Most people associate raspberries with the same name - raspberry color. But modern breeders have developed an amazing variety - the Orange Miracle raspberry. Some gardeners consider this raspberry a real 8 wonder of the world. And all because its berries have completely non-standard golden yellow or orange shades.

The orange miracle is a real masterpiece of domestic selection

The orange miracle is a real masterpiece of domestic selection

Few know, but this variety of raspberries was created by domestic breeders in Bryansk.


Raspberry Orange Miracle is a remontant plant. It gives two harvests during the season: the first in July on the shoots of last year, and the second - from the beginning of August, on fresh ones. It is in the fall that the gardener can harvest up to 70% of the crop. The yield of fresh shoots is also higher because, due to their freshness, they are not damaged by pests.

Raspberry bush Orange, or Yellow, miracle grows to a height of 2 meters. It is certainly not a giant yet, but the size of the plant inspires respect. Shoots are compact and, unlike some other varieties, grow rather slowly: during the year, on average, no more than eight pieces are formed.

This remontant variety has thorns. They are located throughout the stem. The foliage has a bright green saturated color and small teeth at the edges of the leaves

The berries of the raspberry Orange miracle are quite large, conical in shape, their length reaches 4 centimeters, and their weight is about 8 g. With good and timely care and appropriate weather and climatic conditions, some fruits weigh 12 grams. Up to 4 kg of ripe berries are harvested from one shrub per season.

The fruits are dense, their drupes do not disintegrate, which indicates that the berry tolerates transportation well. The variety belongs to mid-season, ripening of berries (fruiting) is protracted. The latter characteristic is the reason why the planting of this variety of raspberries is practically not carried out in large horticultural farms.

But in the conditions of ordinary household plots, the Orange Miracle is quite widespread.

The benefits of this amazing orange variety will be called by every gardener:

  • decent yield indicator;
  • keeping quality and transportability of ripe berries;
  • overripe berries firmly hold on to their cuttings and rarely fall off;
  • long life cycle (without loss of varietal qualities) - up to fifteen years;
  • rich and bright raspberry flavor of berries with a slight sourness.

Interesting. Not many people know, but the color and flavor characteristics of raspberries Orange Miracle directly depend on the weather. If in the summer there are a large number of sunny and warm days, the berries will be rich orange and sweet, and if the summer is cloudy and rainy, the raspberries will turn out to be pale yellow, with a pronounced sourness in the taste of the berries.

Berries of this variety can be of two colors

Berries of this variety can be of two colors

Experts recommend harvesting early in the morning, before the dew is dry. The berries should be picked together with the stalks. This way they will be better stored and easier to transport.

Based on the description of the raspberry variety Orange Miracle, one can make a completely logical conclusion that the plant is quite unpretentious, but caring for the berry culture still has some nuances.


The cultivation of a variety, the height of the shrubs of which is up to 2 meters, must be carried out without fail in the southern part of the garden plot in a perfectly lit place.Raspberry Orange miracle loves warmth and sunshine. Landings must be reliably protected from winds. For this reason, the variety is often planted around the perimeter of the fence or directly near the wall of a house or other structure.

There are no special wishes for the soil. But many years of gardening practice clearly shows that loam is best suited. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral. If the soil is highly acidic, you can lower this indicator by adding a certain amount of dolomite flour to the soil.

Note! To activate the growth of root shoots, it is recommended to cut through the central part. After this manipulation, up to 20 excellent seedlings are obtained.

Planting the Orange Miracle variety can be done in one of 3 ways:

  1. Kustovoy. With this type of planting, the bushes are placed at the corners of a conditional square with sides from 1 to one and a half m;
  2. Tape. Such a planting involves planting bushes in several parallel lines with a distance between them of at least one and a half meters. The distance between individual seedlings can vary from 60 cm to 1 m;
  3. Private. In this case, the rows of seedlings are placed one from another at a distance of 1.5 to two meters. Within the row itself, an average distance of at least half a meter is maintained.

Most often, the Orange Miracle is propagated by young cuttings, which should be planted either in autumn or spring.

Seeds are also acceptable. But it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to preserve the grade and its features.

Reproduction of raspberries by seeds is extremely rare.

