The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the tomato crop largely depend on the selected variety. When choosing it, attention should be paid to a number of factors, including the climatic characteristics of the growing region, soil type, etc. Among domestic gardeners, the variety Rose Honey (another name is Sweet Honey) is in high demand. It grows well in most climates and is recognized by many as one of the most delicious and juicy tomato varieties.

general description

Tomato Rose Honey was selected by Novosibirsk specialists, and almost immediately found recognition. This is not surprising. The variety has large, heart-shaped and very fleshy fruits. But the main advantage of the variety is its delicate sweetish taste.

The smell of this tomato is almost completely absent, which is considered in two ways by gardeners. Some consider this an advantage, while others attribute it to disadvantages.

Since Pink Honey is not a hybrid, it is quite possible to propagate it using seeds without fear of loss of varietal characteristics. Compared to standard red tomatoes, this variety contains more vitamin C and antioxidants. If you include this type of tomato in your daily diet, you can forget that there are such adversities as cardiovascular and heart diseases.

Tomato Pink Honey

Variety characteristics

Honey tomato Pink Honey belongs to the mid-season. The ripening period for fruits varies on average from 111 to 120 days. Usually, the fruiting period in central Russia begins in August. Each cluster grows on average up to 10 ovaries. The first fruits can weigh up to 1.5 kilograms. Subsequent ones are already lighter: from 600 to 800 grams.

The average yield of this tomato variety is about 5-6 kg per sq. m (subject to the planting density of 3-4 shrubs per 1 sq. m).

Raspberry honey tomato belongs to the semi-determinate category. When a plant is cultivated in open ground, its maximum height does not exceed 100 m (as in determinants), and when in a greenhouse - 1.5 m (as in indeterminants). Most notably, plant growth can stop at any time.

Tomato Pink Honey, in accordance with the characteristics and description of the variety, has thin stems with few leaves.

Tomato bush

One of the distinguishing features that this tomato variety has is the presence of a dark spot next to the stalk, which begins to gradually disappear as it ripens. As the fruit ripens, the tomato acquires the pink color and sweet taste corresponding to the variety name. The tomato skin is rather thin, which complicates somewhat its transportation over long distances and shortens the period of possible storage. Practice shows that the tomato removed from the garden will retain its presentation no longer than 10 days. But a thin skin is not only a minus of a honey pink tomato. From the point of view of consumers, such a peel is a big plus, since the tomato then chews well and is suitable for eating raw.

Features of agricultural technology

For almost all varieties of tomato, agricultural activities are similar.


The fact that Sweet Honey grows well in greenhouse conditions does not mean at all that it does not do well outdoors.

The start of sowing work should be selected depending on where exactly the planting will be carried out: in protected ground or in the open air. If you plan to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can start work in early March. If the choice is made in favor of open soil, it is recommended to wait about another month.


Before planting, the seeds require obligatory dressing in a solution of one percent manganese potassium (twenty minutes is enough). After the procedure, the seed should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and then placed in fertilizers or stimulants.

If there is a need to increase the resistance of the crop to low temperatures, it is allowed to place the seeds in the refrigerator for a day.


The fact that Sweet Honey tomatoes are considered drought tolerant does not mean that the plant should not be watered at all. It is only about the fact that the culture tolerates dry soil without sacrificing yield and can be watered when the land is completely dry. If the summer is hot and dry, Sweet Honey tomatoes require especially abundant watering - at least 10 liters of water for each bush, at least twice a week. The plant should be watered early in the morning, until the sun is at its zenith. Later (and even more so evening) watering contributes to the development of fungal diseases.

Important! When watering a tomato, avoid getting water on the foliage and stems. This can provoke the development of fungal diseases.


To prevent the development of fungus, it is recommended to add a liter of a very weak solution of manganese to each plant in the water for irrigation.

As for fertilizers, honey pinks respond best to phosphorus and potassium compounds. It is on the amount of these useful elements that the fact that a ripe tomato will taste after harvest will largely depend.

Nitrogen fertilization should be done with great care. If there are too many

Nitrogen fertilizing

Chicken droppings or cow dung are best suited as organic feed.


For high yields, tomatoes should be planted at a distance of about 50 cm from each other. Emerging stepchildren should be mercilessly removed without waiting for their growth. It is enough to leave one or two full stems.



Many experienced gardeners note that the number of ovaries can be increased without problems if artificial pollination is carried out. This manipulation does not require special skills and abilities. All that is required is to shake the inflorescences a little lightly from time to time.

Despite the fact that the varietal tomato Sweet Honey grows to a relatively small height, the variety of tomatoes requires a garter without fail. This is due to the fact that the fruits of the culture are very large. If a large number of them mature, they will inevitably pull the plant stem to the ground.

If tomatoes are grown in greenhouse conditions, they will need to be ventilated on a regular basis and carefully monitored so that the temperature and humidity do not increase.

Important! When the air temperature rises above + 35 degrees, the fruit ovary stops.

Ripe fruits of Sweet honey are pinkish in color and are characterized by uniform coloration. But if the plot with tomatoes is placed in a place that is too brightly lit, some specimens will show green spots at the stalk. The solution to this problem is quite simple: you just need to put the plucked fruit for ripening.

Pest and disease control

Unfortunately, the culture's resistance to disease is rather weak. The plant is susceptible to late blight, tomato mosaic and some other pathologies.To prevent the development of ailments, experienced gardeners water the plants with a special protective solution in advance.

On a note. Immediately before flowering, it is recommended to shed shrubs with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of copper sulfate with 10 liters of water.

If the defeat has already happened, the first step is to remove all diseased leaves, and wipe the stems with a 1% solution of calcium chloride. Another good verified

Potassium chloride solution

With harmful insects, things are even worse than with diseases. Having decided to plant Sweet honey on your site, you need to prepare for the fact that slugs and other pests will have to be collected almost on a daily basis. You can't do without prevention. The plant should be periodically sprayed with soapy water, which is not tolerated by many insects, and especially those that eat foliage or fruits.

Interesting. It is believed that if you plant beans in close proximity to tomatoes, it will scare off earth insects.

Root pest control is carried out by means of cloth strips soaked in table vinegar.

The described methods have one significant drawback - they are very short-lived, and from time to time they will have to be repeated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomatoes of the described variety have both their strengths and some disadvantages. The pluses may include:

  • good taste;
  • high fertility rate;
  • adaptability to harsh climatic conditions.

Among the disadvantages, in addition to the already indicated poor transportability and short shelf life, can be called the impossibility of using for whole-fruit canning (all due to the same thin peel) and the occurrence of cracks if the irrigation regime is not followed.

The agrofirm Siberian Garden is engaged in the sale of seed material. So, if there is no desire to take risks, it is strongly recommended to purchase seeds for planting directly from this company or its official representative offices. The company is actively selling, including over the Internet. Finding her site will not be difficult if you enter the appropriate query in the search box.
