Gooseberries are a favorite berry of gardeners and gardeners, but the presence of thorns seriously complicates the harvesting process. In 1995, scientists from the South Ural National Research Institute, by selection, bred a new gooseberry variety - Commander. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of thorns. The new variety has maintained high yields. Sometimes you can also find such a name for this variety - Cardinal gooseberry. Gardeners and gardeners are familiar with the Komandor gooseberry variety under a different name - Vladil.

Gooseberry fruit Vladil

Gooseberry fruit Vladil

Characteristics of the variety

Consider which gooseberry Commander has a description of the variety.

Characteristics of gooseberry Vladil

Shrub optionsThe height of the bush is medium, the absence of thorns, dense and slightly spreading branches.
Leaves are dense, large to medium in size. The surface of the leaves is glossy. Arranged alternately. The petiole is long, the thickness is medium.
Fetal parametersBerry of medium and large size (weight - 5-7 grams), round. Color - dark red. After full ripening, the fruits become almost black in color.
Average number of seeds.
Thin-skinned, smooth fruits.
The taste is sweet and sour.
The pulp is juicy.
Fresh berries are stored for 5-7 days.
Frost resistanceWinter-hardy plant variety. Differs in high resistance to low temperature conditions.
YieldHarvested in June. From one shrub - up to 7 kilograms of berries.
BloomMid May. The size of the flower is medium, yellow.

Thornless gooseberry Commander has low transportability. It is highly resistant to powdery mildew and minimally susceptible to fungal infection. Gooseberry Vladil description of the rules of care is presented below.

Gooseberry bush Commander

Gooseberry bush Commander

How to grow a gooseberry Commander

Sapling selection

When selecting gooseberry seedlings Commander, you should pay attention to:

  1. The state of the root system - it must be developed and healthy;
  2. The seedling must be at least 1 year old and not older than 2 years;
  3. The number of shoots is 3-4;
  4. Sapling height - from 25 centimeters.


When breeding the Commander gooseberry, it is important to choose the right landing site. Finding a quiet and sunny place is a must. Moderately acidic soil is required. The variety does not need abundant watering. Avoid planting shrubs in wetlands or lowlands where excess moisture is present.

Important! It is necessary, if possible, complete silence, no drafts.

Planting instructions

The ideal time is early spring (before the sapling leaves open) or mid-October. This is due to the fact that the shrub must have time to take root before the onset of the active growth phase or the first frosts. Planting a seedling is a responsible task, the roots of the plant must be soaked for a day in a solution of potassium humate.

Before planting, it is recommended to process the slices with Bordeaux mixture. This will help prevent the development of such a problem as drying of the stems (manifested in the drying and cracking of the bark).

Remember! A diseased plant can no longer be saved. Therefore, it is better to prevent the possibility of its occurrence.

Important! Properly prepare the shrub for planting. The sapling should be cut, no more than 5 buds should be left.

When planting the Commander gooseberry bushes in a row, a distance of 1.5 meters should be observed. The landing pit is prepared in advance. The minimum size is 40 by 40 centimeters, and the depth is 60 centimeters.The pit should be filled 2/4 with a planting mixture, which consists of humus, superphosphate, potassium sulfate and limestone. To prevent contact of the root system with fertilizers, a layer of soil is covered. Further, a seedling is installed in the pit, the roots are straightened and covered with earth. Then you should water the bush abundantly.


Consider the main rules for caring for a young seedling:

  1. Regular hilling. Gooseberry Vladil loves loose soil. Due to this, the soil is better enriched with oxygen, which improves its access to the root system. With regular loosening of the soil, weeds are destroyed;
  2. Regular watering. In dry climates, it is recommended to water once a week. With an insufficient level of moisture, the plant is not able to grow fully. However, remember that this shrub does not like excessive moisture;
  3. Regular fertilization. Fertilizing with minerals is necessary for the rapid growth of shrubs. The Komandor variety requires three feeding times: at the time of the appearance of the first leaves, at the time of flowering and the setting of the first ovaries of berries;
  4. Pruning or shaping a bush. Variety Vladil should be pruned from the second year. The procedure should be repeated twice a year: in spring and autumn. For gooseberries, you should use one of two pruning methods: trellis and standard. With the trellis method, gooseberries will bear fruit well and live longer. The second option looks more aesthetically pleasing, the bush is formed in the shape of a tree, this method reduces the life of the plant;
  5. Preparing for the winter period. The variety is frost hardy, so it does not need additional cover. However, it is still worth preparing the plant for the cold weather. Near the bush, it is necessary to thoroughly loosen the ground and cover the topsoil with peat or humus. Each gardener can decide for himself whether to cover the shrub or not. In case of reinsurance, you can cover the plant with agrospan.

Gooseberry Commander is resistant to problems such as sawfly or the development of fungal diseases. However, it can be affected by a pest such as aphids. Decis solution, treatment with wood ash or tobacco solution will help to combat it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

A number of advantages and almost no disadvantages have led to the popularity of the Komandor gooseberry variety among gardeners and truck farmers. Firstly, it is the convenience of harvesting, namely the almost complete absence of thorns on the branches of the bush. Thin and weak needles are found only at the base of the bush. Gooseberry Admiral description is significantly different. First of all, the Admiral has large and sharp thorns, he is very prickly.

Berries are suitable not only for fresh consumption, they can be frozen, used for making jelly, compotes and preservation.

Gooseberry Commander, bush

Gooseberry Commander, bush

The undoubted advantage is long-term fruiting of the shrub and high productivity. The fruits ripen at different times (gradually), this allows you to feast on them for a long time. For a season, one bush can be harvested up to 6 kilograms of fruit. With average values ​​for gooseberries - 4-5 kg ​​per season.

On a note. The Vladil gooseberry variety is highly resistant to diseases and parasites, which makes it much easier to care for it.

Ease of care is also manifested in the absence of the need to wrap up the shrub for the winter. It perfectly tolerates 25 degrees of frost. Therefore, in regions where a temperate climate prevails, it does not need additional shelter.

With all the advantages, gooseberries have some disadvantages. First of all, experienced gardeners and truck farmers highlight its low transportability. The seedlings do not tolerate transportation well, and there is a risk that the plant may die when transplanted to new soil.

Secondly, the difficulty of choosing a landing site. With an incorrectly selected section of soil, gooseberries may not take root or bear fruit poorly.

With all its resistance to various diseases and parasites, the Komandor gooseberry variety is not resistant to leaf spot and aphid attacks.With improper care, non-compliance with the irrigation schedule and the absence of hilling the land, you should not expect a large yield.

Inexperienced gardeners note among the shortcomings the sour taste of the skin and the short shelf life of fresh berries. However, this disadvantage is caused by improper care.

Remember. Watering the bush should be stopped two weeks before the expected harvest date.

Gooseberry Commander picking berries

Gooseberry Commander picking berries

Choose the harvest period based on how it will be used. For the use of fresh berries, cooking jam from them, you should collect the already fully ripe fruits. Of these fruits, gooseberry jam is especially tasty. If long-term transportation or long-term storage is required, berries should be picked immature.

Interesting. To increase the shelf life, do not pick wet berries. If it rained the day before, you should wait until the fruits are completely dry. You need to pick berries with stalks.