It's hard to imagine a backyard without tomatoes. A vast assortment of varieties excites the mind. Growing tomatoes has become a hobby for many. Now you can grow an amazing Puzata khata tomato in your garden.

The unusual name is successfully combined with the unusual type of tomato. This variety is quite new, bred for greenhouse cultivation. The Puzata khata tomato can be grown under plastic, but the yield will decrease slightly. Ground cultivation for tomatoes in the middle lane, which includes Moscow and the region, is not suitable - the fruits do not have time to ripen.

Description of the variety

For the Puzata khata tomato, the characteristics and description of the variety indicate that the ripening period begins 100 days after the emergence of shoots.

Although the Puzatiki tomato, as farmers love it, belongs to early crops, however, its fruits ripen slowly. This is due to the culture's strong sensitivity to heat. As for the southern regions, insufficient watering may become the only problem in obtaining a full-fledged crop.

Tomato Puzata khata in the garden

Important! The extended fruiting allows the tomatoes to be harvested almost to frost. For greenhouse cultivation, tomatoes must be provided with additional heating.


Tomato Hata is an indeterminate variety. The tomato has unlimited growth, however, according to gardeners, the height of the bush rarely exceeds 170 centimeters.

The branchiness and leafiness of tomato are average. The long stems are very thin, therefore, so that the plant does not die, it is tied to a trellis.

The tomato is covered with dark green leaves, the stalk is not articulated. Up to 5 tomatoes with 4-6 seed nests are formed on the cluster.

Fruit characteristics

Tomatoes have a very unusual shape that resembles a wallet. The pear-shaped fruit of the Hut tomato is strongly ribbed. Unripe fruits are light green, without a spot at the base. Ripening, Polna Khata tomatoes are filled with red, but the presence of an orange hue is also noticeable.

Tomato Puzata khata seedling

Tomato Puzata khata has truly huge fruits - the average weight is from 250 grams, and the largest ones reach 800 grams.

Comment. The size of a tomato is directly related to weather conditions, planting density, and bush formation.

Tomato fruits are thick-skinned enough not to crack from the weight. The fruits themselves are very juicy, but often have voids. Because of this, they are not suitable for salting.

On the other hand, tomatoes are very popular in the preparation of crushed preservation for baby and diet food. Saturated tomato juice contains a lot of sugar and the acid is not felt.

An important advantage of the Puzata hut is the excellent keeping quality of tomatoes. Even when plucked green, tomatoes ripen on windowsills and then retain their qualities for a long period.

This feature of the fruits allows them to be transported, but they take up much more space in the boxes.

Productivity and sustainability

The Puzata Khata variety is famous for its yield. Gardeners collect up to 11 kg of tomatoes from a meter of usable area.

Tomato Puzata khata fruitful variety

The official description of this variety is silent about the susceptibility of Puzatik to major diseases. However, drawing attention to the reviews of gardeners, it can be noted that the culture is resistant to late blight and other diseases, if minimal prevention is observed.

The high sensitivity of tomato to soil composition was also noted.If the balance of elements is imbalanced, Puzata khata begins to be capricious, reducing the yield and weight of the fruits.

Growing up, leaving

In terms of the characteristics of growing seedlings, the culture is almost identical to the rest of the tomatoes, but there are still some nuances.

Seedling period

Puzata khat tomatoes do not belong to hybrids, they are just a variety, so you can plant seeds on seedlings yourself.

Important! Before sowing, the planting material is soaked in a solution of stimulants HB-101, Epin, Zircon. You can also use a solution of trace elements. This is due to the insufficient germination energy of the seeds themselves, with the slow and uneven appearance of sprouts.

Seed should be planted for an approximate period of 60-65 days before transplanting into a greenhouse or vegetable garden.

As soon as the sprouts appear, they are transferred to the most illuminated place, using additional lighting if necessary. The temperature should be reduced by 7-10 degrees. Under these conditions, the root system of plants develops well, the immunity of the tomato increases.

Tomato bush

When the sprouts form several true tomato leaves, the seedlings are distributed in separate containers, while diving them. A week later, the seedlings should be fed.

The seedlings of the Puzata khata variety have a weaker appearance in comparison with the tomatoes of other varieties, so they need to be fed weekly with small portions of fertilizers.

The best option for feeding are humates containing trace elements, or fertilizers, such as Baikal, Shining.

Greenhouse planting

The Puzata Khata tomato variety requires a mandatory garter, so each garden bed should be located near the trellises. This will further greatly simplify the procedure for trimming and the necessary tying.

2-3 high-quality tomato bushes are planted on an area of ​​1 m².

Council. Both the weak stems of the plant and the brushes containing huge fruits are tied to the trellises so that they do not break the bushes.

When forming bushes, 1-2 stems should be left, no more. Forming a bush in 2 stems, gardeners leave a stepson, which grows below the first brush. All lower leaves and growing new stepchildren are subject to mandatory gradual removal.

When a bush is formed with 1 stem, then all formed stepchildren must be removed completely.

If in the end result it is required to collect only huge fruits, then tomato bushes are formed with one trunk. Also, bushes, in 1 trunk, are formed if the planting density is increased, or there is little space in the beds.

Tomato Puzata khata fruit

Further care

Tomato Puzata khata makes special demands on soil fertility. To meet the nutritional needs of the plants, they are fed several more times after transplanting. Do not forget about watering the bushes using settled cold water.

Since tomatoes ripen unevenly, you need to first take care of additional shelter when the early cold weather suddenly comes.

Attention! Tomatoes that do not turn red for a long time are harvested unripe, spreading them to ripen on the windowsill.

Advantages and disadvantages

Summing up the results on the Puzata khata variety, it should be noted that, due to the existing merits, the culture is leading among its brethren:

  • High content of trace elements and sugar in fruits;
  • Large size of tomatoes;
  • High productivity;
  • Disease resistance;
  • Unusual fruit shape;
  • High crop safety.

The variety has its drawbacks, among which it should be noted:

  • Culture requirement for land fertility;
  • Mandatory garter for fragile stems;
  • The necessary shaping of the bushes.

In order to favorably highlight an unusual variety, to interest gardeners in its cultivation, breeders often give plants unusual names. Puzata khata has such an unusual appearance that everyone wants to grow it. And having grown once, he will never be able to refuse a tomato.