Strawberries require constant care and special conditions, they are very fond of heat and sun. Therefore, it can be grown not throughout the country, but only in the south. But Queen Elizabeth's strawberries are unpretentious, they can grow even in the zone of risky farming.

The history of the creation of the variety

This variety is divided into several types: strawberries Queen Elizabeth 2 and simply Queen Elizabeth. It is believed to have been bred in Britain by renowned plant grower Ken Muir. However, there is no evidence of this.

Strawberry species Elizaveta 2 was bred by Mikhail Kachalkin, a specialist from the Donskoy nursery, in 2001. These varieties of culture are identical, the main difference is that the second species bears fruit throughout the summer. After 2 years, Elizabeth 2 became widespread throughout Russia, since the variety is unpretentious, has a high yield and excellent taste.

Description and characteristics of the strawberry variety Queen Elizabeth

The culture is early maturing, the first harvest is done by the end of spring. Strawberry Elizabeth is a 2 remontant variety, that is, it bears fruit all season, from late spring to mid-autumn. This type of strawberry is high-yielding. It is unpretentious and frost-resistant; it can be grown even in regions with unfavorable weather conditions.

On a note! The plant is resistant to many types of diseases.

The bushes of the plant are spreading and quite tall (about 50 centimeters in height), the leaves are large and have a glossy sheen, bright green color. Flowers are white, large, located under the leaves.

Strawberry mustache Elizaveta

The berries are large, the average weight of one fruit is 50 g, but some berries weigh more than 100 g. The berries do not always have the same shape. So, the fruits of the first collection are oval. And the fruits of the last autumn harvest are elongated. The strawberry has a deep red color with a slight sheen. Strawberries are delicious, according to the 5-point school, its taste was estimated at 4.7 points. However, the berries of the first and last harvest are not so sweet. Ripe fruits are stored for a long time, therefore they are used for sale, they tolerate long-term storage and transportation well. In addition to all this, Elizabeth strawberries are also healthy, especially fresh. However, it can also be used for preservation, making dessert, juice and jam.

Garden strawberry Elizabeth 2 is characterized only from the positive side.

Growing technology and care features

Strawberries are planted in 2 ways.


Growing a crop by seed is a difficult and time-consuming process. Moreover, there is no guarantee that all the seeds will sprout. Seed germination rate of 50%, even with proper care.

You need to plant seeds in late winter and early spring. For planting, a container with a height of more than 13 cm will be required. The soil in the container must be moist and warm. Spread the seeds evenly on the ground. After that, you need to press down a little, but not much. It is important that light falls on them. The container must be tightly covered with foil and placed in a place where sunlight enters.

Each day the film must be lifted for a few minutes. After 2-3 weeks, sprouts will appear. After they appear, you need to lift the film more often and for a longer time (about 30-40 minutes).

On a note! The ground should be moist all the time, it should be moistened with a spray bottle so as not to damage the shoots.

After the sprouts get stronger, they need to be planted in separate glasses. Water the seedlings often and very carefully, but the ground should not be too wet. After 120 days after planting the seeds, the seedlings can be transplanted into open ground. But before that, you should prepare them: take them outside every day, gradually increasing the time from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours.


Plant propagation in this way is done in spring and autumn. The plant is better taken in the fall. This method of seating is the simplest and does not require special skills. You need to choose the strongest and most productive bushes. The antennae of these bushes are covered with earth. After the processes have grown stronger, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

You need to take care of the plant constantly and correctly.

Do not water the plant too often, as it does not tolerate high humidity. Also, high humidity provokes the development of diseases. In clear sunny weather, it is advisable to water every 3 days.

Advice! You can find out that the plant needs moisture by clenching the ground in a fist. If the earth in a fist forms a dense lump, watering is not required; if it crumbles, the plant needs moisture.

You need to water it with a drop method. To keep moisture in the soil for a long time, it is required to loosen the soil near the roots from time to time. During watering, it is important to ensure that water does not get on the fruits or flowers of the plant, as this will lead to rapid damage to the fruit or the appearance of a barren flower.

Strawberry Queen Elizabeth in hand

Due to the fact that the garden strawberry variety Elizabeth bears fruit throughout the season, it is greatly depleted. Therefore, it is important to constantly feed the plant. Fertilize every week, it is recommended to use organic fertilizers: infusion of manure, bird droppings, fermented infusions from greens, infusions from wood ash, etc.

Although the strawberry bush of this variety is resistant to many diseases, prevention is still required. Also, prevention will help get rid of pests in time. For prevention, you can use an infusion of onion peel, tobacco and mustard. You should also plant calendula or marigolds next to the culture.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Strawberry Elizabeth has many benefits:

  • She is high yielding.
  • The fruits begin to ripen at the end of May.
  • Strawberries produce crops throughout the season.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Great taste.

This variety of cultivated plant has practically no drawbacks, with the exception of poor seed germination.

Strawberries of the Queen Elizabeth 2 variety are a fairly old variety of this crop, but this variety is much better than many new ones. This variety of strawberries is one of the most productive and unpretentious. The plant can be grown even in the central part of Russia, as it is quite frost-resistant. Ripe fruits are beautiful, they have the same shape and size. They can be used both fresh and for making desserts, juices and preserves.