The early maturing bee-pollinated undersized tomato Kemerovets is a product of the work of breeders of Western Siberia, entered in the State Register and zoned for the Central, Central Chernozem and Ural regions.

Characteristics and description of the Kemerovets tomato variety

Determinant standard bushes are compact in size. They grow up to 0.5 m in height. The foliage is rich green, but its quantity is small in comparison with other varieties. The garter to the trellises is not required, as well as pinching.

The yield is good. It is possible to get 4-5 kg ​​of fruits from one bush, and when 7-8 bushes are placed on 1 m2, the yield is, according to the seed producer, up to 20 kg. Each tomato has a rounded shape with a pointed tip, reminiscent of a heart. The color is bright crimson. The weight of one tomato is 60-100 g.

Tomato Kemerovets

Tomato Kemerovets

The variety belongs to the early ones, since it takes 100-105 days for the first tomatoes to ripen. Depending on the region, the seedling method and direct sowing in open ground can be used, taking into account the given climatic conditions.

Growing features

Seeds are sown on the beds when the soil warms up to 10 ° C, and there is no threat of frost. Usually this is the first decade of May. For seedlings, the dates are shifted 2-3 weeks ago (first decade of April).


A simple procedure allows you to speed up the emergence of seedlings. For 1 hour, place the seeds in a warm solution (1%) of potassium permanganate, and then spread on damp gauze and put in a warm place for 1-2 days. During this time, germinating seeds will hatch. It is necessary to plant both in open ground and in seedling cups at a shallow depth, about 1.5 cm.

The soil needs a nutritious one with good water permeability. In the garden, in the fall, it is necessary to apply humus or any other organic fertilizer to the beds.

Note! Garden crops such as legumes, onions and garlic, and cabbage are good precursors for tomatoes.

Before planting, superphosphate is introduced into the open ground at the rate of Control time of emergence of shoots from the moment of sowing - 7-10 days.

Seedling tanks must be provided with drainage. For these purposes, dried and crushed eggshells are well suited. In this case, you can safely leave it in the holes when transplanting plants to the beds. At the age of 1 week, the seedlings must be ventilated, and from 2 weeks they must be taken out into the open air in the afternoon for hardening for 2-3 hours.


Crops need watering only if there is not enough natural precipitation. The variety does not like waterlogging of the soil. One watering a week is enough. But on top dressing and periodic loosening of the soil, hilling, the bushes respond with active growth and an increase in the number of ovaries.

Tomato Kemerovets ripens

Tomato Kemerovets ripens

Both complex mineral fertilizers and humate fertilizers can be used as nutrient mixtures. During the season, you will need to feed 2-3 times.


Visually ripe Kemerovets tomatoes are clearly visible on the bushes, and it is noted that ripening is amicable.

Therefore, the gardener needs to be ready to process the crop in a short time or book it for long-term storage. At a temperature not higher than + 40C, tomatoes are stored for several months. They also tolerate long-distance transportation well, so the variety is often bought to obtain marketable products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the Kemerovets variety, gardeners note:

  • Cold resistance.
  • High resistance to late blight.
  • High yield of marketable products.
  • Suitable for cooking various dishes, salting.
  • Excellent transportability.

The description of the Kemerovets tomatoes does not contain any indications of shortcomings, just as gardeners who have tested the variety do not note them.