Laurel is an evergreen, not too whimsical plant to care for, which is grown for decorative purposes and collection, not only attractive, but also tasty fruits. Many agronomists mistakenly believe that cherry laurel is a hybrid of cherry and laurel, but this is not the case. The plant got this name because the leaves of the tree visually resemble laurel, and the fruits are like cherries.

The plant belongs to the large genus Prunus, which includes more than 400 species. In the main territory of Russia, this plant is deciduous, but closer to the south it becomes evergreen.

Important! Except for berries, all other parts of the plant are poisonous. When used, serious intoxication can occur, which in some cases led to death.

In the wild, Lavrovishnya is a fairly large tree, capable of reaching 6 meters in height. Boasts beautiful large leaves.

Characteristic features of cherry laurel

What is cherry laurel? A mature tree looks truly majestic - abundant foliage, incredible height. The leaves are large, with a beautiful glossy dark green color, visually resembling the leaves of a laurel tree.

The resulting fruits are suitable for consumption, but the seeds are extremely poisonous. In addition to them, the bark and leaves contain amygdalin, a toxic poison.

In the second half of spring, the plant begins to bloom, but the exact date can vary significantly depending on which region the tree grows in. Colors are characterized by two types of color: ivory or white. They are formed into attractive tassels, the length of which can reach 10-12 cm. The aroma during flowering resembles a cherry.


When ripe, the fruit is characterized by a red peel. Depending on the variety, the fruits visually resemble cherries or cherries. Good taste. And if they are salted, then they can fully replace olives or olives.

The cherry laurel has become known to the general public for its medicinal properties. In medicine, the leaves and berries of the plant are used to create water, tincture and medicinal oil.

Due to the chemical composition of the plant, it is possible to:

  • overcome anxiety;
  • to establish the activity of the heart muscle;
  • normalize sleep.

The culture is used as an immunomodulator, therefore the most popular variety is Medicinal laurel cherry.

Laurel Cherry Medicinal

Description of plant species and varieties

Cherry laurel has about 400 varieties, but only three are known in Russia. Let's consider each of them in more detail. The differences between the species are insignificant.

  • Lavrovishnya Medicinalnaya is perhaps the most popular and widespread type. The variety grows in the form of a tree or bush, the height of which does not exceed three meters. This plant is the most frost-resistant, drought-resistant, shade-tolerant and rapidly growing among its relatives. The tree is able to withstand light frosts, down to -25 degrees. Laurel-cherry seedling is picky about soil moisture. As for the composition of the soil, everything is much simpler here, because the sapling will be arranged with sandy loam, loamy, humus-carbonate and limestone lands. Trees are easy to mow, so they are often grown for decorative purposes. Lavrushka is grown almost all over the world.
  • Laurel-cherry variety Portuguese - there is either a large shrub or a miniature tree. The plant is characterized by slow growth. It has beautiful ovoid leaves, red petioles. In comparison with their relatives, flowering is quite late and falls on mid-June. Unripe berries are small and bright red, but gradually turn blackish-purple as they ripen. Abundant fruiting makes the tree very attractive and elegant.
  • Lusitanskaya Lavrovishnya is a branchy shrub of impressive size, which, subject to all the rules of agricultural technology, reaches a height of up to four meters. This plant grows very slowly, especially on land with a low moisture content. At the same time, it grows well on waterproof and light soils. He doesn't like excess moisture either. Even a slight boggy soil leads to the gradual death of the plant. The difference with other species is that this variety is the most thermophilic.

Lusitanian Laurel

Agrotechnical requirements

The landscape tree is intended for growing in the garden, in the country, on the balcony or in a special container. Saplings are planted in early spring or autumn, when the soil is still moist and dense. Cherry laurel is an undemanding crop, but each variety has certain individual characteristics.

Consider the grafting of a perennial:

  1. For breeding laurel cherries, take last year's or apical cuttings. The length of each varies from 10 to 15 cm.
  2. Planting seedlings are cut in the second half of August or even early September.
  3. After cutting the cuttings, they should be placed in a mixture of peat and sand. Alternatively, humus can be used instead of peat.
  4. When planting, drainage is required; ordinary expanded clay is used to create it.
  5. After the cuttings have a strong root system, they are transferred to medium-sized pots. In pots, they will develop throughout the year.
  6. After this time, they are transplanted to a permanent place in open soil. If the root system develops quickly, then the transplant should be carried out faster.

Important! The most common plant disease is grape powdery mildew. To cure the disease is quite simple, for this you will need to use special preparations based on sulfur or other fungicides.

Benefit and harm

Laurel has a beneficial effect on the body with proper and rational use. But, despite the benefits, there is a list of contraindications for use, which is worth paying attention to.

Beneficial featuresContraindications
Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;Irrational use of poisonous products can lead to intoxication of the body, which can be fatal.
The composition includes tannins, ascorbic acid and flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the body;
Pain relieving and sedative effect;
Relief of spasmodic pain;
Stimulates hair growth, prevents hair loss.

Important! Use is strictly contraindicated without a doctor's approval!

Laurel is a healthy plant when used correctly.