Clover is a creeping plant, it multiplies rapidly, filling large areas. Gardeners often encounter it and immediately want to get rid of it. To do this, you must first figure out how to remove clover from the lawn grass. If you miss the active growth phase, then it will be difficult to get rid of the annoying neighbor. Plants that are on the site die over time, since the entangling roots of clover take away all their vitality.

Causes of appearance and impact on the lawn

For the lawn, clover is a great danger. As a result of its growth, the plant does not receive the sun's rays, but its roots do not receive nutrients. Therefore, it is better to remove the shamrock immediately, until its harmful effects lead to irreversible consequences.

It is interesting: despite the fact that many consider clover a weed, it is often used in folk medicine, used as an expectorant for bronchitis, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis. White clover helps relieve headaches, increases appetite, and is used as a diuretic.

Neighborhood with it leads to the death of the decorative coating, visible gaps appear, which are difficult to restore. As soon as this weed appears on the site, it is necessary to immediately take measures to remove it. Just pulling it out will not work, since its roots quickly spread in the ground and entangle large areas. This property does not distinguish clover from common weeds.


Clover can appear for several reasons.

  1. Uneven seeding of lawn grass. It is difficult for the seeds to make their way to the ground through densely planted lawn grass. If there was a poor-quality planting, weed seeds germinate quickly, falling on the ground. After that, dealing with them is much more difficult.
  2. Short-cut lawn. In such situations, the seeds do not linger on the foliage, but immediately fall on the ground.
  3. Inattentive selection of weed roots when planting ornamental grass. If you do not remove the clover roots when planting the lawn, then it will be more difficult to destroy it.
  4. Shaded area. The fact is that the harmful shamrock does not like the sunny side very much, so it actively grows in low light.
  5. The seeds or roots of the weed were already present in the lawn mixture that was bought at the store.
  6. Clover seeds are introduced by birds or animals.

The appearance of clover on the lawn can be avoided by proper planting and maintenance of the decorative surface.

Getting rid of clover with fertilizer

The active growth of the plant is observed in the area that receives insufficient nitrogenous fertilizers.

Attention! You can get rid of weeds in this way only if the lawn grass is not overfed with fertilizers. Otherwise, she may die.

Special tests, which can be purchased at garden stores, will help to check the lack of feeding. If, after carrying out such a procedure, the weed is still multiplying, then you should resort to other cleaning methods, since it is very difficult to get rid of the growing clover.

Mechanical method of dealing with clover on the lawn

How to get rid of clover on your lawn

Not everyone knows how to properly remove clover from the lawn mechanically, that is, manually. This method is the most affordable and common among gardeners.Weeding must be carried out correctly so as not to damage the decorative coating and effectively remove all weed plant shoots.

  1. The first thing to do is check the root system of the weed. Most often, it has one powerful root, from which several minor ones branch off.
  2. Grasp the tops of the bush completely and pull slowly without jerking. If difficulties arise, it is better to shed the soil so as not to leave small weed shoots in it.
  3. Using a garden trowel, dig under the root and pull out.
  4. Smooth the place from the rhizome, sprinkle with fertilizer and tamp with your hand or a shovel.

If you follow the instructions step by step, then the clover will no longer appear in this place, which means it will not have to be displayed again. It is important to carefully inspect where the weed is growing. Even the smallest rhizomes and sprouts must be removed. If this rule is ignored, then re-growth is guaranteed.

Extermination of clover by chemicals

An anti-clover herbicide is a chemical-based drug that works exclusively on weeds.

In horticulture, herbicides are in great demand as they are effective control agents. Most importantly, this "chemistry" does not harm ornamental plants. But any kind of weed dies within 14 days after treatment. It is recommended to withdraw clover with the preparations Herbitox, Sprut Extra, Tornado 500, Fuzilad Forte and others.

For efficiency, you need to follow the rules so as not to harm the decorative grass:

  • dilute the product according to the instructions prescribed by the manufacturer;
  • spray the lawn grass;
  • after two days have passed, you need to thoroughly shed the grass covering with running water;
  • after the dying off of the weed - remove the tops, level the soil.

It so happens that after processing the weeds continue to grow, but you don't need to worry and poison them again. Over time, they dry out around the entire perimeter.

Knowing all the listed rules and methods, you do not need to think long about how to get rid of clover on the lawn. All manipulations for the removal of this weed have been tested by gardeners. In order to prevent the global reproduction of a harmful weed, you must not miss its flowering, because after that it will produce 1000 times more seeds. When using chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions so as not to harm the lawn. And also, before processing, it is best to cover the fruit-bearing shrubs and trees.