Merlot is the most popular and widely used grape variety in France and is often used to make Bordeaux wine. The variety gained its popularity in the 14th century in France. Merlot is also used to create amazing wines in Tuscany and to a much lesser extent in Switzerland, Australia, Argentina and many other countries, including America.

Merlot wines are perfect for the dinner table. Its rich flavor goes well with a wide variety of foods.

Note! This grape variety is considered technical, which means that it is not suitable for consumption raw.

Description and characteristics of the plant

Vineyards have a brown stem, closer to the ground the shade is darker. The foliage is dark green in color, large, with a clear division into 5 separate lobes. The bush grows quickly and begins to bear its first fruits after three years. The start of fruiting depends on many factors: soil preparation, soil type, climate.

On a note! The plant self-pollinates, because it has shoots of opposite sexes.

The shrub changes its appearance throughout the season, the color ranges from juicy green to golden interspersed.

The weight of the bunch reaches 200 g, has a wax coating. The berries are oblong with a dense skin. One of the peculiarities of the species is increased juiciness, which increases the volume of the resulting wine. More than 70% of pure juice is obtained from this type.

Merlot is characterized by frost resistance - it can withstand frosts down to -29 °

Merlot grapes


Merlot is a technical grade and is therefore rarely consumed. This variety is intended for winemaking. To get certain taste, you need to plant it in a specific soil. For example, berries from sandy soil taste quite pleasant and soft, while grapes from limestone soils have a strong smell.

Ripening terms

The Merlot grape variety is classified as early ripening, since the first harvest can be harvested in 153 days. However, in order to prepare different types of wine, the grapes must be given different ripening times. For example, for dessert wine, fruits ripen 165 days.

Wine made from Merlot grapes.

Disease susceptibility

Vineyards resist mildew well, but are prone to rotting. Also, the fruits are not interesting to birds and insects, which ensures better safety.

Rules for planting grapes

Merlot bears fruit well in arid areas with good watering. It is necessary to plant grapes from the south side under any conditions.

Any soil is suitable for the plant, except sour. The planting site is pre-cleared of weeds and other plants. The best time to grow grapes is spring. The abundance of sunlight will enable the plant to strengthen and begin to bear fruit. In areas with heavy rainfall, it does not require regular watering.

On a note! This type of grape has the ability to perfectly adapt to adverse environmental conditions. It can be grown in almost any type of soil and climate. Seedlings and cuttings can be planted, both of them are perfectly adapted to different growing conditions.

Varietal advantages:

  • Saplings take root well;
  • Frost resistant variety;
  • Early maturing variety;
  • Easily tolerate an abrupt change in climate;
  • High productivity;
  • Resistant to various pests.

Merlot grapes are resistant to cold and pests.


  • It is necessary to monitor the ripening of the fruit, as the clusters may crumble;
  • Mold may appear on the fruit;
  • Susceptible to powdery mildew, so the bush should be treated with special protective substances.

Merlot grapes are great for making wines and are easy to grow.After all, it is unpretentious in care and adapts well to climatic conditions.