Ants do not always bring destruction. A moderate amount of insects are beneficial on the site. The appearance of ants in the summer cottage indicates that aphids have started up. The easiest way to get rid of ants is to get rid of aphids.

Most often, with the arrival of ants on the site, problems also come. Insects do a lot of harm. Having settled on the site, they begin to destroy the crop. Ants love to feast on berries: strawberries, strawberries, currants, raspberries. Do not disdain insects and vegetables: carrots, beets, potatoes. To preserve the harvest, you have to fight ants.

Of the myriad of protection methods, the chemical method is the most important. Pesticides are common chemical aids for gardeners and gardeners. All of them are effective in different ways, have a different form of release and price.

The effectiveness of various drugs

In order to free a summer cottage, garden or backyard plot from ants, you must resort to using high-quality insecticidal agents. First of all, it is necessary to destroy the house of insects - the anthill. It is important to keep the tree trunks free from ants. At the beginning of the season, tree trunks must be treated with special gels, impregnated with professional preparations or barrier agents.


Ready-made ant eradication products contain chlorpyrifos and diazinon. These substances block the functioning of the nervous system. When diazinon from ants begins its killing effect, the insects begin to seizure and paralysis, which brings them to death. In its pure form, diazinon is a colorless oil, practically odorless.

Important! To increase the effectiveness of drugs, it is recommended to bring them to the center of the anthill.

For a quick and high-quality release of the area from ants, use means with diazinon in the composition. For example, Absolute is an effective remedy against domestic and garden insects. The product, which is available in the form of a gel or capsules with a powder, is active for 10 days and completely eliminates ants.

In order to protect tree trunks from the invasion of ants, gel-like agents are used. The gel-like structure is convenient for treating tree trunks. The effect of such drugs is visible within a day. Powdered substances such as Delicia are of little danger to humans. After treating the site with such a remedy, the ants will begin to die within a week. Means are produced in ampoules with a dispenser. They are convenient to use, but the effectiveness of such funds is low. It is also impractical to use aerosols, as they quickly evaporate.

In addition to special chemicals, folk methods help in the fight against ants. The easiest way is to pour boiling water over the anthill. Insects can be scared off by the strong smell of kerosene. To protect the garden, the anthill is sprinkled with salt. The aggressive smell of garlic, tomato tops, parsley, bay leaves, mustard or wormwood will help make life unbearable for ants. The leaves and stems of these plants are located near the ant house.


Effective insecticide - CE Anteater

Folk remedies are not always effective against insects. Often they only allow the destruction of workers, and not the queen and larvae.The drug Anteater CE can quickly destroy the epicenter of the anthill. The active substance diazinon, which is part of it, allows you to quickly get rid of insects on the site. The peculiarity of this substance is that it is poison. The insect that touched it becomes infectious and carries this substance through the anthill, infecting the rest of the individuals. Once in the blood, diazinon acts on the nervous system of ants, causing convulsions and suffocation. Death follows shortly thereafter. The maximum time to death is 24 hours.

The anteater is a Russian company called August.

Note! It is important to keep the drug out of the reach of children and pets.

Remedy for ants Anteater is available in packages of different sizes: 1 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml. The drug is in 1 ml ampoules. Remedy for ants Anteater has instructions. The instructions for use of the Anteater indicate that one ampoule should be diluted in 10 liters of water. Water with a temperature of 20-30 degrees is used. This amount of the finished substance is enough to process 5 sq. m of land from ants. The ready-made solution is poured over the anthill and a piece of land next to it. Then the ant house is covered with earth. Treatment is recommended in the morning before 10 o'clock, or in the evening after 18. It is believed that at this time more insects are in the anthill. The diluted product can be used for insect prevention. They are processed with strawberries, strawberries, potatoes. Indoors, the solution can be used to treat furniture, baseboards, floors and crevices. The main thing is to thoroughly clean the room after 3 hours. Wet cleaning should be done with the addition of soap and soda, because the alkaline solution neutralizes poisons.

You can find the drug in powder form. It is convenient for indoor use or in a hard-to-reach place, for example, under stones. Dry granules of the poison kill ants that are difficult to reach. Anteater from garden ants, the instructions for using the powder product are different from the instructions for the liquid product. The granules must be laid out next to the anthill. If he is outside, this must be done in calm weather, so that the pellets stay near the ant colony for as long as possible. Indoors, the granules are placed in places where ants accumulate. Often the pesticide is mixed with sweet water to attract insects.

The death of the murvies is assured

The duration of the action of the powder preparation reaches 8 weeks, when used indoors. When used outdoors, the product retains its properties for 20 days. The liquid is effective for 3 hours.

Precautionary measures

The anteater KE instructions for use strongly recommend that you follow the precautions:

  • Protect the roots of trees and plants from getting on them means;
  • Do not pour the Anteater into water bodies or sewers;
  • Diazinon is a substance that can penetrate the skin, therefore, hands and face must be protected from contact with the solution. Hands are put on gloves, hair is gathered in a bun and hidden under a kerchief or rubber cap, the airways are closed with a respirator. After the procedure, hands are thoroughly washed with soap. Clothes are washed separately from other items.

Important! If the substance comes into contact with the skin, immediately rinse the place of contact with cold water and soap.

When to treat plants from insects

It is not recommended to treat plant roots and seeds with an anteater. It is forbidden to process plants during flowering and fruiting, because harmful substances can get into human food.

It is important to treat plants from ants

This product is intended only for direct treatment of ant habitats.The gel-like product can be used to treat trees around the circumference of the trunk. Processing can be done at any time.

Benefits over other means

One of the main advantages of the Anteater over other means is its relative safety. It belongs to the second class of chemical hazard and is practically harmless to humans. Also, the product does not harm the soil and does not accumulate in it. All microorganisms living in the soil remain unharmed.

Insecticide poisons insects in a short time. Three days after applying the product, the results will be visible. The effectiveness of the product is the same both in the form of a solution and in the form of a powder.

One capsule of Anteater is enough to destroy 5-10 anthills.

Apply the product outdoors and indoors, observing all precautions.

The price of the drug is mostly lower than that of other firms and companies. The price of one ampoule is about 10-20 rubles.

In order not to waste energy and money in the fight against ants, you should regularly take preventive measures in the apartment, house and on the site. The dishes must be washed immediately after a meal, crumbs and food debris must be removed from the table. The floor is washed with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner. Keeps kitchen cupboards clean. Food waste is collected in a dustbin and discarded regularly. All cracks are insulated, making it difficult to access the room.