Tomato Money Bag is a variety developed by a Russian agricultural firm, the seeds meet the established state standards. The fruits form on the hands, which keeps them fresh longer after being picked. Tomatoes are leveled, with excellent taste.

Variety characteristics

  • Ripening time - early maturing, 90-100 days from germination;
  • Stem height - tall, indeterminate variety - unstoppable stem growth, reaching 180 cm;
  • Growing - greenhouse, open ground;
  • Taste qualities - sweet, juicy with a soft skin;
  • Fruit type - red, round, two-chambered, aligned shape;
  • Fruit weight - 80-100 g, fruits are formed on hands, 10-15 on each;
  • Formation - in 1-2 stems, on the stem of 6-7 brushes, the first brush is formed above 9 leaves;
  • Productivity - 10-11 kg / m², the yield gives throughout the growing season;
  • Purpose - universal, recommended for salads, various culinary treatments, canning with whole fruits;
  • Advantages of the variety - tomatoes do not crack, they are well stored and transported. They manage to ripen before mass destruction by late blight.

Agrotechnics of culture

Tomatoes of the Money Bag variety are grown through seedlings. Sowing seeds begins in the first half of March, tall varieties ripen longer, so the seeds must be sown 60 days before planting in the ground.

Tomato Money Bag Seeds

Tomato Money Bag Seeds

The soil mixture for seedlings should be fertile, light and loose, neutral acidity, for this use the following compositions:

  • 2 parts of humus and sod land, 1 part of river sand or rotted sawdust;
  • 1 part of humus and earth;
  • 3 parts of peat soil, 5 parts of compost, 1 part of rotted sawdust or sand.

Add 1 cup of ash to any mixture per bucket of soil.

The seeds are prepared for sowing as follows:

  • for disinfection, the seeds are placed for 20 minutes. into a solution of cherry-colored manganese, then washed with water;
  • soaked in a growth stimulator, for this you can use an ash infusion: in half a liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. ash for 2 days, sometimes stirring, then collecting the seeds in a bag of thick gauze dipped in the ash infusion for 5 hours. Thus, the seeds are saturated with microelements;
  • in order to awaken the growth of seeds, put wet cheesecloth on a plate and sprinkle seeds on it, fold the cheesecloth in an envelope and put it together with the plate in a plastic bag, place in a warm place at a temperature of 22-28ºC. Seeds should not be soaked in water to prevent suffocation and should not be placed on heating devices.

After 2-3 days, sprouts will appear, ready for planting.

For seedlings without further transplanting, picking, each seed can be planted in a separate container or sown in a common box. Any containers should have holes at the bottom to drain water.

In the seedling box, taking into account the subsequent picking, it is enough to pour 6 cm of soil, pour with warm water, spread the germinated seeds, fill in 1 cm of soil. Drizzle a little again.

Tomato Money bag seedlings

Tomato Money bag seedlings

In the future, the seedlings need to be watered only when the top layer dries up, so that water does not get on the plant. Excessive watering can threaten the appearance of a dangerous disease that can destroy the seedlings - black leg. Watered with water at room temperature, settled during the day.

Close the box with foil and put in a warm place for 7-10 days. The seeds germinate well.When the first shoots-loops appear, the seedlings are immediately opened and rearranged in a lighted place so that they do not stretch out from heat, humidity and insufficient light. Pulling out the stem weakens the plant. When the cotyledonous knee expands, the sprout length of indeterminate tomatoes will be longer than usual - about 5 cm.

The temperature in the first 4 days after removing the film should be lowered to +18 ºC, and from the fifth day - from +22 ºC. The temperature is controlled by opening the window.

Important! Seedlings are placed on the sunniest window, where there will be enough light for it, in the absence of windows on the south side or the duration of cloudy weather, the plants are supplemented with special phytolamps. Seedlings need about 12 hours of light.

