empty bottle in the wind will make noise.

Do-it-yourself scarer

There are special turntables made of plastic on sale. They are installed in burrows to scare away rodents.

Another home-made sound device is a Chinese squeaky alarm clock placed in a pipe. It is inserted into the ground for better sound propagation.

There are also folk methods of fighting moles, which certainly work, but their effectiveness is very low in comparison with factory devices. But as an option, you can try. A popular way to get rid of moles involves planting beans along the edges of the site. But it is ineffective and is more suitable for the prevention of animal invasions. After all, moles, meeting an obstacle from the roots of legumes, simply go around them and continue to make their own tunnel.

Storage conditions

Closer to winter, when an abundance of precipitation threatens the device's serviceability, it is time to remove it from the soil. This should be done carefully, especially when it comes to a repeller with a plastic body.

Devices that are tightly inserted into the ground are removed after digging them in. Then the repeller is cleared of the ground, the batteries are removed and stored until next spring. For electrical appliances, be sure to remove the wire from the connector, after removing the cover.

Metal scarers are kept dry to avoid corrosion.

Installation tips

To succeed in the fight against moles in the country or in your garden, it is not enough to purchase a suitable device. You need to install it correctly.

And, although this procedure is quite simple, there are rules that should be followed:

  • The main installation condition is density. Only if it is observed, the animal will be able to feel the ultrasound in full. The device is deepened so that the cap is 5 cm above the ground.
  • Better to spend more time, but use less energy. This is especially true for plastic-coated devices. Pressing too hard, driving into the ground can damage them.
  • The radius of action of the device, declared by the manufacturer, does not always correspond to reality. After all, they experience scarers of shrews and moles in areas that do not have underground obstacles. Therefore, the installation site must be "clean": away from houses, pipes, concrete slabs or rocks buried in the ground.
  • Moles, getting used to the point of signal generation, go around it at a safe distance, without leaving the site. This can be avoided by periodically changing the location of the device.
  • One repeller on the site is not enough, it is better to purchase several at once, placing them around the entire perimeter.

Note! Even the most expensive mole repeller does not have an instant effect. The animals remain on the site for about 4 more weeks, slowly leaving the place they like.

Despite the fact that moles eat insects, including pests, while bringing benefits, there is still more harm from them. That is why it is so important to respond in a timely manner to the appearance of uninvited guests on your site and purchase an effective rodent repeller, high-quality assembly.