Breeders pay a lot of attention to breeding tomato varieties suitable for growing in certain conditions. One of the successful experiments is considered the compact Liang tomato.

Liang tomatoes are an early ripe species, the fruiting of the bush lasts until the beginning of the cool period. The growing season is from 80 to 100 days. For the first time this species was bred experimentally in Moldova. The breeder of this species is the Transnistrian Research Institute of Agriculture. The unique tomato is intended for cultivation in the Central and East Siberian regions of Russia. Sedek agricultural enterprise produces seeds of this type on an industrial scale.

Characteristics and features of the variety

Frost resistance

A thermophilic tomato does not tolerate temperature extremes; it dies during cold weather. Therefore, hardened seedlings are planted after the end of return frosts.


Liana tomatoes have increased yields, but, depending on growing conditions, these indicators may differ. The species is early maturing - at least 85-115 days pass from planting to harvest. For example, in the central part and the Moscow region, up to 3 kg of mature tomatoes come out from a developed bush. In Central Siberia, this figure can go up to 8 kg.

Liang tomato


This type of tomato blooms 90 days after germination. The flowering time is directly influenced by many factors: the quality of watering, pinching, preventive treatment against pests and diseases. To speed up the flowering process, it is necessary to feed the culture with effective Zirconium and complex Cytovite. Any kind of vegetable is self-pollinated, because one flower already contains masculine and feminine principles.

Plant parameters

Compact annual, bush height can reach 50 cm, medium branching variety. Form the culture into one stem. Due to its compactness, the view does not require a garter to the support. During breeding, the cultivar was protected from destructive apical rot and macrosporiosis.

The hardy tomato Liana bears round, red fruits. The maximum fruit weight reaches 80 g. From 1 sq. m, you can harvest mature tomatoes up to 10 kg. This species has 2 varieties: with red and pink fruits, which have a characteristic aroma and unique taste. The acidity of the variety is quite low. Liana pink tomato has a high content of B vitamins and life-giving organic acids.

Liana pink tomato

Lana tomatoes are suitable for any culinary purpose: they are often eaten fresh, processed in any available way. Due to its elasticity, the vegetable feels great in conservation, does not crack. It is also perfectly stored and transported with minimal losses.


Landing features

You can plant Liang tomatoes, the description of which is given above, directly into open soil, but it is advisable to sow seedlings first. The optimal period for these actions (for seedlings) is late February or early March. After 2 months of active vegetation, young shoots will be ready for planting in open ground.

Interesting! The African Liana tomato variety grows comfortably on fertile loose soil, after a crop rotation of potatoes, beans and cabbage. Undesirable predecessors of tomato varieties will be carrots, healthy beets, eggplants. Any gardener will cope with the cultivation of Liana.

The characteristic of the Liang pink tomato also contains recommendations for care: for strength it is best to form 2-3 stems on the bush. To obtain a decent harvest, a vegetable requires periodic loosening of the soil, weeding and removal of weeds, watering and timely fertilizing. This species is distinguished by its unpretentious care. Fruits also require periodic fertilization.

Needs periodic fertilization

Protection against harmful insects and dangerous diseases

Liana pink - a tomato, the characteristics of which were described above, is susceptible to tobacco mosaic. The first signals of the disease are variegated or dark spots that have arisen, provoked by a lack of light. Infected annuals are not subject to treatment, they are immediately destroyed. In order to prevent the disease, seedlings are processed 15 days before planting in open ground. For this purpose, a prepared boric acid solution is taken.

Tomato beds are attacked by white butterflies - whiteflies, carriers of dangerous viruses. Ready-made solutions of insecticides will help get rid of these insects, among them the effective Aktara and the effective Fitoverm.

The destructive Colorado potato beetle prefers not only potato plantations, but also the nearby beds of fragrant tomatoes. Protection from this pest can be prevented in advance by planting legumes, aromatic garlic, healing calendula, nasturtium. Laundry soap and wood ash help to get rid of the invasion.

Ash is considered organic fertilizer

May beetles can destroy juicy stems. Timely digging of the soil with the destruction of the larvae and the treatment of young seedlings with an effective solution of insecticides help to get rid of them.

Destructive bears attack the tender roots of the vegetable. If you spray only the outer surface from this insect, this is not enough; special granules are laid for it. Among them, Pochin, Medvetoks, Grizzly have the highest efficiency.

A spider mite can get from fruit trees to an unprotected tomato bed. To get rid of this scourge, in specialized stores they buy bags with insects that eat these mites. The complex is sprayed with insecticides. Everything must be done in order for healthy Liang tomatoes to grow, the characteristics and description of the variety are given in detail above.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Liang tomatoes, the description of which must be studied for successful cultivation, have earned love and recognition from gardeners and experienced farmers, thanks to their obvious advantages:

  • Unpretentiousness in the care process;
  • Early ripeness of aromatic tomatoes;
  • Excellent taste characteristics of ripe fruits;
  • Long shelf life and durability during transportation;
  • Decent presentation of tomatoes;
  • The versatility of crop use;
  • Increased resistance to common diseases.

Among the shortcomings are the following qualities:

  • Susceptibility to harmful tobacco mosaic;
  • There is a lot of foliage, the excess of which has to be removed during the ripening of the crop.

Yield indicators make the variety attractive for growing in the harsh conditions of Siberia. Outwardly, ripe fruits of the variety are practically indistinguishable from the White filling tomatoes, which for a long time were considered one of the best early-ripening tomatoes.