They dive - each seedling is transplanted separately, in more free containers, in which the tomato bush will be located before landing in the ground, it is better that these containers are spacious. Seedlings dive in the phase of 1-2 true leaves, in the same soil as when sowing. Do not delay the transplant so that the overgrown plant roots do not get confused with each other. The day before the pick, the seedlings are watered.

Only well-developed plants are transplanted, the rest are removed. The sapling is carefully dug in so as not to damage the roots, you can do this with the back of a tablespoon, and transfer it together with an earthen lump into a prepared hole in a separate container. The sprout is buried a little lower than it grew before, and it is easily crushed, gently watered, holding the seedling.

Moneybag tomatoes require ample amounts of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to grow. If they were not enough from the soil during planting, which can be seen by external signs, then 10 days after the pick, the seedlings are fed with liquid fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers can be applied in the following composition: 10 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate for 10 liters of water. If a one-time feeding is insufficient, the same composition of fertilizers is applied 10-15 days after the first. They are also fed with natural fertilizers: solutions of mullein or ash.

Tomato Money Bag

Tomato Money Bag

In order for the seedlings to more easily adapt to new unusual conditions outside of indoor growth, to quickly take root in a greenhouse or open ground, they are hardened. To do this, the air temperature is reduced to 14-16 ºC in 10-12 days, and 5 days before planting, they are taken out onto a balcony or open window sill, starting from several hours to a day. Seedlings are not left on balconies during frosts.

Important! When hardening seedlings, the root system enhances development, the stems thicken, germination is inhibited. With proper development, there are at least 7 leaves on the stem before planting.

Variety Money bag refers to the indeterminate type of growth.

Tall varieties have some features of caring for them:

  • for a plant with a height of up to 180 cm and a high yield, support is required for a long period in the form of a support device and several garters for the entire growth period;
  • in a greenhouse, it is most rational to place them in the central part;
  • growing carpal tomatoes requires a sufficient amount of space, without thickened plantings;
  • more fertilization may be required to ripen many fruits;
  • mandatory removal of side shoots (stepchildren).

Planting seedlings begins in the second half of May, focusing on the nature of the climatic conditions, given that even with minimal frosts, the seedlings die.

Tomato Moneybag has large fleshy fruits

Tomato Moneybag has large fleshy fruits

Preparing the soil for planting tomatoes consists in digging, fertilizing. Organic fertilizers, in addition to fresh manure, are applied to the beds at the rate of: compost or humus 5 kg / m², ash 0.5 cups / m². Phosphorus fertilizers are applied before planting seedlings in the holes, diluting, as described in the instructions. Fertilizers should be applied in moderation so that instead of fruit formation, the plant does not begin to build up green mass.

Additional Information. With the constant cultivation of tomatoes in one place, the greenhouse should be disinfected, and the topsoil should be changed annually.

Tomato seedling Water the money bag the day before planting. Dry soil at the transplantation site is spilled with warm water and loosened. The planting pattern is 60x50 cm. The planting pits are made 20-25 cm deep, pour water, pour the earth, stir to obtain liquid mud and lower the bush into it a little lower than it was planted in a separate container. Sprinkle the planting with earth and lightly press the soil around.

Throughout the growing season, the tomato is watered abundantly in one approach, preventing water from getting on the plants. For tomatoes, constant ventilation is required.

For good setting and ripening of tomatoes, getting rid of thickening, pinching is carried out. In tall varieties, when a plant is formed into one stem, the stepsons are completely removed.

The step-son is a lateral shoot that forms very quickly from the leaf axils, at the point between the stem and the fruit branch. The stepsons are removed by scrapping, leaving a hemp of several centimeters. Stepchildren should be removed in sunny weather so that the plant does not become infected. Leaves below the fruit cluster are removed 1-2 per week.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Moneybag tomato is a productive variety with beautiful, even fruits collected in a cluster. The characteristic of the taste is bright and juicy, taking into account the early ripening. The minimum susceptibility to late blight and the possibility of salting whole fruits does not leave any disadvantages in the description of the variety, apart from some of the features of the cultivar's agricultural technology.