Tomato Alpatieva 905A was bred at VNIISSOK by crossing the varieties Shtambovy Alpatieva 905 and Bizon 639. It was entered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia back in 1950. It can be planted and grown even in the Urals and eastern Siberia. It is planted in an open area and in a greenhouse.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Alpatiev

Early variety. Tomatoes can be removed 100-115 days after sprouting. This is not a hybrid. The bushes reach a height of 0.5 m.

Tomato Alpatieva

The stems are erect. The foliage is highly corrugated, has a dark green tint. The first fruit cluster grows over 7–8 leaves, the second and subsequent ones grow after 1–2 leaves. On one hand, 3-4 fruits ripen.

Note! The bushes are standard, that is, stepchildren do not grow on them.

Description of Alpatievsky tomatoes

The fruits are round, slightly flattened, bright scarlet. Fruit weight 60-100 g. The tomato has 4 seed chambers. Dry matter in it 5-6%, sugars 2.6-3%. It is convenient to preserve and pickle the fruits, as they are even, do not crack, and are similar to each other. They contain special sugars that give a unique flavor when pickled. You can squeeze tomato juice.


The yield of Alpatievsky tomatoes is high — up to 2-2.5 kg are harvested from 1 bush, and 146-445 quintals from 1 hectare.


The advantages of the variety are obvious:

  • The fruits can ripen almost at the same time.
  • Bushes adapted to sudden changes in weather.
  • Tomatoes drought resistant.
  • Themno need to tie and pinch.

This is not a hybrid, you can collect seeds from your garden and plant. To do this, you should choose some of the most beautiful fruits. Then leave them until overripe. After removing from the bush, rub through a sieve. Next, you should rinse the seeds, dry and store until spring.

Important! Plants are resistant to parasites and diseases.

Growing features

First, at the end of March you need to sow seeds. It is better to germinate them first. Place a moistened napkin on a plate, sprinkle seeds on it, wait until they germinate.


For the substrate, you need to mix compost or humus, garden soil, peat, sand. Pour another 40 g of fluff lime into 1 bucket of soil. Pour 10 g of potassium sulfate, 30 g of superphosphate, 10 g of carbamide there. Then pour this mixture into peat cups.


  • Place 2-3 seeds on top in each cup. Sprinkle with 1 cm of earth.
  • Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  • Cover the landings with foil. Place in a warm and bright place.
  • Every day you need to lift the film to ventilate.
  • Moisten the earth as it dries.
  • When shoots appear, the film should be removed.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in the soil at the end of May, making 40 cm indents between them. You can plant 4-5 plants per 1 m². Alpatievskie tomatoes are very easy to grow. Since the bushes are not tall, they do not need to be tied up, stepchildren do not grow on them. Therefore, care consists in timely watering, top dressing, it is still required to loosen the ground after watering.

Important! When the bushes grow to 15–20 cm, the lower leaves should be torn off.

If we consider that the variety is resistant to attacks by pests and diseases, to a sharp change in weather, drought, then its cultivation does not require effort. Therefore, even a novice gardener can grow Alpatiev's tomatoes.