The cultivation of tomatoes is especially popular among summer residents. The harvest and care of the plant depends on the correct choice of the variety. Tomato Petrusha, a gardener, whose fruits resemble the cap of a fairytale character in shape, will decorate the summer cottage and will delight the owners with delicious tomatoes for a long time.


The inclusion of the Ogorodnik tomato in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation refers to 2013. Altai agronomists recommend growing Petrusha in open areas. Agrofirm "Siberian Garden" produces seed material.

Tomatoes Parsley is an early determinant hybrid that is cultivated in any climatic conditions: northern and southern regions. Low-growing tomatoes require a minimum of maintenance.

Meteorological conditions affect the growing season of Petrusha, which takes 115 days. After 14 days, the vegetable fully ripens. The plant bears fruit from 3 to 4 months. A characteristic feature of the Ogorodnik is the uneven formation and ripening of fruits.

Parsley is harvested in July and lasts until September. Excellent fruiting allows you to collect up to 6 kg from 1 bush.

Tomato Petrusha gardener

The standard bush reaches 60 cm in height, very stocky and branchy. Tomatoes have bunchy, rich green leaves and side shoots. Brushes are formed after 1 leaf.

The manufacturer assures that tomatoes do not need pinching. But practice says the opposite: the proliferation of shoots has a negative effect on the fertility of the Gardener. Formation of 3 stems is ideal.

It is important to consider! In the phase of intensive fruit formation, tomato branches may break off. To prevent trouble, a garter is required to the support of Petrusha's multi-fruited stepsons.

On a note. Broken off shoots, including the tops, are used as cuttings for propagation of the Gardener. Seedlings are placed in water or placed in moist soil for root germination. Growing at home will allow you to harvest Parsley during the winter season.

The Ogorodnik has an elongated ovoid shape. Dense, even skin does not crack. At the stage of maturation, Petrusha becomes pink. Tomato pulp is juicy, fleshy, sugary, with numerous seeds and a pronounced tart aroma. The weight of the Ogorodnik fruit is about 200 g, some specimens weigh 300 g. Large fruits are tied on the lower hands, compared to the upper ones. The density of the structure of the berries is responsible for keeping quality and transportation.

The Ogorodnik has an elongated ovoid shape.

For growing Parsley in a greenhouse, productivity is uncharacteristic:

  • ovaries are 2 times less than open beds;
  • decrease in yield.

The use of the Gardener in cooking:

  • pickling and canning;
  • salting and drying;
  • production of ketchup and tomato paste;
  • making sauces and juices;
  • salads and cuts.

Agricultural technology of cultivation

Planting seeds for seedlings is the key to a good harvest. Sowing of Petrusha falls on mid-February - early March, 2 months before the planned planting in the soil.

Seed material must be pickled in a slightly pink manganese solution

Seed material must be pickled in a slightly pink manganese solution and sprinkled with a growth stimulant in order to get guaranteed Ogorodnik sprouts. Use volumetric containers for seedlings: boxes, containers.

Requirements for seedling soil:

  • fertile;
  • drained;
  • moisturized.

The composition includes:

  • turf;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • extract from superphosphate.

The depth of sowing seeds in the furrows is up to 1.5 cm. To accelerate the germination of tomatoes, the creation of a greenhouse effect is suitable: the box is covered with polyethylene. The appearance of shoots of Petrusha is expected on the 5th day.

Seedlings of tomatoes Petrusha

The planting material germinates quickly at + 22 ... + 25 ° С. The pecking of the Gardener's seeds signals the need to remove the film. Lowering the temperature to + 18 ° C is beneficial to prevent weakening of the seedlings. Healthy seedlings of Petrusha:

  • strong stem;
  • luxurious greenery;
  • developed roots.

After a few weeks, they return to the previous temperature value. the main thing control:

  • illumination;
  • temperature;
  • humidity of air and soil.

Compliance with these conditions guarantees high-quality seedlings of Petrusha. The appearance of the first leaves is a signal to transplant tomatoes into individual cassettes. Diving promotes the development of seedlings, growth of the root system.

