To get an excellent harvest of tomatoes, you need to work hard. But there are varieties that do not require much effort, it is a pleasure to grow these varieties. The most chosen tomato in this regard is the Miracle of the Lazy One, it is in the lead in all indicators: an earlier ripening period and a yield coefficient.

Description of the variety and characteristics

The variety is ultra-early, determinant, abundantly fruiting, technical maturity occurs 85-95 days from germination. The variety was selected by Russian scientists from SibNIIRS.


The bushes are compact, undersized, erect, one might even say miniature, up to 45-50 cm tall. The foliage of the bush is moderate, the leaves are small, with small patterns, dark green in color. The stem is strong, thick.


Small, elongated (up to 5 cm), plum-shaped, with a small "nose", weight - up to 60-65 grams, bright red, aligned. The taste is very delicate, sweet, with a distant sourness and a unique peppercorn. Strongly aromatic, pronounced tomato smell. The fruits are dense, there are very few seeds, and they are very small in size. The pulp is juicy, but not watery, fleshy. The rind is smooth, dense, moderately thick. The seed chambers are not clearly marked. Plucked tomatoes withstand transportation very well and are stored for a long time, are not prone to cracking. The fruits are used fresh, in the preparation of tomato juice and various types of preservation. There is a possibility of whole-fruit salting.

Bummer in all its glory

The yield is very high - up to 8-9 kg per sq. meters.

Almost identical to the Miracle of the Lazy Tomato Uvalen 'characteristic and description of the variety largely coincide, the only thing is that Uvalen has a long ripening period.

Note. Tomatoes Uvalen 'description of which indicates a later date of the onset of technical ripeness (100-110 days after germination) appeared quite recently and have already managed to prove themselves (2-3 years ago). In addition, Uvalen tomatoes can boast of fruit size.


Tomatoes are intended for outdoor use. They are grown in a seedling and non-seedling way.

Important! Do not sow seeds for seedlings earlier than 2 months before planting in open ground. Sowing too early will cause the seedlings to pull out strongly.

Seed preparation:

  1. Sorting or rejection. To do this, use a saline solution (1 teaspoon of table salt per glass of water), into which the seeds are immersed. Poor quality seed (pacifiers, small and light) floats. Full-bodied good seeds settle at the bottom, they are washed with clean water and left to dry;
  2. Disinfection. The procedure for this variety is not necessary, the tomato is amazingly resistant to any disease. If desired, you can use a 1% potassium permanganate solution by placing seeds in it for 20 minutes;
  3. Germination. For this, a saucer and wet gauze with seeds are used, which must be systematically moistened;
  4. The hardening procedure is not necessary in this case. This tomato variety is already designed for harsh climatic conditions.

Tomatoes The miracle of a lazy person can grow in ordinary soil taken from the garden, but such soil is undesirable for seedlings. For proper growth, seeds need a lot of organic substances and microelements.

Attention! The lazy miracle tomato loves porous, loose and fertile soil, does not tolerate an acidic environment, the optimal pH is closer to neutral.

Seedling soil should include:

  1. Peat.Gives the soil looseness, provides the required amount of moisture to the root system;
  2. Humus. Saturates the soil with nutrients;
  3. Baking powder: sawdust or coarse river sand. Makes the ground porous;
  4. Leafy land. It has a high friability, it is collected under deciduous trees (you cannot use the collected under chestnut, oak and willow).

The specified components are mixed in equal proportions.

For seedlings, seeds are sown in March and early April. The seeds are sown in special containers (boxes), scattering them over the wet surface of the prepared soil. Fall asleep with dry soil. A pick is done when 1-2 true leaves form on the bushes. When transplanting into a total capacity, a 7 * 7 cm scheme is used. Seedlings must be watered in a timely manner and provided with sufficient lighting.

Note.The miracle of a lazy person is very fond of light, so there should be more than enough lighting. Otherwise, the seedlings will be drawn towards the light, and as a result, long thickets of weak seedlings will come out.

Seedling Miracle Lazy

It is recommended to plant seedlings in greenhouses in the last days of April or in the first ten days of May, and in open ground in June, after the end of night frosts. A week before planting tomato seedlings in open ground, they begin to harden it.

The soil for planting tomatoes should not be after Solanaceous crops. Best predecessors: legumes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage and onions. The earth should warm up to 15 degrees.

The planting pattern is 30 * 50 cm, this is the best option for this tomato. The bushes do not thicken and the fruit has enough room to grow to the correct size.

These Tomatoes are undemanding to feeding.

Possible feeding:

  1. On the 15th day after transplanting seedlings. A bucket of water takes 25 grams. nitrogen fertilizers, 15 gr. potash and 40 gr. phosphoric;
  2. Abundant flowering phase. Bird droppings, mullein, or weed infusion are used;
  3. Fruit formation period. Take wood ash and boric acid.

Top dressing is necessary if the plant grows dull, turns yellow, withers. Healthy bushes do not need feeding, the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, a lack of nutrients is better than an overabundance.

The care is simple, does not require special skills:

  • Regular loosening of the soil;
  • Removing weeds as they appear;
  • Systematic watering, depending on climate and soil type. Stagnation of moisture (roots will begin to rot) and its lack are harmful to tomatoes. The main signal for watering is a dried topsoil. It is better to use drip irrigation;
  • Top dressing. Not required, but significantly affects yield. It consists in feeding the plant with organic, phosphorus and potassium substances.

Diseases and pests

The varietal feature of these tomatoes is their super-resistance to pests and diseases. Therefore, preventive measures are not required. The only thing is that gardeners distinguish the Colorado potato beetle, but again, its massiveness largely depends on the correct crop rotation.

Colorado beetle

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of tomatoes:

  • Unpretentious care and ease of growing;
  • No garter or pinning required;
  • Resistance to adverse weather conditions, frost resistance;
  • Shade tolerance;
  • Early ripening;
  • High yield rates;
  • Excellent commodity external data;
  • Easy transportation over long distances;
  • Taste qualities;
  • Versatility of application;
  • High immunity to pests and diseases.

Note. According to the description of the Lazy Dream about tomatoes, technical maturity occurs 90 days after germination, and the weight of one fruit is up to 140 g.

Oddly enough, the tomato has no drawbacks. Some summer residents say the peel is too dense, but it is she who helps to maintain the perfect spring look. Each gardener has the right to decide for himself which indicators do not suit him, and which variety is better to plant.

If we compare the Miracle of the Lazy One with “similar lazy” varieties, we can distinguish the tomato “Dream of the Lazy” - in this case the latter is the leader in terms of ripening time, it has an earlier one, and in terms of fruit weight, but is inferior in overall yield.

Attention! Uvalen 'tomatoes are distinguished by larger fruits, exceeding the Miracle of the Lazy One by almost 2 times.

Definitely, these are ideal tomatoes in all respects. They make it possible to get a huge harvest with minimal effort and time.