Not all varieties of tomatoes are suitable for growing in conditions that are far from ideal, for example, in the northern regions of our country. This problem was successfully solved by breeding new types of vegetables, which include the Chelyabinsk meteorite tomato. It is resistant to temperature extremes and is not afraid of diseases.

Tomato Chelyabinsk meteorite: characteristics and description of the variety

This variety is interesting for its early ripening period, the fruit is formed in 95 - 105 days. Tomatoes have a rounded shape and rich red color, the average weight of one vegetable is 50 - 70 g. The shrubs reach 1.2 - 1.5 meters in height.

The culture is called universal, the fruits can be used both for fresh salads and for pickling, making tomato juice. The Chelyabinsk meteorite is capable of boasting a fleshy, juicy, sweet pulp. The variety is fruitful.

Tomato Chelyabinsk meteorite

Another important advantage of this culture, which summer residents pay attention to, is the plant's resistance to stressful situations that arise due to the vagaries of the weather.

Important! Meteorite has a high resistance to some ailments that cause significant harm to vegetables grown in the garden. Excellent immunity allows shrubs to actively resist various diseases inherent in vegetable crops.

Fruits set equally well both in drought and rainy seasons.

How to prepare seeds

Particular attention is paid to the preparation of seed material, thanks to which higher yields can be obtained. If the seeds are fresh, they are not soaked, but it is recommended to put stale seeds in a saline solution for a while (10 minutes).

Then the seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth, where they should lie until they swell. It is important not to forget to moisten the cloth in time.

Preparing tomato seeds for sowing

Subtleties of seedling care

Good germination of seed can be ensured by adhering to the following conditions:

  • temperature regime in the daytime +20 - +26 degrees, at night +14 - +16 degrees;
  • regular ventilation;
  • daylight hours at least 12 hours;
  • watering with warm water.

Note to the gardener. It is better to spray seedlings with a spray bottle as soon as the soil begins to dry out. Watering is carried out with settled warm water.

When a pair of real leaves appear on the tomatoes, it is necessary to make a pick. Before transplanting, the pots are filled with fertile soil. When planting seeds immediately in separate containers, this stage should be skipped.


For the better development of seedlings, mineral fertilizing is used:

  • superphosphate - 5 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 6 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 1 g

This mixture is diluted in one liter of water.

Before planting plants in a permanent place in the garden, they are taken outside for hardening, starting at 10 minutes with a daily increase in the time interval.

What to do after disembarkation

Planting seedlings in greenhouses begins in early May. The distance between the holes must be at least 0.6 meters. The soil is prepared in advance and spilled with a manganese solution.

Lateral shoots need pinching to form a bush. Most often, up to 3 stems and no more than 5 stepsons are left.


Good to know. The Chelyabinsk meteorite belongs to self-pollinating varieties; to improve the natural process, you need to gently shake the bushes. It is important not to damage the stems.

Top dressing is carried out 21 days after planting the tomatoes. Water-diluted cow dung or bird droppings are best. Further fertilization is applied every 14 days.

From the description of the Chelyabinsk miracle tomatoes, it is obvious that this variety is an excellent choice for growing in the middle lane, in the Urals, in Siberia. The unpretentiousness of this variety made the Chelyabinsk meteorite one of the favorite crops of gardeners with areas in unfavorable climatic zones.