Growers often face a problem: they planted grapes in May, but they do not grow, why is this happening? There may be several reasons, but before studying them, one should refer to the planting rules and the growth characteristics of newly planted seedlings and transplanted grape bushes.

Features of planting and growth of grapes

Planting grapes in a permanent place in all regions of viticulture should be at a depth of more than 50 cm. Roots growing close to the surface of the earth (dew) are removed in the first year. This technique is called catarovka and stimulates the spread of the root system inward, from where the plant extracts nutrients and moisture.

Important! The deeper the roots go, the stronger the bush develops.

The answer to the question of why grapes grow poorly lies in this feature. Cuttings over two years old are poorly rooted and may not grow.

Planting grapes

After planting seedlings and transplanting adult bushes, it takes at least one month to form new roots. Slow growth begins after 3-4 weeks. By the end of August, the vine has completed its development and is covered with a crust. By this time, the shoots grow 1.2-1.5 m, then they stop lengthening and prepare for winter.

What to do if the grapes should already start growing, but there is no growth

It is necessary to plant grapes with healthy one-year or two-year seedlings. It is important at what temperature and humidity they were stored during the winter. They are stored at 3-4 ° C and 75-85% relative humidity.

Attention! Before planting, the planting material is kept in water for 1 day, then in the root formation stimulator Kornevin or Radifarm for 3-6 hours.

If grapes grow poorly, what to do? In poorly developing bushes, the leaves are small, whitish (chlorosis), the vines are weak, the internodes are short. If these signs are found in the vineyard, measures should be taken to regulate soil conditions:

· Water regime;

· Air breathing;

· Availability of batteries.

One of the reasons why grapes do not develop is a lack of moisture. In the first month after planting, watering is carried out 1 time in 6-7 days with a volume of 12-15 liters of water per bush. The stalk is in a recess - a planting trench or pit. The land around is mulched with humus, straw or sawdust to save moisture.

Watering the grapes

Another reason for the lack of growth of grape plantings is poor soil permeability to atmospheric air. Since the grapes are planted deeply, try to make holes with a shovel handle, crowbar or pointed stick near the roots. This procedure is repeated several times until the end of the summer. Maiden grapes may not develop due to soil overconsolidation.

Attention!It is important to make pits for planting grapes in advance. They are dug to a depth of 70-80 cm, drainage is laid on the bottom in the form of small pebbles, broken bricks, a mixture of garden soil, humus and sand is poured on top of it in equal proportions. Why such serious preparation? This will provide moisture and breathability for the roots.

Young bushes often lack nutrients. At the end of the first month after planting, vegetative growth is stimulated by foliar dressing. The bushes are sprayed with Reasil. After two weeks, feeding is repeated. In total, 3-4 dressings are given per season. At the end of summer, the stepsons are removed and the tops are minted.

Fertilizer for grapes

So, in order for the grapes to start and begin to grow well after planting or transplanting, they should provide a sufficient planting depth, the volume of irrigation water, air access to the roots and enhanced mineral nutrition through the leaf apparatus.