The variety Em Champion, proven over the years, enjoys great success among gardeners and summer residents. Recommended for open ground, however, it gives an excellent harvest in the greenhouse.

Tomato Em Champion: characteristics and description of the variety

The variety was developed in Siberia. It was entered in the state register in 1982. It gives a good harvest in any part of Russia, but in the northern regions it is recommended to grow them in a greenhouse.

This variety of tomatoes is mid-season. It usually takes about a hundred days from planting to the first harvest. From one bush, you can collect about 6 kg of fruit.

Tomato Em Champion

Tomatoes are not stored for long, they crumple easily and spoil quickly, so it is advisable to process them immediately. This variety, like the Pink Champion, is great for salads, pickles, preparations, making tomato juice and tomato paste.

Plant parameters:

  • Trunk height - 50-70 cm (can be grown on the balcony).
  • Fruit weight - from 200 to 600 g.
  • The shape of the fruit is rounded, slightly flattened.
  • The number of seed chambers is 4-5.
  • The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour.
  • The texture of the fruit is tender pulp.
  • Fruit color is crimson.
  • Leaves are large, sparse, standard green color.


The variety is resistant to various diseases, especially fungal. However, there is a risk of infection with black bacterial spot. For prevention, it is recommended to use the drug "Fitolavin".



It is recommended to plant seeds in late February - early March in plastic containers with drainage holes. The containers must be filled with nutrient soil.

Important! You need to plant the seed at a depth of at least 2 cm, otherwise the plants will germinate with a seed coat. This will slow down the growth of tomatoes and will take much longer to wait for fruit.

Place the pots with planted tomatoes in a warm place, cover with transparent film or glass. When the seeds germinate, it is necessary to remove it and place the seedlings in a lighter place, for example, a balcony or a windowsill.


After about a week and a half, it is worth picking. This is necessary so that the plants spend their energy not on growing up, but on developing a more powerful root system, which makes tomatoes healthier.

It is worth replanting Em Champion in a garden or vegetable garden when the night frosts recede so that young plants do not freeze.


Em Champion tomatoes are unpretentious in care, but you still need to devote time to them. Despite the fact that the bushes of this variety have a low trunk, they need to be tied up. It is also worth making supports for the branches so that they do not break under the weight of the fruit.

Correct care. Props or tying

If the tomato grows in unprotected soil, you do not need to pinch the top or remove the fruit brushes. It is also necessary to water in a timely manner, get rid of weeds and loosen the ground. Complex fertilizers are suitable for this variety as a top dressing.

Note! Champion tomatoes are of several types. There are varieties with similar names: Champion tomato, M 14 Pink Champion tomatoes, and you can even hear the nonexistent name of the Ex Champion tomato.

You should not confuse them, for example, according to the characteristics and description of the Champion tomato variety, you can understand that these tomatoes are hybrids. They cannot be bred with self-obtained seeds. The type and structure of Champion fruits differ from those of Em Champion.

Em Champion is unpretentious in care, resistant to diseases.It is easy to grow them and collect an excellent tasty and healthy harvest, but it is not profitable for farmers to grow plants with quickly perishable fruits. This variety is great for a vegetable garden, garden or summer cottage.