Many gardeners who are engaged in viticulture know that plant care is very complex and multi-stage. Often, simple agricultural procedures are not enough, from time to time it is required to treat grape plantings with various drugs that stimulate the growth of grapes and protect them from the invasion of insects and damage by various diseases. Many people prefer to use a drug like Ridomil Gold.

Features of the drug

Ridomil Gold is an effective drug that belongs to the group of fungicides characterized by systemic contact action. The product is presented on the market as powder or water-dispersible granules in various packaging forms.

The chemical composition is as follows:

  1. Mancozeb (64%) penetrates deep into the plant and acts systemically on infections, i.e. protects all parts of the crop: from the roots to the very tips of the leaves;
  2. Metalaxin (8%) remains on the leaf surface, adding protection and preventing re-attack by the fungus.

Important! Fungicide Ridomil Gold belongs to the substances of the second group of danger for humans and the third for bees. It is important to ensure that the product does not get into water bodies, as the substance is detrimental to fish.


It is effective to use the drug Ridomil Gold for the prevention of fungal diseases of various cultures, including grape mildew. The remedy is especially effective in the treatment and prevention of peronospore fungi; for the elimination of powdery mildew species, the effectiveness is much lower.

Grape milde

Advantages and disadvantages

Fungicide Ridomil Gold is an effective remedy that has many advantages over analogues:

  • the effect of the treatment is quick, even with diseases in an advanced stage;
  • the components of the drug completely destroy fungal spores, which contributes to the complete elimination of the lesion focus;
  • does not cause resistance;
  • the effect of the action of the agent is noticeable in those parts where there was not even treatment;
  • dilution of the solution does not require exact adherence to the dosage;
  • the action of the agent does not depend on the cultivation conditions, the treatment is carried out according to standard regulations and established schemes;
  • when using, no additional safety measures are required, except for traditional ones (storage in inaccessible places for children and animals);
  • perfectly stored at various temperatures: from -10 to +35 degrees;
  • the strength of the components in unopened packaging is not lost throughout the shelf life.

This chemical has a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. Toxicity (hazard class 2 for humans and class 3 for bees);
  2. The limited spectrum of action, the diseases that he treats, cause significant growth restriction in plants and loss of yield;
  3. The cost of the drug is high in comparison with other fungicides that are sold at retail in stores today;
  4. It is not allowed to store the product in its open form, it should be used immediately in full;
  5. When fungi are destroyed on the plant, beneficial microorganisms in the soil are removed, therefore, with frequent use of Ridomil, the composition of the soil may deteriorate;
  6. In those areas where processing with Ridomil solutions is carried out, the introduction of compost, humus is simply useless;
  7. Fungicide is able to accumulate in plants, which gives long-term negative consequences;
  8. The phytotoxicity of the drug is weak if all the rules for diluting the solution are observed, but if there is an excess of the drug, then the toxicity increases sharply.

Processing consumption

Ridomil Gold Mts, the instructions for use for grapes of which are described, is a preparation for the treatment of many garden and horticultural crops. When carrying out treatments with Ridomil Gold, it is imperative to take into account the validity periods, as well as the volumes for processing. Fungicide is used to treat different crops at different times.

Consumption rates of the drug during processing

CultureDiseasesConsumption (l / ha)The period between treatments
TomatoesPhytophthora, Alternaria300-50010
PotatoesAlternaria, late blight300-50014

Application features for grapes

Important! The last treatment of grapes with Ridomil Gold should be carried out even before the formation of the fruits, immediately after flowering, so that harmful substances do not accumulate in them. In the fall, such treatments are not carried out.

The solution for spraying grape plantings is carried out in full accordance with the instructions for use of Ridomil Gold for grapes. Approximately 25 g of funds are diluted in 10 liters of water. If there are few plants on the site that will be sprayed, then you can reduce the dose of the solution and take only 10 g for 4 liters of water.

Important! Before you start preparing the solution, you should thoroughly clean the container so that no traces of other products remain in it.

Vineyard processing works are performed in dry weather in the morning. The sprayer should be held in the direction of the wind so that the drug does not fall on a person, especially in the respiratory organs. Fungicide treatment is carried out in a protective suit and using a respirator and rubber gloves. Harvesting is possible only 2-3 weeks after processing.

Each time a fresh solution should be prepared; the diluted form of the drug is not stored. The consumption of the drug is approximately 100-150 ml / sq. m.

Interesting fact. If it rains the next day after treatment, do not re-process. Since immediately after spraying, a film forms on the bushes, which will provide protection against diseases.

Vineyards should be processed according to a certain scheme:

  1. First, preventive spraying is carried out in early spring, when the first 4 leaves appear on the plants;
  2. The next two treatments are carried out at intervals of 2 weeks;
  3. 2 weeks after flowering, the grape bushes are processed again.

During processing, all parts of the plant (leaves, stems) should be equally moistened. It is undesirable to allow the solution to drain onto the ground.

Good storage tips

There are no special rules for storing the drug, everything is according to the instructions supplied with the sale. It is also important that the product does not burn, so no special fire safety rules are required.

Ridomil Gold MC packing

Here are some helpful tips from experienced gardeners:

  1. Storage conditions must be respected, even though the drug tolerates various temperatures well;
  2. Do not store the substance in bags outside the premises. The room where the drug will lie should be in a dry, well-ventilated area;
  3. Do not store packages with the drug in residential areas, especially if there are animals and children in them.

The product is stored for three days, while all its useful properties are preserved.

Compatibility with other drugs

The manufacturer does not recommend mixing the drug Ridomil for grapes with other agents, especially fungicides that have an alkaline reaction. In some cases, the joint use of Ridomil and agents with an acidic and neutral reaction is allowed.

As you can see, when choosing funds for treating vineyards from various fungal diseases, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons and assess the appropriateness of use for a particular case. Also, when using any chemicals, it is important to follow all safety rules.