Honeysuckle Tatarskaya belongs to the popular types of ornamental shrubs, widespread throughout our country. According to the international classification, honeysuckle has the name "Lonicera", after the famous German scientist Adam Lonitzer. Another prominent scientist - the classifier Karl Linnaeus, proposed to name the plant Caprifolium caprifolium. Subsequently, honeysuckle was attributed to a separate new type of honeysuckle.

The history of the creation of the variety

Initially, the natural area of ​​this unpretentious plant was Altai and regions of Siberia, as well as the European eastern part of Russia. It is with the natural location in the very center of our country - Tatarstan that the name of the plant is associated - "Tatarskaya". There is another version of the creation of this variety. It is connected with the fact that on the territory of Tatar plant-growing farms a lot of selection work was carried out to domesticate wild varieties of honeysuckle and to breed new species of this plant.

Flowering of Tatar honeysuckle

Characteristics and features of the variety

The fruits of honeysuckle are popularly called "wolfberry"

The honeysuckle bush can grow on any soil with different soil acidity. It grows well in a fertile area and takes root well in poor rocky lands. The plant can be planted anywhere: near the house, in a group of other ornamental plants, or as a single landscape specimen against a green lawn background.

Variety characteristics:

  • The plant has excellent frost resistance and does not require additional protective shelter in frosty winter time;
  • Honeysuckle Tatarskaya can do without watering for a long time. This very important difference of the plant is often used by summer residents and gardeners who have areas without irrigation or are located on sandy soils;
  • Excellent survival in conditions of increased gas pollution. Therefore, this plant is often planted near highways with heavy urban traffic and is used for landscaping industrial facilities with high gas content;
  • The plant shows good growth in areas after fires, and is also used for planting on saline soil;
  • Duration and abundance of flowering;
  • Honeysuckle has a neat bush shape, lends itself well to shearing and shaping. You can give the plant an original shape that will decorate any garden design;
  • Honeysuckle inflorescence is good honey plants.

On a note. If you plant a few bushes instead of a fence, then next season you can get a gorgeous hedge from the plants.

Delicate charm of blooming Tatarskaya honeysuckle

Description of the plant:

  1. The height of the bush can reach up to 4 meters;
  2. The leaf is oval or oblong-lanceolate, gray-green in color;
  3. Flowers, collected in inflorescence, paired with white or dark pink hue;
  4. Flowering begins in May and lasts 10 to 20 days;
  5. Fruits are red, yellow or orange. Due to the toxicity of the berries, it is forbidden to eat;
  6. Honeysuckle Tatarskaya has a high life expectancy - from 60 to 100 years.

Important! It should be noted the excellent ability of honeysuckle to quickly adapt after transplantation, the root of the plant quickly takes root in a new place, and the bush grows rapidly.

Reproduction of varietal honeysuckle material can be carried out in the usual ways:

  • Using cuttings;
  • Offsets of lateral plants;
  • Using young growth;
  • Sowing seeds.

All these methods are well known to any gardener, usually there are no special problems when propagating and transplanting a shrub.

Features of growing varieties

Small bush seedlings

There are several features when breeding a Tatar honeysuckle plant - this is planting and caring for new seedlings:

  • When buying a small bush with an open root, it is recommended to plant it in the ground in early autumn. The warm autumn season has a beneficial effect on the plant, it gradually enters a state of dormancy and will be ready to endure the harsh winter cold;
  • The closed root system of the seedlings allows transplanting at any time. Often for this they use the transshipment of a plant along with an earthen clod;
  • The plant is recommended to be planted in pre-prepared holes measuring 40 x 40 cm and a depth of 40 cm. Rows of shrubs are planted at a distance of at least 1.5-2 meters;
  • A drainage layer of expanded clay, broken brick, crushed stone or other similar material is poured at the bottom of the planting pit;
  • The soil for planting is based on: 3 parts of sod land, 1 part of peat or humus and 1 part of sand;
  • 2 buckets of compost are added to the composition of the planting soil and superphosphate 50 g and 1 kg of ash are added;
  • After that, the hole is watered abundantly with water and a seedling is planted.

The bush grows best in sunny places, the strong shade of the planting site leads to weak flowering of the plant and damage by various pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Home decoration with honeysuckle bush

The main advantage of the Tatarskaya honeysuckle variety shrub is its decorativeness and attractiveness, as well as:

  • At the beginning of flowering, the plant pleases with a fragrant charm of pink, and after that the bush dresses up with carmine-red berries, very reminiscent of a scattering of bright shiny glossy beads. Thanks to these advantages, the plant will be a wonderful decoration for the entire landscape;
  • The plant is not demanding to care for and for such an undemanding nature it is rightfully called a "bush for the lazy." Honeysuckle grows almost everywhere and in spring it pleases the eyes with its gorgeous abundant flowering;
  • In addition, a shrub hedge helps to protect summer cottages from uninvited visitors.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  1. The big disadvantage of honeysuckle should be called the possibility of damage by various pests, viral diseases. Therefore, for Tatarskaya honeysuckle, it is necessary to treat the plant with pesticides;
  2. To maintain decorativeness, a shrub has to form and cut off overgrown branches in time;
  3. The berry of the fruit is not edible. This fact needs to be communicated to young children.

Honeysuckle Tatarskaya is an unpretentious shrub that tolerates summer drought and severe winter frosts well. And in the spring he "dresses up" in a beautiful festive outfit, from which even the most unattractive site becomes cozy and elegant.
