The sweet taste and rich aroma of strawberries are impossible to resist. But it is very upsetting that it bears fruit for a very short time. Sometimes you just do not have time to eat enough berries. Fortunately, breeders have managed to solve this problem. Molling Pandora strawberries will delight the gardener with their fruits when other varieties have already "gone into hibernation".

The history of the creation of the variety

Hydride was recently developed in the UK. The breeders for crossing have chosen the varieties: "Fragaria" and "Ananassa". The resulting hybrid inherited their best qualities from the "parents", thanks to which the variety quickly gained popularity all over the world.

Important! Pandora strawberries are characterized by good resistance to cold weather, so they can be cultivated in central Russia.

Pandora strawberry

Characteristics of the variety

Strawberry Moling Pandora has small, compact bushes. Each grows up to 20 cm. To protect it from overheating in the sun, the plant has a large number of leaves. They are wrinkled and have a light green color; when cold weather appears, the color changes to darker or even brown.

Thin peduncles are located under the foliage. After the berries ripen, they sink to the ground. The fruits are large in size, weighing on average 30-60 grams. The parameters of the berry directly depend on the conditions of its cultivation.

The fruits are round in shape without the usual elongated tip. The bright red flesh has a firm texture. Tiny seeds are located in small dimples in the skin. Varietal strawberries ripen late. The berries are harvested in late July to early September. They differ in the richness of the juice, although this feature does not interfere with the transport of fruits over long distances.

Pandora strawberry fruit

This species is also distinguished by its excellent taste and pleasant aroma of wild strawberries. Sweet berry has a slight sourness. The hybrid does not belong to remontant varieties, that is, this plant does not bloom again. Despite this, the variety has a bountiful harvest. Each bush is capable of producing up to 500 grams of berries.

Important! The presentation of strawberries is well preserved. The variety is suitable for commercial cultivation.

The Pandora strawberry described above suggests a hybrid can be used for a variety of needs. The berry will be good for making jams, compotes and juices, as well as for fresh consumption. Decorating desserts with this large strawberry always looks amazing.


Seedlings for planting

The variety is easy to grow on the site. But all efforts will be wasted if a bad seedling was chosen for planting. When buying a plant, you should pay special attention to its appearance.

If the roots of the bush are damaged, then you do not need to buy it. Such a plant will not take root in a new place. Spots on the leaves indicate that the bush is not healthy. Most likely, it is affected by a fungus. The ideal seedling has an intact, non-dried root system that looks like a large brown ball.


The number of solid, solid leaves on it does not exceed 3-4 pieces. Excess greenery on the plant will slow down its growth because more moisture is required. If the seedling has no leaves at all, then this indicates its weakness. Such a plant will grow very slowly.

Local nurseries or nurseries are preferred. This way you can be sure that the right variety has been purchased. The plant can be purchased from local gardeners, but on condition that they are sure that their seedlings will not bring diseases or pests into the ground.

Landing features

At the beginning of work, a certain algorithm of actions is performed.

Planting strawberries

It is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • Choosing a landing site. It should be sunny, without drafts. Choose southeastern plots in your garden. The groundwater level does not exceed 1 meter, otherwise the roots of the seedling will rot due to high humidity;
  • Soil preparation. Before planting, the earth is dug up and leveled. The variety does not like weeds. After that, fertilizers are applied. As such, organic substances are used: compost or manure. Sand and clay are diluted in water. For this, they are taken in equal quantities. The result should be a slurry to which organic matter is added in a ratio of 20: 1. Also, the soil can be fertilized with nitrogen;
  • Planting seedlings. To move the shrub to a new permanent location, use a mulch film or a straw "mattress". Strawberries are not planted in open ground. If a film is used, then it is pulled over the entire area. The “mattress” is formed by laying straw on the ground after it has been dug up and fertilized. Then holes for seedlings are made in the coating. Plant roots should be in the upper layers;
  • Watering the seedling.

Important! The hybrid needs pollination. At such a time, other varieties of strawberries do not bloom, so strawberries are grown next to the plantings.

Culture care

Strawberries love water. During the fruiting period, watering is carried out every 3 days. The roots of the plant are located in the upper layers of the soil, so as not to damage them, they use drip irrigation. You can also water with a garden watering can with a fine sieve.

During the fruiting period, the land must be fed with potassium and phosphorus. Ammonia fertilizers are well suited for these purposes. The solution with beneficial substances should not get on the foliage, otherwise the plant will receive a chemical burn. All manipulations with the plant (watering and feeding) should be performed early in the morning or after sunset, when the foliage is not exposed to sunlight.

Strawberry care

Also, don't forget that strawberries don't like weeds. They must be removed periodically. You can only wipe the paths between the rows so as not to damage the roots of the seedling.

In central Russia, before the onset of cold weather, the bushes are covered with insulation made of mulch or straw, so that frosts do not destroy the roots. In the south, strawberries can survive the winter without additional protection.

Important! Any strawberry variety bears fruit in one place for a maximum of 4 years. After that, the plant should be transplanted to a new location.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The hybrid has interesting features in comparison with its "congeners".

Summer residents distinguish the following advantages from strawberries:

  • late fruiting, allowing you to feast on the berry in the second half of summer;
  • large juicy fruits with a pleasant taste;
  • transportability of the variety;
  • resistance to light frost;
  • bountiful harvest.

A bountiful harvest is the main advantage of the variety

There are few downsides to culture, but they are still there.

Among them are the following:

  • the variety needs additional pollination;
  • in a rainy summer, you can be left without a crop, since the flower stalks are very low, they almost lie on the ground.

Fungal infections, in particular powdery mildew, can pose a danger to the hybrid. If the plant is damaged, then it will have to be sprayed with a fungicidal solution (for example, copper sulfate). Affected leaves and stems will have to be cut off.

To get rid of such problems, fertilizers should be applied to the beds in time, which will increase the resistance of Pandora strawberries to diseases. This will provide a delicious bountiful harvest of your favorite berries.