Wasps are a serious problem for humans. These unpleasant insects are extremely dangerous, and in some cases can even lead to death. But it so happens that wasps settle near a person: in a summer cottage, in outbuildings, on loggias and balconies, in the cladding of a house or even in the house itself. And then you have to decisively get rid of the unwanted "neighbor".

How to find a hornet's nest in your home

To successfully drive the wasps out of your territory, it is advisable to first find a nest. What do you need to know first of all for this? First of all, the fact that these Hymenoptera avoid places where they can be found easily. Therefore, you need to pay attention to hard-to-reach, quiet and dark nooks. Potentially attractive places can be:

  • attics;
  • clay walls;
  • cluttered cabinets and shelves;
  • wall cladding with cracks.


If no nests were found in these places, then you can try this method. Wasps are attracted to the smell of raw meat or fish, so you need to put a piece on the table and watch carefully. As soon as the insects react to the bait, you need to track where they will fly later.

Insect control methods

When the nest is found, we can assume that half of the work has already been done. What to do next? There are both humane methods of getting rid of wasps, and those aimed at their complete destruction.

Important!Before you "start a war" with wasps, you need to pick up the most closed clothing. The beekeeper's mask will come in handy. After all, when a person attacks a hornet's nest, you need to be prepared for the fact that he will be protected.

How to scare away insects:

  • Smoke. Smoking insects is one of the oldest ways to keep an insect out of your home. However, this method is rarely used at the moment. Firstly, it is fire hazardous, and, secondly, the smell of smoke will remain in the apartment for a long time.
  • Planting plants with a high content of essential oils: mint and lemon balm, basil, wormwood, various types of geraniums. The fact is that the high concentration of essential oils gives these plants a bright smell, which insects also smell. Only if for a person it is most often pleasant, then for other creatures it is disgusting. Therefore, planting these plants in the house will clearly not be superfluous, even if in a pot.
  • Ultrasound. Wasps are afraid of ultrasound, so special devices can scare them away.

And, if there are not enough ways to survive wasps from home, then there are much more means to completely exterminate them:

  • Water. You can either flood the nest with cold water or drop it into a container of boiling water. The destruction of the insect colony in the house is thus guaranteed.
  • Insecticides. There are a great many of them. Most often available in aerosol form. It is enough just to spray in the right place. There are also various powders, poisonous baits and even liquids.
  • Wasp traps from bottles. To make it, you just need to cut off the neck of the bottle, turn it over and insert it back. Then you should prepare a solution with an attractive odor and add boric acid to it. The trap is ready. It remains to put it in the right place and wait.
  • Dichlorvos and other analogues of this remedy will be very useful in the fight against wasps.
  • Gasoline and kerosene. These substances must be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the nest.

Wasp traps

But the most reasonable option is to combine different methods of fighting insects. It is not enough just to poison them; in addition, you need to destroy the nest and place as many traps as possible throughout the summer cottage.

How to deal with wasps in a wooden house

The first thing that should be remembered by the owners of wooden houses is that the methods associated with setting fire to and using kerosene and gasoline are categorically unsuitable for such buildings. This could lead to fire. Otherwise, there are no prohibitions.

The algorithm for getting rid of insects is something like this:

  1. Find and destroy the nest.
  2. Use traps to poison the remaining individuals.

Important!When nest is found, it is best to fight insects at night, so there is a greater chance that all individuals will be in the house.

To destroy wasps once and for all with the help of insecticides, you should follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. You need to take a large plastic bag, pour 1 tbsp into it. special tool and put it on the socket with a sharp and quick movement. It remains only to fix the package as tightly as possible so that the wasps have no chance of escape. After that, you need to wait a while, 2-3 days is usually enough. After that, the package can be removed. And, to make sure that the insects have died, they first knock on the bag: if no buzzing follows after the impact, then you can safely remove it.
  2. In parallel with the destruction of the nest, poisonous traps are placed. They are made from plastic bottles. Usually beer, kvass or sour compote is poured inside and poison is added. Also, special adhesive tapes from insects will help to escape from single individuals.

How to deal with wasps in a wooden house

How to get wasps out of the wall in a hard-to-reach place

It is easy to get rid of wasps when the nest is found. But what if it's not available? It can be considered especially difficult when the wasps built their nest right in the wall.

It will not be possible to destroy the nest here, since it is almost impossible to get to it. This means that we will have to act in other ways.

Three options for how to destroy a hornet's nest in a hard-to-reach place:

  • The first one is the longest and most ineffective, which consists in using traps. All the same plastic bottles with poison or special adhesive tapes. But overfishing all the wasps is impossible.
  • Scare away wasps by hanging objects with a specific aroma on the wall where insects have settled, for example, red hot pepper.
  • Seal the hole in the wall through which the wasps can enter their nest. Here you need to carefully observe them and track down where they get into the house. And as soon as a hole in the wall is found, you need to brick it up, just not with foam, since the wasps will cope with it in no time.
  • If the wasps are located in the hole in the concrete wall, then you can fill the house with water or kerosene.

What to do if wasps made a nest in the house

Getting rid of wasps that have settled right in the house is not an easy task. After all, if at the dacha you can freely deploy a theater of military operations, then in the house this option is completely unsuitable, since if something goes wrong, then the household may suffer. Therefore, you need to proceed with extreme caution. And poisoning wasps in the house is also not a good idea. What if the wasps settled in the house?

Wasp nest in the house

Important! It is advisable to wait until there is no one at home. It may even be worth sending the family to the country or to relatives at the time of the fight against insects. It is best to start with the onset of darkness, it is at this moment that the wasps go to rest. But, before you start exterminating them, it is worth taking care of the clothes.

The easiest way is the package maneuver. But it will differ from the summer cottage option, because there is not so much time at home. So, a bag is put on the nest and tightly fixed. Next, you need a special spray. A small hole is made in the bag so that the dispenser can go through, after which the spray is sprayed.You need to wait 10-15 minutes, after which you can throw out the bag and ventilate the apartment.

But this if the nest is conveniently located. But how to get rid of wasps in the house if the nest is not available? First of all, you need to find the moves. When this is done, in the dark, when the wasps are in their house, the holes should be sprayed with a spray. After that, it is advisable to moisten the pieces of tow or cotton wool with insecticides (sipaz, fufanol) and push them into the holes as far as possible, which then remains to be covered with a layer of plaster, into which it would be nice to add a little karbofos.

How to get rid of wasps with a package

Well, if you are not confident in your abilities, then you can entrust the removal of wasps to professionals.

How to get rid of wasps under the cladding of a house

Wasps often choose a place for themselves under the cladding of houses and dachas. How to deal with wasps in the country in an inaccessible place, such as the casing of a house?

Here smells can come to the rescue. Essential oils of lavender, lemon balm, mint, rosemary, lemongrass, or decoctions of garlic, tansy, wormwood are used. Walls are impregnated with these liquids, and with the help of a syringe, you can fill the cracks in the wall. This method will help expel the wasps for at least the period as long as the smell persists. And while they are gone, the wall can be repaired so that there are no more cracks on it.

Note! In the matter of destroying wasps under the cladding of a house, methods that are suitable for dealing with them in the walls are also good - traps and sealing cracks.

Everyone needs to know not only how to deal with wasps, but also how to prevent their appearance in the house and in the country. Geraniums should be placed on the windowsills, since its specific smell is not only beneficial for the human body, but also repels insects. In your summer cottage, you can grow as many fragrant plants as possible, such as mint, basil and garlic. Well, if the wasps are still wound up, then you should re-read the article and choose the appropriate way to kill the unexpected Hymenoptera.