Reproduction of raspberries by seeds is extremely rare.

Variety care

Like all other remontant species, the Orange Miracle raspberry expects a very specific care. It is not possible to describe all the features of this process within the framework of one article, but it is simply necessary to identify especially significant points.


Raspberry Sorts Orange miracle is hygrophilous. Watering the bushes must be done with a small amount of water, but at short time intervals. After the procedure, it is recommended to gently loosen the soil to a depth of no more than 5 cm, carefully avoiding the roots of the plant. The described manipulation will improve the process of water absorption, the shrub will receive water in the required amount, the ripening period of the berries will decrease, and the fruits themselves will grow larger and sweeter.

It is not recommended to abuse it with watering, it can lead to decay of the roots and damage to the berries with gray rot. The best option for the Orange Miracle is sprinkler or drip irrigation. There is also a simpler option - to pour water into pre-dug grooves along the perimeter of the shrubs at a short distance from them.

Important! It is not allowed to pour water into the base of the bush. The water jet can expose the root system, especially if it is close to the surface.

Top dressing

Another important component of the Orange Miracle raspberry care is top dressing. As a remontant variety, it especially favors nitrogen, and in rather large quantities.

Thus, an infusion of ordinary cow dung will be an ideal fertilizer for the described variety, since it is a natural, natural source of nitrogen.

This variety of raspberries, unlike most others, consumes much more nutrients from the soil, as a result of which soil depletion occurs especially quickly. In addition to nitrogen fertilization, the land for planting the Orange Miracle also needs potassium and phosphorus-containing additives.

Usually plants are fed in several successive stages throughout the season:

  1. In early spring, as soon as all the snow melts, the soil is carefully loosened, in parallel adding manure or humus, potassium nitrate and granules of double superphosphate to it. After laying the fertilizer, the soil is watered abundantly;
  2. In early June, it is time to water raspberries with an infusion of manure, bird droppings, dandelion leaves or nettles. Top dressing is quite simple to prepare. Pre-prepared raw materials are placed in a relatively warm place for several days (4 days is usually enough). Then the contents of the container are thoroughly mixed and diluted with water 1 to 8. It is enough to pour about two liters of the composition onto one bush;
  3. In July, the Orange Miracle is traditionally fed with specialized fertilizers for raspberries of complex action, like Kemir or Ekofosk. The procedure can be repeated closer to September;
  4. The final enrichment of the soil is carried out after the harvest. In a bucket of water, 30 g of superphosphate is diluted with 20 g of potassium nitrate. Each bush will require no more than 5 liters of a thoroughly mixed solution. If the fall is rainy, dry fertilization is allowed.


As for pruning a shrub, this procedure for the remontant variety Orange Miracle is easier than in the case of an ordinary berry. Shoots should be cut as close to the ground as possible. At the end of fruiting at the very end of the season, annual shoots are cut off. The height of the stumps should be minimal.

Correctly cut raspberries can significantly increase the yield for the next year.

Correctly cut raspberries can significantly increase the yield for the next year.

On a note. You should not rush to pruning, the plant can be processed even with frost.

The second mandatory pruning of raspberries is done in early spring. It is required to remove frozen or broken branches from the bush. In addition to this, it is allowed to pinch the top of the plant a little (no more than 10-15 cm) - this will contribute to the mass fruiting. But the latter will come a little later than usual.

Pest control

Particular attention in the process of caring for raspberries should be paid to the destruction of pests and diseases. In the case of the Orange Wonder, we are talking about the following possible issues that need to be addressed:

  • bushy dwarfism;
  • chlorosis;
  • rot;
  • common aphid;
  • raspberry beetle.

Since both the diseases themselves and the fight against them are typical for all varieties of raspberry bushes, it makes no sense to dwell on treatment issues.

Any diseases of raspberries are easier to eliminate at the initial stage of development.

Any diseases of raspberries are easier to eliminate at the initial stage of development.

Raspberry Yellow miracle is in high demand among consumers, despite the fact that the cost of such a raspberry on the market is slightly higher (due to its non-standard appearance and excellent taste characteristics). But finding it on sale is not so easy. Despite the popularity of the variety in narrow circles, the berry in our country has not yet received widespread distribution.