In the last decade of May, Ogorodnik's seedlings are prepared for planting in an open area. Seedlings are daily exposed to the yard for adaptation. Hardening of Petrusha will affect the rapid adaptation and growth.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Gardener Landing

Choose a sunny, lighted, windless area with loose nutrient soil. The gardener is planted in a permanent place when the temperature is set at least +14 ° C and the earth warms up to +10 ° C.

Tomato beds for Petrusha are prepared in the fall: they dig up, fertilize with humus. When sealing a plot in the spring, mineral dressing is applied per 1 m2 of area:

  • superphosphate - 40 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 10 g;
  • potassium chloride - 15 g.

On chernozems, the dosage of nitrate is minimized. When Ogorodnik's beds were not fed with minerals, they are brought to the bottom of the planting pits.

Elongated specimens of Petrusha are planted obliquely into the hole. The top of the bush turns to the south. Sprinkle the tomato with moist soil and press down to avoid voids. Top up with dry earth. The plantings are immediately mulched to maintain soil moisture.

The plantings are mulched to maintain soil moisture.

Care secrets

Parsley tomato care includes:

  • watering;
  • weeding and loosening;
  • fertilization;
  • pest control.


Watering, which is carried out in the morning, helps to resist the Ogorodnik returnable cold weather.

On a note. Unhardened seedlings of Parsley at +1 ° C are damaged and die.

A sense of proportion should be shown: do not overdry or flood the earth. Watering with cold water during the day is fraught with few ovaries, substandard fruits without taste.

Gardener is watered every 5 days, the roots are abundantly irrigated, they try not to touch the stem and foliage.

Drip irrigation of tomatoes

To preserve the moisture content of the soil cover, mulch fits: straw, mown grass, rotted sawdust.

When ripening the fruits of Petrusha in the autumn, they refuse to water. Lack of liquid contributes to the quickest ripening of fruits.


After watering or rainfall, soil loosening is required. Weeds are weeded.

Top dressing

Soil mulching - slow top dressing. When decaying, nutrients are absorbed by the roots of the Gardener.

During the growing season, gardeners introduce liquid and dry fertilizing with multidirectional effects. After 2 weeks, Petrusha is fed for the first time using saltpeter with mullein infusion.

Top dressing of tomatoes

The next fertilizing of the Gardener, which is repeated after 2 or 2.5 weeks, is accompanied by the introduction of mineral fertilizers along with phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen feeding is needed at the initial stage of the growing season. If the foliage is fattening, and Petrusha does not bloom, nitrogen is completely removed.

Attention! Parsley tomato bushes react positively to bird droppings.

To stimulate fruit formation, the dosage of potash fertilizers is increased if it is cloudy and rainy. When the days are sunny, the amount of potassium decreases. Petrusha does not tolerate chlorine in its pure form. Replaced with potassium sulfate, ash, potassium nitrate.

To accelerate the ripening of fruits, use the gardener's feed:

  • copper sulfate;
  • manganese sulfate;
  • boric acid.

Important! Only hot water is suitable for dissolving boric acid.

Disease and pest control

Petrusha tomatoes are immune to diseases, including fungal infections: root and apical rot. Sometimes they are affected by late blight due to improper care of gardeners. Taking regular preventive measures will protect tomatoes from leaf mosaic.


Advantages and disadvantages of Ogorodnik

The tomato bush has a number of advantages that contrast favorably with other varieties:

  • no need to pinch the Ogorodnik;
  • the duration of fruiting;
  • large-fruited;
  • drought resistance;
  • immunity to most tomato diseases;
  • universal use of Parsley.

The disadvantages of the Ogorodnik include the mandatory fulfillment of the requirements and conditions for the cultivation and care of the tomato. This circumstance exclusively affects the high yield.

Thus, the characteristics and description of the tomato variety Petrusha gardener will allow novice vegetable growers to master agricultural techniques and enjoy delicious fruits in the midst of the summer season. Tomato bushes will undoubtedly take their rightful place in the garden.