Cherry Blossom tomato gained its popularity among summer residents about 20 years ago. Despite the small size of the fruit, the tomato has a sweet and pleasant taste. Cherry Blosem is a versatile variety that even novice gardeners who do not have some experience in growing tomatoes can grow.

The variety was bred by Japanese agrobiologists in 1999. However, it appeared in Russia not so long ago - in 2008. In a short time, the hybrid has already gained popularity and fell in love with many summer residents.

The name of the variety comes from the English "cherry" - "cherry" and "blossom" - "to blossom". The tomato received this name due to its small fruit size.

General characteristics of the variety

This variety has different names: these are Cherry Blosem tomato, Cherry Blosem F1 or Cherry Blossom tomato. The hybrid is a determinant, standard-free variety. The first fruits appear already 90-110 days after the first germination of seeds.

The variety is medium early. From 1 m2 you can harvest from 3.5-4.5 kg of the crop. The fruit is small, about 18-25 g, bright red in color. The leaves of the variety are rich green in color, are of medium size. The inflorescence is complex. The hybrid can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the open field. The maximum height of the bush is 1.1 m, because of this it should be tied up. The variety bears excellent fruit in all climatic zones, except for the regions of the far north.

Cherry Blossom Tomato

Initially, Blosem tomato was recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasian regions, but later it showed itself perfectly in other climatic zones, which included the middle lane and southern regions of Siberia. Even with tolerable care and an unstable climate, the variety showed a large yield.

Fruit characteristics

  • Tomato fruits are uniform in size and high in dry matter content;
  • The tomato is small, rounded, weighing 18-25 g;
  • The tomato has a deep red, glossy skin, with a small spot at the stalk;
  • Fruit ripening occurs gradually;
  • When fully ripe, when the ends of the branches begin to dry out, the fruits retain their juiciness and do not crack;
  • When mature, tomatoes can hang on the branches for 1-1.5 weeks, after which they lose their taste;
  • Tomatoes are sensitive to temperature extremes;
  • Tomatoes are perfect for preserving or pickling, as well as making juices and salads;
  • Store tomatoes in a cool, shaded place. The shelf life is from 2 to 3.5 weeks.

Disease resistance

Important! The main feature of the variety is its high resistance to infections such as: nematode, alternaria, tobacco mosaic virus, brown spot, fusarium and verticellous wilting.


These diseases are the most dangerous for plants, in which not every tomato can continue to grow actively. Having bought the seeds, it is important to remember that before planting they should be treated with the fungicide "Tiram". When sowing, the seeds do not need to be pre-soaked in the solution.

Despite the fact that Cherry Blossom tomato is resistant to many diseases, it can become infected with late blight, especially when cultivated. To avoid this, for preventive purposes, the bushes are treated with special preparations based on copper. At the first appearance of the disease, Fitosporin or Bordeaux mixture is recommended.

Whiteflies are biological pests of tomato. They attack especially often in greenhouse cultivation.To get rid of them, use special sticky traps or approved insecticides.

Growing tomato

Note! To plant a tomato Cherry Blosem f1 should be a seedling method. Seeds are planted in special containers: long, but shallow. This will allow a plant with a strong root system and sturdy stem to grow. You can buy good soil in specialty stores. Having poured the earth into a container, it is compacted a little, then grooves are made 1 cm thick.

After disembarkation, the container is covered with plastic wrap. In the room, the optimal temperature is 20 ° C. Seedlings should be ventilated once a day, in the morning. Observing this rate, the seeds sprout after 5-7 days. As soon as the shoots are visible, the container is placed in the light, and the film is removed. It is important to water the seedlings on time.

During the growth of seedlings, they must be fed with fertilizers, as well as vitamins and minerals. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the seedlings should be planted in separate containers. For this, peat pots filled with substrate are perfect. Such containers allow you to transfer seedlings without damaging the root system.

Planting tomatoes in the ground

If the seedling reaches 15-25 cm in height, then it can be safely planted in open ground. Planting outdoors is usually done in May. Each hole requires potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Seedlings are carefully planted in the holes, while compacting the earth. The standard distance between seedlings is about half a meter from each other.

Tomato care rules

To tomato f1 Cherry Blosem f1 brought the greatest yield, the variety requires proper care:

  • The plant needs timely hilling. It is carried out at the first appearance of tubercles on the stem, near the soil;
  • Although the cultivar is determinate, it has thin stems that can break due to the weight of the fruit. Therefore, the tomato must be tied to a support;
  • The most important step in caring for a tomato is pinching. The plant needs to remove the shoots that are at the bottom of the first cluster with fruits. This procedure is recommended to be performed in the morning;
  • For the variety to bring a good harvest, it needs timely watering. You need to water the variety every 3-5 days. The water temperature should be 20-22 degrees. 3-5 liters of water will be enough for 1 m2;
  • The culture needs feeding in the form of mineral fertilizers, which will contain organic components.

Important! The amount of dressings should be regulated based on the component composition of the soil and the stage of tomato development. During the period of fruit ripening, fertilizers are usually applied that contain phosphorus and potassium.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Based on the above characteristics and descriptions of the Cherry Blosem tomato variety, its advantages and disadvantages can be distinguished.

Cherry Blossam crop


  • Excellent taste;
  • Getting a large harvest;
  • Due to the small size of the fruit, they are convenient to use for canning;
  • When sowing, the seeds do not take time to soak in the solution;
  • Can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open soil;
  • Due to their high growth, the bushes take up less space, thereby rationally using the land for sowing;
  • Fresh fruits can be obtained after 90-100 days;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Transportation is not a hassle.


  • Pinching is required;
  • The tomato needs additional support;
  • Sensitive to climate change;
  • Susceptible to attack by whitefly.

Summing up the pros and cons, the following conclusion can be drawn. With due observance of the rules of agricultural technology and proper care for a tomato, its cultivation will certainly pay off with a rich harvest, and dishes prepared from this variety will delight every lover of such a vegetable crop.