According to its medicinal, taste and dietary properties, grapes are one of the leaders among domestic gardeners. The berry contains organic amino acids, easily digestible sugar, vitamins, minerals and chemical elements. Thanks to high-quality grapes, it is possible to cleanse the body and recharge with strength and vigor. But grapes are a light and heat-loving culture, which significantly complicates the process of growing in regions with cold climates. The famous scientist and breeder I.V. Michurin was tasked with developing new varieties that could be cultivated practically throughout Russia. The result is that varieties have appeared that make it possible to grow grapes in the Primorsky Territory.

Planting grapes in the Far East

Planting grapes in the Far East has its own individual characteristics, which must be taken into account by the grower, otherwise the desired result is unlikely to be achieved.


In areas with an unfavorable climate for viticulture, preference is mainly given to light grape varieties, but breeders have bred several black cold-resistant "Far Easterners". The plant grows on any soil, with the exception of salt marshes, swampy areas, as well as areas with closely located groundwater. The most suitable place for planting a seedling is a slope / hill on the southwest or south side.

Important! It is impossible to grow grapes in places of stagnation of cold air currents.

If the soil in the selected area is excessively moistened, then drainage must be done in the planting pit. It is necessary to prepare the ground before planting planting material in 2-3 weeks. If the acidity of the soil is high, it is recommended to add lime (no more than 200 g per 1 m²). It is better to add organic and mineral fertilizers (rotted manure or compost) to infertile soil.

Having dug a hole, you should erect a support around it from horizontally located wires. For this, wooden poles are driven into the ground: the length of each is about 2 m, the interval is 2.5-3.5 m. This is necessary so that as the plant grows, it can be tied up.

Important!The dimensions of the planting pit for grapes should be 70x70x60 cm.

It is possible to plant grapes in regions with a cold climate only in spring, the most favorable time is before the buds of wild Amur grapes begin to bloom in the forests (May 5-15). The earth should be warmed up to a temperature of 10-11 ° C. Bushes are planted at intervals of at least 1.5 m from other plants and structures. If the vine has been grafted, then you need to ensure that the grafting site is located above ground level.

The planting material is lowered into the pit, the root system is carefully straightened. As the pit is filled, the earth is compacted (no cavities should remain). After planting the plant, it should be watered abundantly with water and mulched with straw or dry grass.


Grape care in Primorye

Growing grapes in the Primorsky Territory is not up to everyone, since some varieties can be quite capricious, and the harsh climatic conditions only exacerbate the situation. To regularly harvest large yields from a vineyard, you need to learn how to properly care for it. It is not enough to plant the cutting correctly, it is important to pay attention to it in the first 3 years in order to wait for the long-awaited harvest.

One of the most important steps in caring for Far Eastern grape varieties is pruning. A properly performed procedure prevents the development of diseases, increases the chances of obtaining a high-quality and abundant harvest. Without regular and correct pruning, the grape bush will develop a crown of such a shape that will cause a lot of trouble for the gardener.

Important!A properly cut bush is easy to irrigate against pests and diseases, it is easy to graft and tie to a support.

During pruning, the characteristics of the grapes grown must be taken into account. Some varieties need long pruning, others short. For a beginner grower, the concept of "load on the bush" and "pruning length" should be separated.

The first is the number of eyes on the vines being trimmed, and the second is the total number of eyes on the bush that remained after pruning.

Every year, with the onset of spring, complex mineral fertilizers should be applied to the soil. The vine reacts sharply to magnesium deficiency, so the bush should be irrigated with magnesium sulfate.

Before the berries ripen, the bushes should be fed with liquid mineral fertilizers at intervals of 1 week. A bush growing near structures needs more frequent watering.


Grapes grown in open soil are less susceptible to disease than those grown in a greenhouse. Mildew and mildew, fungal diseases, are capable of causing great damage.

When the first symptoms of the development of the disease appear, the bushes should be treated with solutions of Bordeaux liquid and colloidal sulfur.

Far Eastern grape varieties

Today there are not so many varieties and hybrids that grow in the Far East. The most cold-resistant are - Far Eastern Ramminga, Alpha of Canadian origin, Taiga emerald, Shasla Ramminga, Khasansky Bousa and Primorsky. Description of some of them:

  • Far Eastern grapes. The variety is characterized by abundant and annual fruiting. If all the rules of agricultural technology are observed, up to 12 kg of berries can be collected from 1 adult bush. Bisexual flowers are formed. The bunches are small, the average weight of the berries does not exceed 44 g. The taste of the fruit is good, a pleasant sweet-sour aftertaste is felt. The harvest time is at the end of August.
  • Chasselas Ramming grapes propagate, as a rule, by layering. To ensure the achievement of the result, it is required to plant varieties such as Amur grapes and Alpha. The flowers are bisexual. The clusters are small in size, the berries are colored in yellow-green tones. The pulp is dense, moderately loose, sweet and juicy, with a pleasant nutmeg aftertaste.
  • The taiga emerald is characterized by abundant and annual fruiting. From 1 adult bush it is possible to collect up to 7 kg of the crop. The flowers are bisexual. Bunches are medium in size, compact. The crop can be harvested at the end of September. It is the most popular cultivar in the Far East.

Planting and caring for grapes in the Far East is not an easy task, but this does not mean that it is impossible. Before you start breeding a culture, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules of planting and care. Following the recommendations, even a novice gardener will definitely succeed. \