The gardener's Dream tomato was brought out by breeders from Russia, he is able to feel comfortable in glazed greenhouses and film shelters. The variety grows remarkably in all regions, pleases gardeners with juicy fruits suitable for long-term transportation and storage.

Tomato Gardener's Dream: characteristics and description of the variety

Ogorodnik's dream is an early ripe hybrid. From the moment of germination to the beginning of ripening, an average of 95 to 105 days pass. The bush grows no more than 70 cm high. The leaves are small, dark green in color.

Tomato Gardener's Dream

Up to 4-6 fruits are tied on one hand. The tomato has a glossy skin, the entire surface is smooth. As it ripens, the green fruit acquires a pink tint, and upon reaching ripeness, the color becomes uniformly red. An average tomato weighs approximately 140-180 g.

Juicy flesh and sweetish taste can be noted.

Note! Tomatoes are high in sugar and lycopene and have many seed chambers.

The yield of the variety is at the highest level - from 1 m2 it is expected from 6 to 8 kg of fruits.

Planting, growing and care

From the second half of March, seeds can be sown. The best soil for the variety is a mixture of turf soil (garden soil is also suitable) and humus. If desired, you can treat the seeds with a growth stimulant, which promotes rapid germination and increases the protective mechanism of the tomato.


The required temperature for germination is 23-25º. When the first shoots appear, the temperature is made lower, and the container with the seedlings is placed in a bright light.

Important! Without bright light, the plant begins to feel bad, slows down growth. In cloudy weather, you cannot do without additional lighting.

From the moment the real leaves appear, the next stage begins: picking and feeding with complex fertilizer. After sowing, only after a month it is possible to take the plants out into the open air so that they gradually harden.

Top dressing

It should be planted in the greenhouse at the beginning of May, but there is no need to rush with foil greenhouses until the earth warms up well. It is necessary to add superphosphate to each hole (no more than 1 tablespoon is allowed per plant) or wood ash, and fertilize the bed itself with humus.

As they grow, the bushes form and remove malformed flowers and lateral stepchildren. During this period, watering is required as the top layer of the soil dries up. For the whole season, complex fertilizers need to be applied 3-4 times.

Diseases and pests

The variety is practically not susceptible to typical diseases. Also, due to early maturation, there is no risk of late blight. However, pests can be a threat: bear, thrips, aphids, slugs, spider mites. To prevent them from appearing, you need to remove weeds in time and mulch the soil. Frequent inspections of plantings will not be superfluous.

Late blight

Note! If thrips or spider mites are found, the affected area of ​​the garden should be sprayed with insecticide at least 2-3 times.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety:

  • Early ripeness.
  • Amicable ripening of tomatoes.
  • The compactness of the bush.
  • Immunity to disease.
  • Easy care.

Note! Among the shortcomings, only the need for pinching plants and the obligatory tying of heavy twigs stands out.

In general, Ogorodnik's Dream is a good variety, perfect for conservation, cooking tomato pastes, salads and just fresh consumption.